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Lecture presented at the XXXI Jornada de la Xarxa de Museus Locals (2018) "Museu(s) i gènere(s): avançant cap a una cultura de la igualtat" 22th november 2018. Museu d’Art de Cerdanyola i Museu i Poblat ibèric de Ca n’Oliver. Cerdanyola... more
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      Gender MainstreamingMuseums and Gender
Special issue of the ICOM Spanish Committee journal devoted to museums, gender and sexuality.
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      QueerMuseums and Gender
Paper presented in the conference "Museums and gender" (Museus i gènere) held in the Museu Comarcal de Cervera, Lleida (Spain) in 2016.
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    • Museums and Gender
Special issue of the journal of ICOM Spanish Committee ICOM-CE Digital devoted to gender and masculinities.
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    • Museums and Gender
Il monografico di "Storia delle donne" (14/2018), a cura di Isabella Gagliardi e Aurora Savelli, accoglie contributi di: Isabella Gagliardi e Aurora Savelli, Paloma González Marcen e Margarita Sánchez Romero, Ida Gilda Mastrorosa, Maria... more
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoryPublic ArchaeologyMuseum Studies
Visual Submission
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      Human RightsPrideLGBTq ActivismsQueer Museology
Einleitung in Döring, Daniela / John, Jennifer (Hg.): Re-Visionen des Museums? Praktiken der Sichtbarmachung im Feld des Politischen. 58. Ausgabe der FKW // Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur (April 2015)
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      Museum StudiesMuseum EducationMuseum AnthropologyHistory of Museums
Este artículo aborda el uso del concepto de género en el análisis de las colecciones como estrategia para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los museos. La toma en consideración del enfoque de género en los museos se ha traducido... more
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      MuseumMuseums and Gender
La percezione del museo come luogo valoriale e normativo può aprire a nuovi orizzonti di percezione, fruizione e lettura di sé e del mondo quando opera con estrema libertà, senza pregiudizi, fuori da qualsiasi sistema binario, nelle... more
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      Gender EqualityLgbtqCommunity Theatre, Art and Citizenship, Participatory ArtMuseums and Gender
"GENDER LABILE, DIFFERENT SEXUALITIES": A tutorial on sexual and gender diversity. (Or how museums can contribute to education in this subject) Este artículo analiza cómo el museo, para eliminar los sesgos heteronormativos y... more
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      Gender and SexualityMuseumsMuseums and Gender
Este artículo presenta el proyecto piloto “Crea tu propia sala de personajes ilustres” llevado a cabo por el Museo Nacional de Cerámica de Valencia en colaboración con el Colegio Sagrada Familia de Massamagrell, como colofón a la visita... more
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      Museum EducationMuseums and Gender
Pictures are an essential feature of archaeological discourse. The way they are used and their unconsciously made assertions demonstrate important things about ourselves, our theories, our methods, and the way we think. They subtly convey... more
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesMuseum StudiesSocial Archaeology
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      Gender StudiesMuseums and IdentityHistoria de la arqueología, de los museos y del patrimonio arqueológicoMuseums and Gender
Desplegable del proyecto (castellano).
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      Historic House MuseumsMuseums and Gender
Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism is the follow-up collection to the 2010 volume Gender, Sexuality, and Museums: A Routledge Reader, edited by Amy K. Levin. In the new book, Joshua Adair 1 joins Levin as co-editor, and together they... more
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      Gender and SexualityMuseums and IdentityMuseumsBook Reviews
Las Edades de las Mujeres Iberas, la ritualidad femenina en las colecciones del Museo de Jaén” es una exposición temporal e itinerante realizada por cinco reconocidas investigadoras españolas. Carmen Rueda Galán, Carmen Rísquez Cuenca,... more
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      Gender StudiesMuseums and IdentityMuseosMuseums and Gender
En Asturias la divulgación del patrimonio arqueológico ha crecido de forma extraordinaria desde los años noventa hasta la actualidad. La construcción de centros de interpretación, aulas didácticas, centros de orientación o parques... more
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      Public ArchaeologyARQUEOLOGIA DE GENEROMuseums and GenderMuseos y Genero
Whose Artifacts? Whose Stories? explores uses of public history to tell stories of women’s relationship with science and technology at the Canada Science and Technology Museum, one of Canada’s national museum. The article examines how... more
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      Public HistoryExhibitionsWomen and TechnologyMuseum Collections (Research)
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      Gender StudiesMuseums and Gender
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      History of MuseumsCollecting and CollectionsByzantiumPatronage and collecting
Dear colleagues, It is a pleasure to share with you this call for papers open until April 15 2022 for the monographic issue of the journal Her&Mus. Heritage & Museography on “To the rescue of minority groups. Gender, migration and racism... more
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      Gender StudiesCultural HeritageRace and RacismGender
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      Museum StudiesGenderHistory of MuseumsModernity
Publicación de la comunicación realizada en el I Congreso de Género, Museos y Arte en la cuidad de Lugo en 2013. Mi ponencia se basó en presentar algunas reflexiones en clave de género en torno al Museo Arqueológico Regional del... more
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      Public HistoryMuseums and IdentityMuseos y PatrimonioARQUEOLOGIA DE GENERO
Leaflet of the project.
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      Historic House MuseumsMuseums and Gender
Special issue of the journal Cahiers de l'Ecole du Louvre. Journée d'étude "Violent(e)s. Genre et violence dans l'histoire de l'art, may 2019.
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      IconoclasmFeminismMuseums and Gender
Whose Artifacts? Whose Stories? explores uses of public history to tell stories of women’s relationship with science and technology at the Canada Science and Technology Museum, one of Canada’s national museum. The article examines how... more
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      Public HistoryExhibitionsWomen and TechnologyMuseum Collections (Research)
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      Gender StudiesMuseums and IdentityLa construcción de la subjetividad: Identidad y CulturaMuseums and Gender
Gender perspective and museums. Introduction to the publication "Museum, monuments and gender" about the conferences organised in 2018 by the Xarxa de museus d'història i monuments de Catalunya.
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    • Museums and Gender
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      Womens RightsMuseums and GenderWomen and heritage
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      Feminist ArchaeologyMuseums and Gender
Chuck Stokes (WXYZ-Detroit) interviews museum director Mark Auslander, curator Mary Worrall, and community co curator Amanda Smith about the MSU Museum exhibition, "Finding our Voice: Sister Survivors Speak. " July 7. 2019. Spotlight on... more
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      Museum StudiesSexual ViolenceGender And ViolenceSexual and Gender-Based Violence
http:www.relecturas.es Relecturas es un proyecto cultural y de investigación llevado a cabo entre la Universitat de València y 11 museos valencianos. El objetivo fundamental es ofrecer nuevas narrativas museales en las exposiciones... more
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      Museum learningMuseum StudiesDigital MuseumGender History