Diplomsko delo popisuje in razčlenjuje zgodovino študentskih gibanj v Sloveniji. Poleg začetnih poglavij, ki zaobjemajo študentsko gibanje v 20. stoletju, se osrednji del koncentrira na sodobno zgodovino 21. stoletja, v čas oživljanja... more
Diplomsko delo popisuje in razčlenjuje zgodovino študentskih gibanj v Sloveniji. Poleg začetnih poglavij, ki zaobjemajo študentsko gibanje v 20. stoletju, se osrednji del koncentrira na sodobno zgodovino 21. stoletja, v čas oživljanja študentskih bojev. Eden poglavitnih dejavnikov sodobne zgodovine, ki v veliki meri določa zadnje desetletje, je zagotovo ekonomska kriza, na katero so se vladajoče politike odzvale z varčevanjem in rezanjem sredstev za visoko šolstvo. V diplomsko delo sem umestil ključne zgodovinske trenutke in etape študentskega organiziranja, ki zaobjemajo študentsko aktivacijo proti visokošolskemu zakonu v letu 2007, boj proti zakonu o malem delu, ustanovitev Fronte prekercev, zasedbo Filozofske fakultete ter ustanovitev in delovanje organizacije Iskra, ki je nadaljevala boj proti nadaljnjemu varčevanju in organizirala odpor proti ZVIS-u leta 2014.
Time is the key factor in brain survivability in acute stroke treatment.1The therapeutic effects of intravenous recombinant tissue Plasminogen Activator (IV rtPA) are highly dependent on time.1-3 Stroke patients presenting within the... more
Time is the key factor in brain survivability in acute stroke treatment.1The therapeutic effects of intravenous recombinant tissue Plasminogen Activator (IV rtPA) are highly dependent on time.1-3 Stroke patients presenting within the first 60 minutes, or the golden hour, are the most likely to benefit from recanalization therapy.1-3 Thus, making rapid clinical and imaging evaluation of stroke patients of upmost importance and very difficult to complete within the golden hour time window. Based on Get with the Guidelines-Stroke Program (April 2003 to October 2009), less than one-third of patients treated with IV rtPA have door-to-needle times of less than 60 minutes.
В тексте идет о речь о особенностях преподавания источниковедения для этнографов в Московском университете. Дается беглый обзор метода "двойной матрицы", разработанного С.П. Поляковым, а также метода "сплошного кратографирования с помощью... more
В тексте идет о речь о особенностях преподавания источниковедения для этнографов в Московском университете. Дается беглый обзор метода "двойной матрицы", разработанного С.П. Поляковым, а также метода "сплошного кратографирования с помощью бланка-анкеты" М.В. Витова. Автор проводит параллели с процессами, происходившими в то же время в западной антропологической мысли.
42-page list of useful TITLES, ALL with LINKS, improved, unformatted. Attention online. 300 (+) Most often downloaded articles on environmental science, ecology, biology, lots of publications of Moscow University; full texts, files are... more
42-page list of useful TITLES, ALL with LINKS, improved, unformatted. Attention online. 300 (+) Most often downloaded articles on environmental science, ecology, biology, lots of publications of Moscow University; full texts, files are available online free; on Academia.edu;
https://www.academia.edu/49404407/ ;
We focus on an approach to reducing costs of running applications. MIPS, which is a traditional acronym for millions of instructions per second, have evolved to become a measurement of processing power and the CPU resource consumption.... more
We focus on an approach to reducing costs of running applications. MIPS, which is a traditional acronym
for millions of instructions per second, have evolved to become a measurement of processing power
and the CPU resource consumption. The need for controlling MIPS attributed costs is indispensable
given the high percentage they involve in the operational IT costs. In this paper we investigate a large
mainframe production environment running 246 Cobol applications of an organization operating in the
nancial sector. We found that the vast majority of the top CPU intensive operations in the production
environment involve the use of DB2. We propose approaching portfolio-wide eorts to reduce CPU
resource consumption from the source code perspective. Our technique is low-risk, low-cost and involves
SQL code improvements of small scale. We show how to employ, in an industrial setting, analysis of
a mainframe environment to locate the most promising source code for optimization. Our approach
relies on the mainframe usage data, facts extracted from source code, and is supported by a real-world
SQL tuning project. After applying our technique to a portfolio of Cobol applications running on the
mainframe our estimates suggested a possible drop in the attributed monthly CPU usage by as much
as 16.8%. The approach we present is suited for facilitation within a mainframe environment of a large