Linguistique Imaginaire
Recent papers in Linguistique Imaginaire
séduisants, providentiels, agaçants : les points de suspension laissent rarement indifférent. mais que nous dit ce signe exactement ? Pourquoi l’emploie-t-on ? Depuis quand ? Et où ? Pourquoi faire le choix, curieux, de dire tout en ne... more
Malaysians of various ethnic origins have used standard British English (SBrE) in both its spoken and written variants in the postcolonial era but current globalisation discourses appear to be increasingly colonised by American English,... more
Malaysians of various ethnic origins have used standard British English (SBrE) in both its spoken and written variants in the postcolonial era but current globalisation discourses appear to be increasingly colonised by American English,... more
El presente artículo busca echar luz sobre la mentalidad de los autores castellanos puristas de los siglos XVI y XVII, mediante el análisis de las representaciones (imágenes, metáforas, ideas) asociadas con la lengua bella y pura, en el... more
[ENG] I would like to try a quite simple but much needed experiment by introducing new considerations concerning the theory and practice of translation. In this way, we will attempt to develop new reflections on how to compare language... more