Margaret Thatcher
Recent papers in Margaret Thatcher
The SNP government in Scotland has acted to make historic, anti-democratic Poll Tax debts unenforceable.
Political - psychological analysis of leadership of M.Thatcher
Brief article for ConservativeHome, examining causes of Conservative electoral decline in Liverpool
A first attempt to put together the significance of the US State Department's Visitor Program (the former Leader Program) in relation to the political career of a prominent Western leader. This was Margaret Thatcher's first experience of... more
Thatcherism and the reforming of the conservatism philosophy of the United Kingdom and the impact of Margaret Thatcher
The paper is part of the ‘Back Home’ research project carried out by a group of PhD students from the Polytechnic University of Milan within the framework of the Paquebot Laboratory. The goal of the present research is to reveal... more
Margaret Thatcher, İngiliz tarihinin en uzun süre görevde kalmış ve ilk kadın başbakanı olmasının yanı sıra ekonomik anlamda liberal, hatta liberteryen denilecek politikalar izlemiştir. Döneminin sol, sosyalist yönelimlerinin arasında... more
On 23 January 2013 Prime Minister David Cameron gave a speech1 on the future of the United Kingdom (UK) in the European Union (EU), announcing that an in-out referendum will be held in 2017 if another Conservative government is elected in... more
This chapter examines the relatively distinct economic and political logics behind government attempts since 1979 to make the City more flexible. We will describe the neoliberal accumulation strategy intended to save Britain from economic... more
In the past decade, urban regeneration policy makers and practitioners have faced a number of difficult challenges, such as sustainability, budgetary constraints, demands for community involvement and rapid urbanization in the Global... more
The research addresses a central tension of modern society between materialism and retail expansion on the one hand and growing environmental awareness on the other, during the 1970s and 1980s. It does so through a study of the operations... more
The present article takes on the subject of feminism in international relations.The objective of this article is to nuance, if not to combat the harsh feminist point of view by focusing on two key figures in the history of global... more
Review for Popular Music History journal (Vol 6, iss. 3, 2011): Why Pamper Life’s Complexities?: Essays on The Smiths, eds. Sean Campbell and Colin Coulter, 2010.
Reagan, Thatcher, Mitterrand, Kohl, Clinton, Blair, Schröder, Berlusconi, Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel, Renzi: nelle parabole di questi leader, accomunati dalla pretesa di rappresentare il nuovo e il cambiamento, si può cogliere il... more
Through Margaret Thatcher’s private and public performances, the micro-politics of dress translated into the macro-politics of power. Thatcher’s changing career can be traced through her dress (see Young 1991: 416-417); analysis of her... more
Reviews "Filled with new detail after new detail gleaned from a host of archives and first-hand interviews, this book tells the fascinating story of an iconic party leader and prime minister forced by events into making more concessions... more
At the heart of this proof of evidence is an evaluation of the regeneration benefits and disbenefits of the First Development Site (FDS) proposals for the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Land. In my evidence I will describe, explain and... more
SZALÁNCZI József Krisztián: A Falkland-háború a magyar, az angol és az amerikai sajtó tükrében 1982. A konfliktus előzményei, okai és a háború lefolyása. Pécsi Tudományegyetem Társadalomtudományi Szakkönyvtár, 2010. 150 p. (MA Thesis.)
The paper explores Thatcher's reasons for opposing German unification and asks how her analysis stands a quarter of century later.
A través de siete apartados se analiza la cronología de Star Wars, el contexto histórico-social que la determina y cómo se evidencia en la saga. También por qué se puede considerar Star Wars como un mito moderno y cómo refleja el viaje... more
Margaret Theçer zgjodhi një periudhë dhe një metodë mjaft të vështirë për të qeverisur dhe për ta nxjerrë nga kriza e thellë në të cilën ishte zhytur Britaninë e Madhe në fund të viteve `70 dhe gjatë fillimit të viteve `80 të shekulli të... more
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
Arjantin ile İngiltere arasında patlak veren bu kısa savaş; politik, coğrafi, diplomatik, tarihsel ve askeri açıdan büyük derslerle doludur. “Malvinas Savaşı dersi”ni çalışmamış bir diplomat “Ege Sorunu”nu, bir asker “Kıbrıs Barış... more
SZALÁNCZI József Krisztián: Los aspectos internacionales y las relaciones históricas más amplias del conflicto de las Malvinas de 1982. Una disputa transformada en guerra. In: Fischer Ferenc – Domingo Lilón – Deák Máté (szerk.):... more
The latest batch of papers released by the Margaret Thatcher Foundation includes two letters from her then Japanese counterpart, PM Zenko Suzuki, dated 12 and 24 April 2013. They make interesting reading, illustrating the Japanese... more
This is a book about what people imagine it means to live in a world where private property is dominant, and their fears - and sometimes hopes - about living in a future world where private property has disappeared. In the propertied... more
In 1982 Argentina – a country allied with the United States through the Rio Pact – invaded the Falkland Islands, a long-time Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, disputed by Buenos Aires since the XIXth century. Margaret Thatcher,... more
The drug addicted characters in Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting novels and Danny Boyle's film adaptations desperately seek to escape their Edinburgh environment through their use of heroin. Some may view their drug-taking as a display of... more