Model Checking
Most downloaded papers in Model Checking
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is studied within the public construction procurement scenario, analysing the current situation and further development possibilities, especially how to adopt Model Checking in Tendering. Results can... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
The construction industry, particularly the public sector, started drawing attention towards containing costs and increasing performance. This is why several public entities worldwide are promoting new strategies and adopted innovating... more
La validazione del contenuto informativo è la chiave del successo di un processo BIM-based 9 Parole chiave: Building Information Modelling (BIM), Model Checking, Appalti Pubblici. Abstract L'industria delle costruzioni, e in particolar... more
Formal hardware veri cation has recently attracted considerable interest. The need for \correct" designs in safety-critical applications, coupled with the major cost associated with products delivered late, are two of the main factors... more
What is the background of this tutorial? During the last decade, the integrative research area of systems biology has constantly been gaining more importance. Experimental and computational approaches are combined to investigate... more
This article describes a latent trait approach to skills diagnosis based on a particular variety of latent class models that employ item response functions (IRFs) as in typical item response theory (IRT) models. To enable and encourage... more
A detailed generic model of the control design process is introduced and discussed. It is used for surveying different formal approaches in the context of PLC programming. The survey focuses on formal methods for verification and... more
A structural multilevel model is presented where some of the variables cannot be observed directly but are measured using tests or questionnaires. Observed dichotomous or ordinal polytomous response data serve to measure the latent... more
The failure rate function commonly has a bathtub shape in practice. In this paper we discuss a regression model considering new Weibull extended distribution developed by that can be used to model this type of failure rate function.... more
Recently, there has been considerable interest in the use of Model Checking for Systems Biology. Unfortunately, the state space of stochastic biological models is often too large for classical Model Checking techniques. For these models,... more
A bathtub-shaped failure rate function is very useful in survival analysis and reliability studies. The well-known lifetime distributions do not have this property. For the first time, we propose a location-scale regression model based on... more
From navigation to telecommunication, and from weather forecasting to military, or entertainment services - satellites play a major role in our daily lives. Satellites in the Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) and geostationary orbit have a... more
The discipline of component-based modeling and simulation offers promising gains including reduction in development cost, time, and system complexity. This paradigm is very profitable as it promotes the use and reuse of modular components... more
Model checking is a crucial part of any statistical analysis. Hierarchical models present special problems because assumptions made about the distribution of unobservable parameters are dicult to check. In this article, we review some... more
Recent studies show that configurations of network access control is one of the most complex and error prone network management tasks. For this reason, network misconfiguration becomes the main source for network unreachablility and... more
A new form of SAT-based symbolic model checking is described. Instead of unrolling the transition relation, it incrementally generates clauses that are inductive relative to (and augment) stepwise approximate reachability information. In... more
Software architecture specifications are used for many different purposes, such as documenting architectural decisions, predicting architectural qualities before the system is implemented, and guiding the design and coding process. In... more
We use model checking to establish five essential correctness properties of the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol. SET has been developed jointly by Visa and Mas-terCard as a method to secure payment card transactions over open... more
This paper proposes a unified approach for UML based safety oriented railway level crossing using model checking and fault tree analysis. The main goal of this research is to show the possibility to combine the concept of traditional... more
Birnbaum-Saunders models have largely been applied in material fatigue studies and reliability analyses to relate the total time until failure with some type of cumulative damage. In many problems related to the medical field, such as... more
Cloud computing is an emergent technology that has generated significant interest in the marketplace and is forecasted for high growth. Moreover, Cloud computing has a great impact on different type of users from individual consumers and... more
Complex hardware systems become more and more ubiquitous in mission critical applications such as military, satellite, and medical to name but a few. In such applications, reliability remains a primary concern because a failure that... more
In this paper, we propose a new approach for the static detection of malicious code in executable programs. Our approach rests on a semantic analysis based on behaviour that even makes possible the detection of unknown malicious code.... more
En este artículo se presenta una aplicación de las técnicas de verificación formal en Ingeniería de Software, mediante el comprobador de modelos SMV utilizando lógica temporal CTL, en la determinación de los posibles errores de... more
-How is time represented in existing specification languages? What are the domains of application of these languages and what timed systems are outside these domains? -Continuous versus discrete time: what are the practical and... more
We introduce a generic extension of the popular branchingtime logic CTL which refines the temporal until and release operators with formal languages. For instance, a language may determine the moments along a path that an until property... more
Reproducing a bug that caused a system to crash is an important task for uncovering the causes of the crash and providing appropriate fixes. In this paper, we propose a novel crash reproduction approach that combines directed model... more
Dedicated to my loving family, who laughed with me through all good times, stood steadfastly by me through all bad times, and who always had unwavering faith in me, even when I sometimes lost that faith in myself.
Concurrency is used pervasively in the development of large systems programs. However, concurrent programming is difficult because of the possibility of unexpected interference among concurrently executing tasks. Such interference often... more
In this paper, we extended previous studies of cooperating autonomous robots to include situations when environmental changes and changes in the number of robots in the swarm can affect the efficiency to execute tasks assigned to the... more
We consider Time Petri Nets (TPN) for which a firing time interval is associated with each transition. State space abstractions for TPN preserving various classes of properties (LTL, CTL, CTL * ) can be computed, in terms of so called... more
for assessing cause-consequence relations between component faults and hazards that may occur during the lifetime of a system. The analysis is typically time intensive and informal, and for this reason FMEA has been extended with... more
We define residuals for point process models fitted to spatial point pattern data, and we propose diagnostic plots based on them.The residuals apply to any point process model that has a conditional intensity; the model may exhibit... more
Consider a random vector $(X,Y)$ and let $m(x)=E(Y|X=x)$. We are interested in testing $H_0:m\in {\cal M}_{\Theta,{\cal G}}=\{\gamma(\cdot,\theta,g):\theta \in \Theta,g\in {\cal G}\}$ for some known function $\gamma$, some compact set... more
Finite-state machines (FSMs) are among the oldest models employed in the formalization and analysis of both software and hardware. Owing to their simplicity, there exist various implementations to support their practical application in... more
SRAM-based FPGAs are increasingly popular in the aerospace industry for their field programmability and low cost. However, they suffer from cosmic radiation induced Single Event Upsets (SEUs), commonly known as soft errors. In... more
Centre of gravity (COG) analysis is an integral and cognitively demanding aspect of military operational planning. It involves identifying the enemy and friendly COG and subsequently determining the critical vulnerabilities that have to... more