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This paper presents the model of a fuel cell and the design and simulation of a cascade of two DC-DC converters. First, a detailed mathematical model of fuel cell is presented and simulated. Then, a nonlinear model of the whole controlled... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyFuel CellsPassivity-Based Control
The traditional quadcopter control systems should deal with two common problems. Namely, the singularities related to the inverse kinematics and the ambiguity linked to the quaternion representation of the dynamic model. Moreover, the... more
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      IntegralQuadrotorBackstepping Controlgeometric
Resumen-En este trabajo se analiza la estabilidad utilizando métodos de energía en forma general y como aplicación se analiza la estabilidad de una barra delgada finita sujeta en los extremos. Se obtendrán las condiciones de estabilidad... more
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We consider the motion of a point particle (billiard) in a uniform gravitational field constrained to move in a symmetric wedge-shaped region. The billiard is reflected at the wedge boundary. The phase space of the system naturally... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsStatistical PhysicsGravityMathematical Sciences
Resumen-En este trabajo se analiza la estabilidad utilizando métodos de energía en forma general y como aplicación se analiza la estabilidad de una barra delgada finita sujeta en los extremos. Se obtendrán las condiciones de estabilidad... more
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      MathematicalStochastic differential equationLyapunov functionNumerical Solution
The Inverted Pendulum is one of the most important classical problems of Control Engineering. Broom Balancing (Inverted Pendulum, pole on a cart) is a well known example of nonlinear, unstable control problem. The basic control objective... more
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      MathematicsFuzzy LogicControl EngineeringKey words
In this paper discusses the different methods to analyze the stability in general and as an application we analyze the stability using energy methods in finite thin rod fixed at the ends.The stability conditions for a finite fixed rod Are... more
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Bu çalışmada titreşim sönümleme sistemleri için yeni bir “Model Erişimli Gürbüz Kontrol” kuralı tanımlanmış ve bir raylı taşıta uygulanmıştır. Raylı taşıt süspansiyon sistemine sırasıyla PID Kontrol, ‘Model Erişimli Uyarlamalı Kontrol’ ve... more
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Abstract. In this Letter we have studied the behavior of the Fast-Lyapunov Indicators for various attractors of the Gumowski-Mira map. It was observed that the Fast-Lyapunov indicators show a typical type of behavior for different kinds... more
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This paper is devoted to studying both the global and local stability of dynamical neural networks. In particular, it has focused on nonlinear neural networks with perturbation. Properties relating to asymptotic and exponential stability... more
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    • Lyapunov
This paper presents a formal framework for business process modeling and analysis using partially ordered transition Decision Process Petri nets (DPPN). The advantage of this approach is its ability to represent the dynamic behavior of... more
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      Information TechnologyStrategic PlanningMarkov Decision ProcessBusiness Strategy
This paper studies an approximate dynamic programming (ADP) strategy of a group of nonlinear switched systems, where the external disturbances are considered. The neural network (NN) technique is regarded to estimate the unknown part of... more
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      Adaptive Dynamic ProgrammingLyapunovHJB equation
Resumen. En este artículo se estudia la dinámica global del modelo de Evasión-Inmune presentado por Arciero, Jackson y Kirschner [1], el cual describe la interacción entre células efectoras, células cancerígenas y las citocinas IL − 2 y T... more
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      CancerSistemas Y ComputacionLyapunov
... In the post-Stalin period, however, revisionists such as AA Zimin argued that although pretenders such as the First False Dimitry were them ... this approach to the phenomenon of pre-tence was provided, after Stalin's death, in... more
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      FolkloreRussianPopular CultureMagic
En este artículo se presenta el modelado y análisis de un sistema de teloperación bilateral no lineal de n grados de libertad controlado por convergencia de estado. Se considera que el operador humano aplica una fuerza constante sobre el... more
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      TeleoperationStabilityNonlinear ControlLyapunov