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Ce texte revient sur une expérience de recherche en art sur le plancton, en pose les condition de mise en œuvre et prône la continuité des écritures de recherche.
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      ArtArt TheoryContemporary ArtArts Education
in What is Zoopoetics? Texts, Bodies, Entanglement. Eds. K.Driscoll and Eva Hoffmann. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 129-147.
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      American StudiesAnimal StudiesNineteenth-Century American Literature and CultureMoby Dick
In-depth analysis and discussion of Auke Hulst's novel 'Slaap zacht, Johnny Idaho' (2015)
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      Dystopian LiteratureDutch LiteratureModern Dutch LiteratureMelville Moby-Dick
Review of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreSociologyMythology
Literary animal studies are confronted with a systematic question: How can writing, as a human-made sign system, represent the nonhuman animal as an autonomous agent without falling back into the pitfalls of anthropomorphism? Against the... more
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      Animal StudiesWerner HerzogMaterial EcocriticismMelville Moby-Dick
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      Literary CriticismEnglishStanley CavellMelville Studies
The purpose of this essay is to address the multimodal nature of Matt Kish’s project “Every Page of Moby-Dick, Illustrated”, where Herman Melville’s 1851 masterpiece is set as paratext. Particular focus is set on the portrayals of Captain... more
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      IllustrationMultimodal InteractionMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
In Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick, the American whaler the Pequod encounters a fierce typhoon in Japanese waters. Melville’s novel contains many sublime descriptions of the ocean’s physical force and other natural phenomena, yet the force of... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican imperialismEcocriticismJapan
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Captain Ahab is no exception. Forget for a second Ahab's villainous qualities and look instead to the classical tradition. Shakespeare's Macbeth was not a very nice guy. Neither was Milton's Satan.... more
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      Melville StudiesWisdom LiteratureBook of EcclesiastesHerman Melville
In the wellspring of classic nineteenth-century American literature, a spectacular theme unites our greatest authors. They, in various ways, challenge the naïve optimism of the “American Adam” and American liberalism. They are deeply... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican Romanticism/American Renaissance19th-Century American LiteratureNathaniel Hawthorne
Construit comme une préparation au voyage, ce livre a d’abord été conçu pour donner à entendre la lecture francophone, ininterrompue et inédite des 139 chapitres du roman de Melville, Moby-Dick ou le cachalot. Cette performance de... more
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      Research MethodologyVisual ArtsMoby-DickMelville Moby-Dick
In this essay, I read Moby-Dick as an allegorical description of the process of Ishmael’s healing from melancholy. Ishmael’s inane reveries at the beginning of the story evolve into a productive and self-creative narrative power. His... more
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      American LiteratureEthicsMelancholy19th-Century American Literature
Recent cultural criticism tools such as the concept of metanarrative or of deconstruction seem to find their forerunner in Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick. Specific references in the text imply that the idea of completeness seemed both... more
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      American LiteratureReligionAnthropologyAtheism
L'epico libro di Melville, tra i più significativi della letteratura nordamericana. Oggi considerato un classico fu al centro di varie vicissitudini editoriali. Considerato un simbolo della lotta dell'uomo con la natura. The epic book by... more
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      Natural LawLaw of the SeaMelville StudiesBooks
Counting on his own experiences as a seaman aboard whaling ships, American novelist Herman Melville (1819─1891) comments on the complex human relationship with the sea and its uncertainties in his masterpiece, Moby Dick (1851). To this... more
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      American LiteratureShakespearean DramaAmerican TranscendentalistsMelville Moby-Dick
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      Postcolonial StudiesRace and EthnicityEthnicityRace
In 1839, after a long chain of dead-end jobs necessitated by his outwardly prosperous but privately profligate father’s debt-ridden death seven years earlier, the 19-year-old Herman Melville did what many other disaffected and adventurous... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryLiteratureMelville Studies
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      Friedrich NietzscheNihilismMelville StudiesHerman Melville
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      WittgensteinPhilosophy of Language (Humanities)Erich AuerbachHerman Melville
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureMelville StudiesHerman Melville
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      Edmund BurkeThe SublimeHeavy Metal MusicKantian Sublime
Perhaps it was fate that sent Herman Melville on his first sea voyage in 1839, the same year of his first publication, “Fragments from a Writing Desk.” Melville sailed aboard various vessels, including whalers and naval vessels before his... more
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      18th Century American (Literature)Superstitions and Superstitious BeliefHerman MelvilleWhaling
The persuasion that Nature is, in Leopardi's words, not a caring mother but a “malign or negligent stepmother” is a central idea of the Gnostic thought that has haunted Western culture for centuries. Herman Melville and Cormac McCarthy... more
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      GnosticismEcocriticismCormac McCarthyHerman Melville
Watching "Jaws" after re-reading "Moby Dick" can be a fascinating experience; one senses the interesting currents of Melville's epic swirling through Spielberg's masterpiece. In this paper, written for a course at the University of Texas... more
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      Steven SpielbergMelville Moby-Dick
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesPersian Literature
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      ChristianityPsychoanalysisHematologyPolitical Philosophy
«Più del maggiore romanzo americano mai scritto», «un manuale di sopravvivenza metafisica», «un vero e proprio poema sacro»: anche nel XXI secolo il celebre romanzo di Hermann Melville Moby Dick sembra non perdere la sua attualità... more
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      Comparative LiteratureBook of JobHerman MelvilleBook of Jonah
At the time Melville conceived and wrote Moby-Dick or the Whale , during the mid-19th Century, the United States were entering into a rapid phase of development and transformation. Pivoting from its historical inception as a British... more
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      American HistoryPlatoThomas HobbesDemocracy
The present article analyses the chapter titled "The Doubloon" in Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick by means of the highly ambiguous and – at times – paradoxical meanings of the symbol-coin, methodologically aligned with Jacques Derrida’s... more
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      DeconstructionAmerican modernismModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Jacques Derrida
Counting on his own experiences as a seaman aboard whaling ships, American novelist Herman Melville (1819─1891) comments on the complex human relationship with the sea and its uncertainties in his masterpiece, Moby Dick (1851). To this... more
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      American LiteratureTranscendentalismMelville Moby-DickANTI-TRANSCENDENTALISM
Número monográfico dedicado al pensamiento filosófico de Albert Camus. Cuenta con varios textos del propio Albert Camus inéditos en español ("Melville" y "Prólogo para la edición universitaria americana de L'Étranger"), así como las... more
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      Ortega y GassetFriedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerDostoevsky
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Film
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      Herman MelvilleMelville Moby-Dick
Ekphrasis is an ancient Greek term that describes a vivid and/or dramatic description of a work of art or object. We find this concept at work in many epic tales, such as with the Shield of Achilles or with the Murals of Carthage. In Moby... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesEkphrasisMelville Studies
In this project, I examine the operation of the sublime and the unconscious in Moby Dick. In the sublime, I locate the source of Ahab’s obsession with, and Ishmael’s interest in, Moby Dick. Through sublime experiences, these characters... more
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      Jacques LacanSigmund FreudThe SublimeHerman Melville
While Melville’s Mardi has long remained a puzzle to both readers and critics, scholars agree that his third novel marked a significant turning point in his writing career. It is with Mardi that Meville realized the novel as a form suited... more
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      ReligionMormonismMormon HistoryHerman Melville
Amongst what CLR James famously dubbed the " mariners, renegades and castaways " of Melville's fiction are numerous figures of living death. While they resist the imposition of single meanings, they are recurrently associated with the... more
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      Southern Studies (U.S. South)SlaveryHaitiHerman Melville
Philosophical lecture on cannibalism in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and Typee
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      Travel WritingCannibalismHerman MelvilleMelville Moby-Dick
Das Kapitel 54 ist buchstäblich extravagant und fügt der Romanhandlung eine einzigartige politische Geschichte der Revolution bei.
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      American LiteratureLiteratureMoby-DickMelville Moby-Dick
An example of a re-reading of the Book of Jonah is Moby-Dick or the whale (London - New York 1851), so much more than two hundred years after the birth of its author Herman Melville (1819-1891). In spite of an even trivial plot (a... more
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      Herman MelvilleBook of JonahMelville Moby-Dick
I recently saw a local band playing in San Francisco whose name is “Or, The Whale,” an in-joke for Melvilleans, or perhaps part of a tradition going back to the late 1960s, when another local band named itself Moby Grape. (They played,... more
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      Popular Music StudiesHistory of the BookPopular CultureLiterary Theory
Paper given at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the GAAS ("The United States and the Question of Rights"), Osnabrück University, 2016.
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesHeterotopia
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      PlatoFriedrich NietzscheMelville StudiesPhaedo
A study on Welles life and career, especially on his unfinished works like HEART OF DARKNESS, IT'S ALL TRUE, D. QUIJOTE, MOBY DICK.
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      Literature and cinemaIntermedialityFilm AdaptationOrson Welles
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureMetaphorMoby-Dick
Das Kapitel 95 sollte man in Anspielung auf die »Bibelblätter«, die in ihm aufgerufen werden, ein »Extrablatt« nennen. Es ist eine einzige dünne Seite im Originaltext, die eine ungeheuerliche Obszönität und Blasphemie birgt.
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      LiteratureMelville Moby-Dick