English and American Studies
Recent papers in English and American Studies
Статья посвящена актуальным проблемам изучения сленга. В статье описаны результаты анализа использования сленга американскими учащимися старшей школы, их родителями и учителями в возрастном, гендерном, ситуативном и эмоциональном аспектах... more
sity (USU), I was entirely unfamiliar with the idea of undergraduate research. Although I was adept at literary analysis and criticism, as far as empirical research was concerned, I knew nothing. In my mind, research was something that... more
The character of this interesting monograph is best captured (or should we say “alluded to”?) by its somewhat catchy subtitle: this is not yet another history of the emergence and character of Canadian English (CanE); there are plenty,... more
A jelen munka nem kevesebbre vállalkozik, mint arra, hogy címszavak köré csoportosítva megismertesse az olvasóval a mai angol nyelv legkurrensebb idiómáit és közmondásait. Ha az adott kifejezés amerikanizmusnak számít - tehát leginkább... more
Brief Extracts on I have a dream by Martin Luther King Junior
Analysis of Syntactic structures in AAVE, the dangers of angauge reclamation, and the impact of conversation/shift of perspective the United States today -"all up in my grill" "ain't nobody got time for that"... more
This study aims at analysing the differences between two lexicological databases for English language, the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and the British National Corpus (BNC). Taking as a starting point the lexemes LEARN... more
This work however, is presented from a different perspective. It does not see English as only one of several languages that emerged from Germanic heritage, grew into a distinguished culture, and spread its influence by global expansion,... more
Praise by Peter Trudgill: "For this brilliantly researched book, Stefan Dollinger bravely ventured to parts of the archives other scholars had never reached. He emerged with the fascinating story of how the "Lennon & McCartney of Canadian... more
This article analyses Philip Roth's The Human Stain (2000), alongside Zadie Smith's On Beauty (2005), as campus novels that respond to wider socio-political issues. In particular, both texts reflect racial anxiety on the American campus... more
""" Slam poetry, which first came into being in Chicago in 1986 as a competitive form of performance poetry, is only the latest development in a series of poetry movements in the United States that radically turned away from the... more
This essay offers a personal, quasi-lyrical portrait of Arif Dirlik as an organic world-crossing Marxist intellectual whose mentorship and leadership proved crucial to a cross-disciplinary array of scholars and writers, including the... more
Considering slavery and freedom in relation to the question of recovery and the archive invites inquiry into what is to be recovered and under what conditions. 1 This serious provocation gestures toward the promise of recovery yet sets... more
If you aced the American Civilization Course (ACC-X), The American Studies Research centre rewarded you with an all-expenses paid 6 week resident fellowship at the centre in the woods of Osmania University campus in Hyderabad, India, to... more
Η εργασία έχει θέμα την συγκριτική προσέγγιση της αλληγορικής ερμηνείας των Ομηρικών Επών Ιλιάς και Οδύσσεια από τους Στωϊκούς και τους Νεοπλατωνικούς φιλοσόφους αντίστοιχα, με ενδεικτικές κειμενικές αναφορές σε έργα των Κορνούτου,... more
In this article we explore the narrative features of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. This work is considered to be one of the most controversial in relation to the author's design and description of the characters. Until... more
Language and power have been interlinked and are noticeable in the form of presence of languages like English, French and Spanish in different countries around the world due to rules of British, French and Spanish colonies. The colonial... more
Malaysians of various ethnic origins have used standard British English (SBrE) in both its spoken and written variants in the postcolonial era but current globalisation discourses appear to be increasingly colonised by American English,... more
Nel XVIII secolo, la società dell’America coloniale era fortemente gerarchizzata e in molti soffrivano questa condizione. Il Grande Risveglio accese in loro speranze di rivalsa e nuove consapevolezze che, più tardi, sarebbero detonate... more
Resumo: O autor modernista Raul Leal (1886-1964) inicia em 1909 a sua atividade crítica nos campos da literatura, artes plásticas e música, com o lançamento da sua primeira obra A "Apassionáta" de Beethoven e Viâna da Móta, não havia... more
C'est deux ans après la publication de son ultime roman, Route des Indes, qui est aussi son chef-d'œuvre, que E. M. Forster donna au Trinity College de Cambridge la série de conférences dont Aspects du roman reproduit la quintessence. Pas... more
https://open.upress.virginia.edu/projects/the-american-revolution-and-the-habsburg-monarchy In 1783, the Peace of Paris treaties famously concluded the American Revolution. However, the Revolution could have come to an end two years... more
ABSTRACT In light of the United States' 2011 declaration of an economic and military policy refocus-ing on the Asia-Pacific region, Kuan-Hsing Chen's argument for Asia as method can be expanded in Asian American critique to consider Asia... more
Sir Francis Drake is a commonly investigated person of the 16 th century whose characteristic features and motivations along with his deeds are shrouded in mystery.
Traduire le théâtre, c’est se projeter sur une scène, dans le corps des acteurs. C’est aussi partir de son propre corps pour trouver les mots qui créeront du jeu, et faire l’expérience de sa place, parfois instable, dans une communauté.... more
Winner of the 2018 Advancement of Knowledge Award from the Conference on College Composition and Communication Winner of the 2018 Lavender Rhetorics Book Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship from the Conference on College... more
We all know that there is such a thing as British English; it is the progenitor of all subsequent "Englishes" (as professional linguists awkwardly call national and sub-regional varieties of the English language) in the world. And we do,... more
The English translation for the word Besa is "faith". The personal code of honor established by the Albanian culture emanated deeply within the people who lived within its borders, and for this reason, both civilian and government... more
A presente edição da Revista Muitas Vozes abre espaço para reflexões teórico-analíticas sobre Literatura e cultura em Língua Inglesa, fórum de discussões que, indubitavelmente, ocupa espaço de destaque na esfera sociocultural há várias... more
This book, which sprang from collaborative effort, marks a tendency in the limelight of humanitarian scholarship in recent decades: the tendency to look at phenomena in language and literature from a broader cultural perspective. It put... more
Digital Pedagogy in American Studies, Thematic Issue. Edited by Ingrid Gessner and Uwe Küchler. American Studies Journal 70 (2020). Web. 28 Dec. 2020.
Frames and Framing in Documentary Comics explores how graphic narratives reframe global crises while also interrogating practices of fact-finding. An analog print phenomenon in an era shaped by digitalization, documentary comics... more