Recent papers in Mi'raj
This paper is about one of the most controversial, and at the same time incredible, incidents within the life of the noble prophet Muhammad, the Nightly and heavenly journey. This ascension took the prophet to another realm. This is the... more
encyclopaedia entry on "Books of the Prophet Muhammad's Celestial Ascension" (Mi'rajnama). Available online at: https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/browse/encyclopaedia-of-islam-3
This article appears in a large-format edited book published in conjunction with an international exhibition of Persian, Mughal, and Ottoman manuscripts from the collections of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. My article engages with... more
Traduction, introduite et annotée, d’Ibn Taymiyya, « al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ », édition BIN NĀṢIR, AL-‘ASKAR, & AL-ḤAMDĀN, t. VI, p. 165-182, concernant l’ascension du Prophète et réfutant les mises en doute de sa réalité émanant des... more
The main question of the present research is to know under which aims, motivations and conditions, traveling to the spiritual (minavi) world by the Zoroastrian priests comes to realize? ; The major hypothesis of this research includes:... more
Çalışmamız, Timur’un oğlu Şahruh tarafından 15. Yüzyılın başında -1436 yılındaHerat’ta Uygur harfleriyle Çağatayca/Harzemce olarak yazdırılan Miraçname metnini resimleriyle birlikte ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu konudaki ilahiyat,... more
in "Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World," ed. Richard C. Martin. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2016. p727-731. Sidebar entry to "Mi'raj" entry by Frederick Colby and Michael Sells.
Jerusalem, al-Masjid al-Aqṣā and ṣaḫra are a representation of the physics realm and with this aspect a boundary between physics and metaphysics. Two prominent points of the existential office, Ka’ba, Bayt al-Maḳdis and among them,... more
La trasmissione della tradizione nell’“epoca della modernità”. Cosa può fornire alla comprensione dell’Egitto di fine Ottocento lo studio della vita e delle opere dello shaykh Muhammad Amin al–Kurdi (m. 1914)? Erudita e sufi kurdo,... more
With his mysterious ascension (miʿrāǧ) up to the highest heaven where he will meet Allah, the Prophet of Islam provides an archetypal image of extraordinary power, destined to solicit the imagination and eagerness to imitate of countless... more
Società delle Belle Arti - Circolo degli Artisti, Casa di Dante - Comune di Firenze DANTE E LA CULTURA ARABA: UN DIBATTITO DA RIPRENDERE CONVEGNO ONLINE 8 SETTEMBRE ore 17 La diffusione e l'accoglienza dell'opera di Dante nel... more
Il viaggio notturno (da Mecca a Gerusalemme) e l’ascensione (da Gerusalemme ai sette Cieli) costituiscono un momento fondamentale del percorso di Muhammad, quale è delineato dalla tradizione islamica. Forse traendo spunto da un accenno... more
بررسي ميزان انطباق تصوير براق در معراج نگاري هاي عصر قاجار با روايات اسلامي، فصلنامه تاريخ فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامي، سال 6، شماره 20، پاییز 1394: 70-49.