Recent papers in Metacommentary
Mass-media representations of the stereotypical science nerd position scientists as white, male, and largely English-speaking. Teachers and students who state a desire to work in equitable science learning communities may nonetheless... more
This article explores the use of "Mexicans Be Like" memes in terms of the heteroglossic tension they both employ and produce, and the ways in which meme examples creatively recontextualize ideas about immigration, the border, contested... more
А н н о т а ц и я. Статья посвящена рассмотрению культурных стереотипов, отраженных в классических сказках, и выявлению способов их представления во вторичных текстах. Осознание давления «социальных мифов» в значимых для социума текстах... more
This article illustrates how, in a Web 2.0 environment, narrative ways of knowing circulate and disseminate indexical value associated with performances of accent. We compare the information-storing and -sharing functions of Web 1.0 and... more
This article illustrates how, in a Web 2.0 environment, narrative ways of knowing circulate and disseminate indexical value associated with performances of accent. We compare the information-storing and -sharing functions of Web 1.0 and... more
ii DECLARATION By submitting this dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that... more
Combining digital discourse analysis and Citizen Sociolinguistics, methodological frames that contend with the effects of evolving digital practices, I present an approach to studying sociolinguistic trends by investigating how social... more
Combining digital discourse analysis and Citizen Sociolinguistics, methodological frames that contend with the effects of evolving digital practices, I present an approach to studying sociolinguistic trends by investigating how social... more
Based on the premise that human experience is storied, the researcher engaged in the writing of critical autoethnographic narratives to examine ideological contention in language learning, language use, and language teaching. Using... more
The article focuses generally on the functioning of commentary or metacommentary within postmodern narrative texts. Two Czech authors from the second half of the 20th century have been chosen to illustrate the theory outlined in the... more
Consumer-grade game engines such as Multimedia Fusion and RPG Maker have dramatically extended the reach of digital games as a medium. They have also spawned online communities, where conventions and canons of using these tools have... more
In continuing a line of flight opened up earlier in discussing the zombie as a symbolic device1, a metaphor that frames our relation, not to human labour in it's vitalistic and artistic affectivity, but to the congealment of it's... more
This citizen sociolinguistic case study of Roman dialect analyzes the ways in which the Roman variety of Italian is differentially conceptualized by social media users, and the ways that these conceptualizations are linked, implicitly or... more
The genre of the five paragraph essay (5PE) is familiar to many US high school and middle school students because it is often included in the teaching of literary analysis and general argumentation. Learners of the 5PE participate in its... more
Increasingly, everyday people are compiling detailed illustrations of and commentaries on language via social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Collectively, these postings function as a participatory version of more formal... more
The status and role of Italy’s dialetti (dialects) in contemporary Italian society are contested among both citizens and sociolinguists, and their nuanced uses have begun to circulate (with commentary) around social media. This report... more
In this chapter, I illustrate that people accumulate idiosyncratic experiences as a repertoire of communicative resources and, in many everyday interactions, use those elements to strike out in new, more loosely encoded, de-enregistered... more
- by Betsy Rymes
Foucault’s work has provided critical applied linguists many tools for deconstructing dominant understandings of language. However, his work has not been significantly engaged with by scholars who have attempted to develop alternative... more