Vernacular Religion
Recent papers in Vernacular Religion
21. yüzyılın hızlı yaşam döngüsü içinde kimi değerler yitirilirken, kimileri yeniden yaşama katılmakta, keşfedilmektedir. Anadolu’nun derin tarihi içinde yeniden keşfedilen değerlerden birisi de “köy” yaşamı olmaktadır. Belki hiç... more
"The paper deals with current monetary beliefs and magic shamanic practices in post-Soviet Altai. In traditional shamanism, known to us from ethnographic studies of the 19th–20th centuries, a shaman who takes money is punished by the... more
Some beliefs in the supernatural have not diminished appreciably in modern cultures, in spite of many predictions that they would do so. This course will examine traditional beliefs about supernatural beings, supernatural realms, and... more
Therukoothu or sometimes referred to interchangeably as kattaikkuttu traces its origins to Gingee, a small town in the Viluppuram district (formerly known as South Arcot district) in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. An oral tradition... more
The article deals with the relations of power and shamans in the USSR. On the example of the Altai shamans the author explores the phenomena of social meaning in different periods of the Soviet epoch. In the 1920s, the authorities had a... more
Доклад на IV Международной научной конференции "Демонология как семиотическая система". Москва, РГГУ, 17 июня 2016 г.
Traditionally, upland Garo have practiced shifting cultivation, and in many ways “Garoness” continues to be associated with that mode of agriculture. Shifting cultivation is closely tied up with the traditional Garo community religion... more
Starting from the observation that researchers have often uncritically opposed vernacular religiosity to official, teologic religion, either minimizing the importance of popular religious behaviour of the Vlachs of Eastern Serbia or... more
A Mária-kegyhelyek mindig is a csodás gyógyulások és a látványos jelenések színtereinek számítottak, zarándokok tömegei látogatták őket. Manapság azonban a New Age jelenségek is egyre gyakrabban megfigyelhetők ezeken a helyeken. A... more
¿Quién es San Simón? San Simón es la imagen de un señor sentado, con bigote, sombrero, que fuma puro, toma guaro y concede deseos. Esta vaga descripción es la única de la que nos podemos servir como criterio unificador de los miles, quizá... more
Focusing on three Orthodox Christian communities – St. Paraskeva and St. Luke in Midwestern US, and St. Nicolas in Atlantic Canada – this thesis examines the complex cultural dynamics surrounding Orthodox Christianity in North America. I... more
For nearly 150 years, the photographic process has been attributed with the apparitional ability to reveal discarnate beings and miraculous phenomena. In the nineteenth century, members of the Spiritualist movement embraced photography as... more
This chapter investigates religious commemorative culture that has sprung up in Belarus in the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. More specifically, it focuses on commemorative icons and religious artwork and how they are used in... more
The first book in English about witch-trials and witchcraft beliefs in early modern Poland. A historical and historiographic survey is followed by a close reading of the trials in the context of popular and elite Christianity; the final... more
[Preview sample of Czech monograph.] This monograph engages with Old Russian medieval homiletic literature as a source of knowledge about East Slavic paganism and the Christianization of Russia. The book is organized into two... more
This is a draft of an article that will appear with some further revisions in American Ethnologist. Please seek permission before citing or distributing this draft, as there may be a more updated version to share.
Presentamos aquí una serie de trabajos de campo, hechos desde la metodología de la observación participante, sobre fiestas y celebraciones relacionadas con el culto a san Simón en El Salvador entre los años 2011 y 2014. Nos ocuparemos,... more
The Christian Churches provide their ministers and believers with a complex set of prayers, rituals, and practices, intended to solve the various problems that an individual, family, or community may encounter in everyday life. An... more
In the north Indian state of Uttarakhand, the god Nagaraja, associated with the pan-Indian god Krishna, is an extremely popular deity. However, there exist key disjunctures in how Nagaraja is known, experienced and worshiped in the north... more
This study is based on the materials collected during the field study of speech and traditional culture of Timok region, done between 2015 and 2017. Research attention was focused on the sacred crosses, especially on stories about the... more
In 2003, 2011 and 2012, the author of the article conducted research of religious movements and leaders among urban and rural indigenous Turkic peoples of the Republic of Altai: Altai (Altai Kizhi), Telengits, Kumandin, Tubalar,... more
One of the purposes of this study is to outline the research problem related to the wizard called táltos and a hypothesized shamanism in the pagan, pre-Christian religion of the Hungarians. Another purpose is to present the results of new... more
This important volume adds significantly to theoretical and methodological debates in the sociology of religion and takes, as its point of departure, the notion that enquiry into religions should focus on ‘how religion and spirituality... more
Later published as Goldberg, D.Martin., 2009, ‘The dichotomy in Romano-Celtic syncretism: Some preliminary thoughts on vernacular religion’, in Mark Driessen, Stijn Heeren, Joep Hendriks, Fleur Kemmers and Ronald Visser (eds.) TRAC 2008... more
This paper describes and analyses one element from the system of posthumous customs which form part of the traditional culture of Serb colonists in Omoljica. In the perception of the informants, this ritual is key in defining the... more
Ediție îngrijită de Ileana Benga și Bogdan Neagota. Studiu introductiv (Motive mitico-religioase mariane) de Bogdan Neagota. Postfață: Cele două mame din „Peregrinatio Virginis” românească, cunoscută sub numele de „Căutarea Maicii... more
The following ethnographic and folkloric analysis of American exorcism practices post-1998 centers on four Catholic priest-exorcists currently active in the United States. After a brief commentary regarding the place of Satanism within... more
Belief as a term in folklore scholarship encompasses a range of competing concepts. This article posits a number of problems with belief ’s standard usage: beliefs are rei- fied and abstracted from social action; beliefs are systematized... more
The paper discusses one of the most ancient sacred places in the Philippines, situated in the town of Obando, not far from Manila. In pre-colonial times it was a centre for the veneration of the Tagalog fertility gods, where a striking... more
The Mrtvalj spring is an integral part of a more complex sacred landscape, the center of which is the Shrine of St. John the Baptist located in Podmilačje near Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The shrine is a multi-confessional pilgrimage... more
Consumers of manga (comics), anime (cartoons), and video games increasingly search for alternative ways to forge a connection with their favorite characters. In Japan, many of the actual places used in such media as models for background... more
Аннотация. В сельских областях Армении повседневная религиозная жизнь протекает в сурбах-местных святилищах, домашних реликвариях, часовенках и молельнях. Сурб-в переводе с армянского «святой»-это комплексное понятие, которым верующие... more
RESUMEN: Los estudios de religiosidad popular tienen por delante un brillante futuro, no obstante amenazado por intricadas dificultades tanto conceptuales como metodológicas. En este artículo abordamos tres tipos de restricciones... more
In this introductory study, we place the articles collected in this special issue on 'spirituality' in a more general context. In so doing, we contest the idea that alternative spirituality is best studied within the conceptual framework... more