María de Molina
Recent papers in María de Molina
Autor : Navarro Palazón, Julio. Jiménez Castillo, Pedro. Jean Passini, Ricardo Izquierdo Benito (coords.): La ciudad medieval: de la casa principal al palacio urbano: Actas del III Curso de Historia y Urbanismo Medieval. Pp. 145-188.... more
In the decades after the death of Alfonso X, the kings and queens of Castile seem to have been surrounded by a variegated series of images –either real objects or mental pictures– generated around several key metaphors for the Western... more
The analysis of the link between Sancho iv and María de Molina with the Mendicant Orders shows their preference for the Order of Preachers. This article analyzes that relationship from the point of view of the promotion of convents and... more
Este artículo propone estudiar los diferentes significados que la figura de María de Molina (h. 1260-1321) adquirió durante el siglo XIX en España, a través del análi-sis de su representación y presencia en diversas manifestaciones,... more
Berenguela I, Violante de Aragón and María de Molina: their relationship with Mendicant convents from a political perspective.
This paper was presented orally in December 2016 (Heidelberg)
This paper was presented orally in December 2016 (Heidelberg)
It was considered the obligation of the living to preserve the memories of the dead, a role predominantly carried out by women of the royal family in the medieval kingdom of Castile. This commemorative act often focused on a material... more
Durante los años finales del siglo XIII y primeras dos décadas del XIV se desarrolla un movimiento cultural en torno a una figura esencial de ese tiempo: María de Molina. En ese contexto se elaboran producciones literarias que reflejan... more
Desta investigación documental e histórica destacamos os comentarios prosopográficos de membros de parentelas galegas presentes nas cortes de Castela e León entre 1284 e 1350, así como as árbores xenealóxicas dos Churrichao e dos Rodeiro... more