Recent papers in Memorates
Some beliefs in the supernatural have not diminished appreciably in modern cultures, in spite of many predictions that they would do so. This course will examine traditional beliefs about supernatural beings, supernatural realms, and... more
Halk edebiyatı nesir anlatı geleneği içerisinde uzun zamandır kabul görmüş olan mit, masal, efsane, halk hikayesi, fıkra türleri çeşitli inceleme metotlarıyla ele alınıp araştırmalar genişletilmeye devam etmiştir. Sık sık ele alınan bu... more
There is no significant essay or book translated in another language that discusses the folktale of the Northwestern coast of Ecuador country, at best there are some glitch compilations or bare tales from the highlands only, without an... more
This vivid and fantastic description was told for me at the request of his mother by a boy about ten years of age at the moment of the episode [1996] in the town of Portoviejo, he was playing in a two-story house with his cousins: another... more
Halkbilimi araştırma sahasına resmî olarak 1934 senesinde dahil olan memorat kavramı bu tarihlerde Avrupa halkbilimcilerini meşgul etmiştir fakat ancak 70’lerde Amerika halkbilimcilerine ulaşmış olan bu kavram hakkında İngilizce... more
This is a 3 different women stories in different times, this is about their supernatural experiences...
Whistling communication languages are all over the world, especially between people who inhabit hills and mountains. Whistle languages have naturally developed in response to the necessity for humans to communicate in conditions of... more
Several of the stories concerning fantastic people seems to be connected with the land, as well as their European counterpart, the presence of these beings can be felt much more in or about untouched territories. Mr B** a gentleman and a... more