Mean Error
Recent papers in Mean Error
This paper investigates the efficiency of Black-Scholes model used for valuation of call option contracts written on Eight Indian stocks quoted on NSE. It has been generally observed that the B & S Model misprices options considerably on... more
Accurate prediction of burst pressure plays a central role in engineering design and integrity assessment of oil and gas pipelines. Theoretical and empirical solutions for such prediction are evaluated in this paper relative to a burst... more
Murici (Byrsonima sericea) and ingá (Ingá edulis) desorption isotherms were determined by the gravimetric method at two different temperatures. Experimental data was adjusted to five sorption models of Langmuir, Oswin, Anderson, GAB and... more
Evapotranspiration plays a central role in the water balance of arid and semi-arid areas, as it is the major loss flux. The spatial estimation of actual evapotranspiration is thus of critical importance for hydrologic, environmental and... more
A prospective study was conducted at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, between 3 January and 31May 2004, to compare the accuracy of clinical and ultrasonographic estimation of foetal weight at term.... more
We consider the fundamental problem of estimating the mean of a vector $y=X\beta+z$, where $X$ is an $n\times p$ design matrix in which one can have far more variables than observations, and $z$ is a stochastic error term--the so-called... more
Abstract-Jitter is the limiting effect for high speed analog-to-digital converters with high resolution and wide digitization bandwidth, which are required in receivers in order to support high data rates. The rapid development of digital... more
We introduce, for the first time, a new class of Birnbaum-Saunders nonlinear regression models potentially useful in lifetime data analysis. The class generalizes the regression model described by Rieck and Nedelman [1991, A log-linear... more
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to econometric forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series within a panel-data framework. Our key element is to employ the (feasible) bias-corrected average forecast. Using panel-data... more
Solar panels are frequently used in wireless sensor nodes because they can theoretically provide quite a bit of harvested energy. However, they are not a reliable, consistent source of energy because of the Sun's cycles and the... more
We introduce, for the first time, a new class of Birnbaum-Saunders nonlinear regression models potentially useful in lifetime data analysis. The class generalizes the regression model described by Rieck and Nedelman [1991, A log-linear... more
A group contribution technique is proposed t . ~ predict the coefficients in the heat capacity correlation, C, = a + bT + : + dT2 , for solid inorganic salts. The results fiom this C T work are compared with fits to experimental data fiom... more
A new methodology is developed for estimating unemployment or employment characteristics in small areas, based on the assumption that the sample totals of unemployed and employed individuals follow a multinomial logit model with random... more
Ordinal data are often modeled using a continuous latent response distribution, which is partially observed through windows of adjacent intervals de¯ned by cutpoints. In this paper we propose the beta distribution as a model for the... more
This paper is concerned with estimating the solutions of numerically ill-posed least squares problems through Tikhonov regularization. Given a priori estimates on the covariance structure of errors in the measurement data b, and a... more
Two approaches for downscaling and calibrating error estimates from ensemble precipitation forecasts are evaluated; the two methods are intended to be used to produce flood forecasts based on global weather forecasts in ungauged river... more
Evapotranspiration plays a central role in the water balance of arid and semi-arid areas, as it is the major loss flux. The spatial estimation of actual evapotranspiration is thus of critical importance for hydrologic, environmental and... more
In previous work on acoustical lens effect, a model based on the annular decomposition of an axisymmetric focused piezoelectric transducer was described and found to be in agreement with FEM and experimental results. The design of a... more
To assess the literature on accuracy and clinical performance of computer technology applications in surgical implant dentistry. Materials and Methods: Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted to collect information about... more
A comprehensive, physically based model of snow accumulation, redistribution, sublimation, and melt for open and forested catchments was assembled, based on algorithms derived from hydrological process research in Russia and Canada. The... more
The possibilities of adapting the Modern Analogs Technique (MAT) based on planktonic foraminifers for estimating sea-surface temperatures (SST) in the Mediterranean during the Pliocene are discussed in this article. The calibration... more
We develop a statistical method for discriminating and classifying multivariate nonstationary signals. It is assumed that the processes that generate the signals are characterized by their time-evolving spectral matrix-a description of... more
In order to optimize the accuracy of imaging in Gamma Knife radiosurgery using the image fusion options available in the Leksell gamma plan. Phantom images from 1.5 Tesla MRI Scan (Magnetom vision-Siemens) and Computed Tomography images... more
Ingeniería e Investigación Universidad Nacional de Colombia ISSN (Versión impresa): 0120-5609 COLOMBIA ... Everaldo Joaquín Montes Montes / Ramiro Torres Gallo / Ricardo David Andrade Pizarro / Omar Andrés Pérez... more
This work seeks to analyze empirically the coherence of the VaR and the Expected Shortfall by the definition of Artzner et al. (1997) at the Brazilian Stock Market (Bovespa), calculated with three methodologies: the historical simulation,... more
The accuracy of Geosat satellite altimetry over the Greenland ice sheet is evaluated by comparing the measured heights to radar elevations from the airborne Greenland Aerogeophysics Project. At the center of the ice sheet where the ice... more
The aim of this paper is to propose two new hybrid cellular techniques for mobile positioning in UMTS. Developed methods are entirely mobile-based since no modifications are required on the network side. Proposed techniques exploit signal... more
We propose a new method to estimate the cumulative hazard function and the corresponding distribution function of survival times under randomly left truncated and right censored observations (LTRC). For the density function, a new... more
The ability of altimetry to detect extreme low pressure events and the relationship between sea level pressure and sea level anomalies during extra-tropical depressions have been investigated. Specific altimeter treatments have been... more
Context. To investigate the link between the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and its optical Hipparcos-based representation on the northern hemisphere. Aims. To present results of a pilot investigation on the astrometry of... more
Ingeniería e Investigación Universidad Nacional de Colombia ISSN (Versión impresa): 0120-5609 COLOMBIA ... Everaldo Joaquín Montes Montes / Ramiro Torres Gallo / Ricardo David Andrade Pizarro / Omar Andrés Pérez... more
We tested the hypothesis that the mechanism, rate, and extent of in vivo placental transfer of dideoxynucleoside drugs against human immunodeficiency virus can be predicted by the in vitro perfused human placenta and the drug... more
We present relative astrometric measurements of visual binaries made during the first semester of 2007, with the Pupil Interferometry Speckle camera and COronagraph (PISCO) at the 102-cm Zeiss telescope of Brera Astronomical Observatory,... more
The velocity–azimuth display (VAD) technique was designed to estimate the areal mean vertical profile of the horizontal wind above a ground-based Doppler radar. The method uses radial velocity observations under the assumption of a linear... more
In this paper we assess accuracy of some commonly used estimators of upper quantiles of a right skewed distribution under both parameter and model uncertainty. In particular, for each of log-normal, log-logistic, and log-double... more
Central pattern generated walking for bipedal robots has proven to be a versatile and easily implementable solution that is used by several robot soccer teams in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer League with great success. However, the forward... more
In selected patients undergoing epilepsy surgery, subdural electrode grids play an important role in localizing the epileptogenic zone and identifying eloquent cortex. Determining the relationship of the electrodes to underlying brain... more
We consider a distributed multi-agent network system where the goal is to minimize a sum of convex objective functions of the agents subject to a common convex constraint set. Each agent maintains an iterate sequence and communicates the... more
Determining a vehicle's lateral position in a highway lane is important for many applicationspreventing runoff the road accidents, determining erratic driving behavior based on vehicle motion, providing feedback to the driver under low... more
SUMMARY: The point source recording can be decomposed into a set of plane-wave components with an arbitrary angle of propaga-tion. Such plane wave seismograms have a far simpler structure over spherical waves of the point source records,... more
In order to test the feasibility of cementum annulations to estimate age in humans, observer error and tooth variability in cementum ring counts were evaluated in a sample of 42 mandibular canine and first premolar pairs. Additionally,... more