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This essay investigates the question " To what extent were economic difficulties from 1973-1988 the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union. " The investigation uses a range of secondary sources to understand the different... more
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      European HistorySoviet Union (History)Mikhail GorbachevNikita Krushchev
A short story about Khrushchev's favourite datcha at Pitsunda. Copyright Perrin. From an edited volume called 'A day with'. First publication: 2016. Paperback: 2017.
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryCold WarNikita Krushchev
Eine Untersuchung der propagierten Durchführung der Entstalinisierung durch Nikita Chruschtschow. Änderte sich durch die Entstalinisierung tatsächlich der Aufbau der Parteihierarchie in der UDSSR und verschwand die Alleinherrschaft und... more
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      Nikita KrushchevUdSSRKommunismus
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesEastern EuropeSoviet History
SANTRAUKA Iš užkariautų kraštų įkūrusi imperiją carų valdžia jos administraciniam padalijimui skyrė nuolatinį dėmesį. Prie Rusijos mokslų akademijos 1739 m. įsteigtas Geografijos departamentas, kuris vadovavo visiems geodeziniams... more
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      HistorySoviet HistorySecond World WarRussian History
Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá príčinami, prípravou a priebehom najvýznamnejšej bitky východného frontu. Bitka o Stalingrad predstavovala obrat vo vývoji nemeckej ofenzívy z leta roku 1942. Práca sa snaží chronologicky opísať udalosti... more
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      World War IIAdolf HitlerNikita KrushchevBattle of Stalingrad
This paper explores the possibility that James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's legendary chief of counterintelligence, was actually a traitor working for America's domestic enemies.
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      IntelligenceCentral Intelligence AgencyEspionageCIA
В монографии исследованы представления о коммунистическом будущем, выработанные в рамках официального дискурса и в сознании советских граждан. На основании широкого круга источников –официальных документов, материалов СМИ, художественных... more
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      CommunismHistory of the USSRNikita Krushchev
The article was published on: Sowieci a polskie podziemie 1943-1946, red. Ł. Adamski, G. Hryciuk, G. Motyka, Warszawa 2017.
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      Soviet HistorySecond World WarNikita KrushchevKhrushchev
Μετά την προσωρινή ύφεση του Κυπριακού με την έναρξη διαπραγματεύσεων στο Λονδίνο και την εκ νέου ενεργότερη ένταξη της Ελλάδας στον συμμαχικό στρατιωτικό συνασπισμό του ΝΑΤΟ το 1958 με την έναρξη συζητήσεων για εγκατάσταση πυραύλων... more
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      Cold War and CultureCold WarCold War historyAcropolis
É indiscutível que, entre todas as obras realizadas por Oscar Niemeyer em Brasília, os palácios da nova capital constituem marcos reconhecidos como patrimônio cultural e arquitetônico do país. O Palácio da Alvorada e os palácios da Praça... more
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      ArchitectureModern ArchitecturePrecast Concrete1960s
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      Soviet HistoryArchivesHistory of the USSRHistory of Hungary
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      LeninPerestroikaSoviet UnionMikhail Gorbachev
Da Berlino ad Odessa alla ricerca del socialismo perduto: un diario di viaggio.
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      ConflictHistory of the USSRWorld War IISocialism
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      Romanian HistoryChinese StudiesCommunismSoviet Union (History)
Günümüz sistem yapısının karmaşıklığı elbette ki geçmişle bağlantılı ve bir şekilde devamı gibi gelmektedir. Çalışmanın ana konusu Ekim 1962 tarihli Küba Krizi'nin hegemonya yarışı bağlamında değerlendirilmesi ve diplomasinin yükselişinin... more
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      International RelationsDiplomacyHegemonyUluslararası İlişkiler
extrait de "Rapprocher l'école et la vie" ?
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      Soviet HistoryHistory of EducationNikita Krushchev
Die meisten Stationen der Moskauer Metro gelten zurecht als architektonische Meisterwerke. Was viele Bewunderer der Stationen nicht wissen: Die Metro in der russischen Metropole war einst als propagandistisches Bauwerk konzipiert worden.... more
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      PropagandaStalin and StalinismNikita KrushchevUdSSR
When we think about peace and the future of peace, we also need to think about organization. Peace has to be organized. Most people, even in my own country Germany, don't realize this. We tend to think of the nation state as the highest... more
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      HistoryConstitutional LawInternational SecurityJapanese History
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      Cold WarCold War International RelationsCold War historyJohn F. Kennedy
II. Dünya savaşı sonrasında dünya daha önce göremediği bir döneme ve yeni bir düzene evirildi. Daha önce tek kutuplu ve bir tek devlet orijinli dünya artık iki kutuplu ve çekişme dolu bir döneme girmişti.Bu kutuplar ABD başat gücü ile... more
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      OrtadoğuTruman DoctrineTürkiyeSuriye
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      Sovietology/KremlinologyBook ReviewsбиографияNikita Krushchev
Рецензия А.С. Чернышёв содержит подробный обзор монографии доцента Челябинского государственного университета А.А. Фокина в контексте новейшей историографии по периоду хрущевской "оттепели". The review contains a detailed review of the... more
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      HistoriographyKhrushchev's reformsHistory of the USSRBook Reviews
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      Democrazia CristianaNikita KrushchevPartito comunista italianoGuerra Fredda
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      Cuban HistoryFidel CastroCuban Missile CrisisJohn F. Kennedy
Reseña de los documentos del Cairo. De los archivos secretos de Gamal Abdel Nasser. Revivir la historia de uno de los personajes que marcó la vida de Egipto profundamente es una tarea que realizó el periodista Mohamed Heikal al reunir... more
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      Relaciones InternacionalesRusiaJohn F. KennedyEstados Unidos
Tekst opisuje słabo znane zamachy bombowe przeprowadzone w Zagórzu na przełomie dekady lat 60 XX w. W 1959 r. zamachowiec, detonując pierwszy ładunek przed przejazdem przez Zagórze kolumny samochodów z liderem Związku Sowieckiego Nikitą... more
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      BombingNikita KrushchevWładysław GomułkaKatowice Voivodeship
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      Soviet Union (History)Stalin and StalinismHistory of CommunismNikita Krushchev
The article probes the social background to the controversial ‘Kitchen Debate’ between the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and the US vice-president Richard Nixon, which occured at the American trade exhibition in Moscow during summer... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignSuburban StudiesCultural Cold WarBuckminster Fuller
Eastern Europe historically had been the battleground for control by Germany, Poland, Austria, and Russia. The peoples of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) were ethnically distinct both in language and religion from... more
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      Belarusian StudiesMoldovaHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthUkraine
Recently, in post-Soviet space, new Stalin statues have been created, and old ones have reappeared. These battles, both symbolic and material, over monuments. This article highlights the disparate meanings of three historical Stalin... more
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      Soviet HistoryMemory StudiesSoviet Union (History)Socialism
Arguably, one of the most intense periods of insecurity and instability in the modern era was the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. This story is well-known; at the eleventh-hour, President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev... more
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      Cold War International RelationsJohn F. KennedyNikita Krushchev1963