Musical semiology
Recent papers in Musical semiology
Di tutte le annunciazioni che popolano la storia umana e le sue svariate tradizioni, al semiologo non interessa la fonte in sé, il numinoso che all’umano si rivolge per significargli di volta in volta la propria presenza, intenzione,... more
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
"All being well, the reader who has made it to this last word will at least empathize with an attachment to exploring the known unknowns in music theory pedagogy. Admittedly, that concept 'known unknown' got an uneasy, mixed public... more
El trabajo investigativo “Las Músicas Tradicionales-Urbanas”, se desarrolla como consecuencia del interés por indagar y aportar al conocimiento de la música y su contexto social y cultural en la ciudad de Bogotá. En concreto, este trabajo... more
Actes du colloque du programme ANR MANNO (Manuscrits Notés en Neumes en Occident), Abbaye de Royaumont, octobre 2010 (Études grégoriennes, XXXIX, 2012, p. 73-96).
This essay examines the cultural phenomena of noise in its perceived social constructions and demonstrates its emergence as a form of resistance against prevailing dominant hegemonic codes of culture. In particular, the paper explores the... more
This is an unpublished keynote speech (annual meeting of the Music Theory Society of New York State, 2008). It considers issues of performance and analysis, the unique lure of music, and the metaphor of structure. The case study is the... more
Building on the notational principles of C. S. Peirce’s graphical logic, Pietarinen has tried to develop a propositional logic unfolding in the medium of sound. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this project serves as a concrete test of... more