Model Checking
Recent papers in Model Checking
Abstract—The current proliferation of mobile devices has resulted in a large diversity of hardware specifications, each designed for different services and applications (e.g. cell phones, smart phones, PDAs). At the same time, e-mail... more
Obtaining accurate system models for verification is a hard and time consuming process, which is seen by industry as a hindrance to adopt otherwise powerful modeldriven development techniques and tools. In this paper we pursue an... more
This work describes an algorithm of automata construction for LTL safety properties, suitable for bounded model checking. Existing automata construction methods are tailored to BDD-based symbolic model checking. The novelty of our... more
Abstract. In this article, the development of software for SI2000 digital switch node is described, focusing on software architecture for a MGCP protocol stack. A decoder and an encoder for the MGCP protocol have been developed with the... more
This paper deals with systems verification techniques, using Bounded Model Checking (BMC). We present a new approach that combines BMC with symmetry reduction techniques. Our goal is to reduce the number of transition sequences, which can... more
QDDC is a logic for specifying quantitative timing aspects of synchronous programs. Properties such as worst-case response time and latency (when known) can be specified elegantly in this logic and model checked. However, computing these... more
This paper presents novel language and analysis techniques that significantly speed up software model checking of data structure properties. Consider checking a red-black tree implementation. Traditional software model checkers... more
Ensuring the correctness of a given software component has become a crucial aspect in Software Engineering and the Model Checking technique provides a fully automated way to achieve this goal. In particular, the usage of Model Checking in... more
This paper provides a review of Raymond Turner's book Computational Artifacts. Towards a Philosophy of Computer Science. Focus is made on the definition of program correctness as the twofold problem of evaluating whether both the... more
The Raise Specification Language (RSL) is a modeling language which supports various specification styles. To apply model checking to RSL concurrent descriptions, we translate RSL specifications into the input language CSPM of FDR. FDR is... more
In recent years, there has been much advancement in the area of verification of infinite-state systems. A system can have an infinite state-space due to unbounded data structures such as counters, clocks, stacks, queues, etc. It may also... more
In this paper we describe modeling for verification of business process with Spin model checker. Our primary goal is the development of Promela language description for e-invoice web service. Modeling for verification follows Church's... more
This paper presents an algorithm for the fully dynamic biconnectivity problem whose running time i s exponentially faster than all previously known solutions. It is the first dynamic algorithm that answers biconnectivity queries in time... more
Verification of Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications presents many challenges. GUI applications are open systems that are driven by user events. Verification of such applications by means of model checking therefore requires a user... more
We introduce a logical verification methodology for checking behavioral properties of service-oriented computing systems. Service properties are described by means of SocL, a branching-time temporal logic that we have specifically... more
We first advocate that the AUML (Agent Unified Modeling Language) notation, even in its new version, is not precise enough to adequately describe protocols. This problem was long identified by Harel and we propose to follow his solution:... more
In this paper we describe our intended approach for the verification of software written in imperative programming languages. We base our approach on model checking of graph transition systems, where each state is a graph and the... more
The i-protocol, an optimized sliding-window protocol for GNU uucp, first came to our attention in 1995 when we used the Concurrency Factory's local model checker to detect, locate, and correct a non-trivial livelock in version 1.04 of the... more
Memory logics are modal logics whose semantics is specified in terms of relational models enriched with additional data structure to represent memory. The logical language is then extended with a collection of operations to access and... more
Problem statement: Model checking is an automated verification technique that can be used for verifying properties of a system. A number of model checking systems have been developed over the last few years. However, there is no guideline... more
Formal verification is easy to use and provides significant increases in productivity and quality when used on RTL designs, which fit formal verification tool capacity. However, formal verification can be challenging when used on designs... more
Web-TLR is a software tool designed for model-checking Web applications which is based on rewriting logic. Web applications are expressed as rewrite theories which can be formally verified by using the Maude built-in LTLR model-checker.... more
Systems are increasingly being constructed from off-the-shelf components acquired through a globally distributed, untrusted supply chain. The lack of trust in these components necessitates additional validation of the components before... more
Over the past decade, researchers have demonstrated that the technique of model checking can be extremely effective when applied to security or e-commerce protocols. Model checking is the process of determining whether a formal model of... more
Social Virtual Reality Learning Environment (VRLE) is a novel edge computing platform for collaboration amongst distributed users. Given that VRLEs are used for critical applications (e.g., special education, public safety training), it... more
This paper presents the investigation and comparison of TLC model checking method (TLA Checker) properties. There are two different approaches to method usage which are considered. The first one consists of a transition system states... more
This paper gives a brief overview of version 2.0 of PRISM, a tool for the automatic formal verification of probabilistic systems, and some of the case studies to which it has already been applied.
Mobile computing defines a very dynamic and challenging scenario for which software engineering practices are still largely in their initial developments. Lime is a middleware designed to enable the rapid development of dependable... more
This article has three objectives: (a) to describe the method of automatic ARIMA modeling (AAM), with and without intervention analysis, that has been used in the analysis; (b) to comment on the results; and (c) to comment on the M3... more
Last time we reported on Romeo, analyses with this tool were mostly based on translations to other tools. This new version provides an integrated TCTL model-checker and has gained in expressivity with the addition of parameters. Although... more
Formal methods are being applied to the development of software of various applications at Philips Healthcare. In particular, the Analytical Software Design (ASD) method is being used as a formal technology for developing defect-free... more
We report on a fruitful combination of applying academic experience with formal modelling and verification techniques to an industrial case study. The goal of the case study was to investigate a priori, i.e. before implementation, the... more
relevant case study: the IEEE 802.3 (CSMA/CD) protocol. We also discuss two contrasting approaches to the implementation of probabilistic model checking, namely those based on numerical computation and those based on discrete-event... more
A detailed generic model of the control design process is introduced and discussed. It is used for surveying different formal approaches in the context of PLC programming. The survey focuses on formal methods for verification and... more
Formal hardware veri cation has recently attracted considerable interest. The need for \correct" designs in safety-critical applications, coupled with the major cost associated with products delivered late, are two of the main factors... more
What is the background of this tutorial? During the last decade, the integrative research area of systems biology has constantly been gaining more importance. Experimental and computational approaches are combined to investigate... more