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      Southwestern ArchaeologyPaleoindiansClovisNorthern Mexico Archaeology
ABSTRACT. This paper describes the rock art discovered in the San Jeronimo rock shelter, located in the deserts of northern Zacatecas, Mexico. This site is a remarkable example of the conjunction of recurring pictorial styles in northern... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Hunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Las colecciones privadas o descontextualizadas pueden ser de gran ayuda en las investigaciones arqueológicas. Sin embargo, su estudio ha sido ha sido prácticamente ignorado por la arqueología, a pesar de que podrían aportar mucho más... more
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      Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithicsHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
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      Hunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyPaleoindian archaeologyClovisNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Libro que reúne los principales estudios presentados durante el primer Encuentro Internacional de Arte Rupestre Tamaulipas 2014; que muestra las nuevas tendencia y enfoques en la investigación, conservación y divulgación del arte rupestre... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)MesoamericaPrehistoric Rock ArtRock Art
Data on a pre-contact missile hurling sling recovered from Coyote Cave, SW Coahuila, and probable rock art depictions of slings in Coahuila. Academia.edu posting #5. Update for: Slings & Slingstones, The Forgotten Weapons of Oceania and... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Una revisión de la historia de las investigaciones arqueológicas en la Ferrería Durango, así como una revisión de las principales estructuras abiertas al público.
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyNorthwest MexicoDurango
This paper presents the results of the analysis of macrobotanical and pollen remains from 14 thermal features at La Playa (Son F:10:3), Sonora, Mexico. These features, typically filled with ash, charcoal, and fire-altered rock, are... more
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      EthnobotanyPaleoethnobotany (Anthropology)Southwestern ArchaeologyEarly Agriculture
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      Petroglyphs and PictographsNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Abstract This article surveys research in Northwest Mexico (Sonora and Chihuahua), with an emphasis on the Early Agricultural period to the Late Prehistoric period. Middle range societies that are diverse in scale and organization... more
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Archaeology of the U.S. Southwest
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      ArchaeologyCasas Grandes archaeologyNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyPaquime
En este estudio se plantea una serie de interpretaciones en torno a uno de los conjuntos rupestres más enigmáticos y sugestivos del Gran Mural, situado en Baja California Sur, México. El sitio es conocido como Cueva de la Serpiente y se... more
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      Rock ArtArte RupestreBaja California (Archaeology)Californian Rock Art
BOOK SUMMARY Complete book, libro completo Traditionally Mexico is identified as a significant region for understanding the colonization of the continent, his territory is shape as a funnel, if the first Americans move inland from... more
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      ArchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyPaleoindiansThe Paleoindian toolkit
Since the late 19th Century, Eduard Seler and others recognized that the Late Postclassic Central Mexican deity, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli--"the God of Dawn"--embodied Venus as the Morning Star. With roots in Early Postclassic Toltec-related... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyPaleoindian archaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Tradicionalmente el río Mocorito se ha reconocido como marcador de la máxima extensión septentrional de la tradición arqueológica Aztatlán en el Noroeste de México. El registro arqueológico sugiere que existe una continuidad de ocupación... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Northern Mexico ArchaeologyAztatlán archaeology
Escribo esta narrativa porque en este tiempo no me puedo quedar callada; no puedo permitir que la ofensa ocurrida del 23-28 de abril 2019 se quede sin ser memorializada en un escrito, y se nos olvide. Este evento mala onda y triste debe... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsRacismo y discriminaciónNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyPueblos indígenas
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)Northern Mexico ArchaeologyAztatlán archaeologyNorthwestern Mexico
The earliest known foragers to populate most of North America south of the glaciers [∼11,500 to ≥ ∼10,800 14C yBP; ∼13,300 to ∼12,800 calibrated (Cal) years] made distinctive “Clovis” artifacts. They are stereotypically characterized... more
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      ArchaeologyPleistocene VertebratePleistocenePaleoindians
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamerica
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      InteractionSouthwestern ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Northern Mexico Archaeology
A wealth of archaeological surveys and excavations have been conducted in Sonora, Mexico within the past century. Despite the establishment of Centro INAH Sonora, and numerous binational projects, little attempt has been made to... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Sonoran DesertSonora
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      PaleoindiansClovisNorthern Mexico Archaeology
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Research demonstrates the association between musical instruments and ritual practices and political complexity in the past. Musical instruments have been found at the Late Medio period regional polity of Paquimé in northern Mexico and in... more
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      Southwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)Southwestern ArchaeologyAncestral Pueblo (Archaeology)Archaeology of the U.S. Southwest
Between 200 and 1200 CE Central Mexico was the setting for the formation and disintegration of two states, Teotihuacan and Tula. At their peaks, both urban centers established distant ties throughout Mesoamerica. The nature of their... more
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      World Systems AnalysisMesoamerican ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Southwestern Archaeology
Las investigaciones de campo de la etapa 2 del proyecto apoyado por CONACYT, se llevaron acabo del 1 de noviembre al 22 de diciembre de 2009 bajo la responsabilidad de John Carpenter, Guadalupe Sánchez e Ismael Sanchez Morales. Con la... more
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      Burial mounds (Archaeology)Northwest MexicoNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyAztatlán archaeology
Más que una propuesta, el texto conforma una serie de pasos que pueden facilitar la investigación arqueoastronómica en el arte rupestre; sin embargo, muchos de los métodos y técnicas han sido emplementados incluso décadas atrás; sin... more
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)ArchaeoastronomyArqueología
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Northern Mexico ArchaeologyWest and Northwest Mexican Archaeology
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyAztatlán archaeologyWest and Northwest Mexican Archaeology
This volume presents a sampling of how documentary relations are employed in archaeological inference. We use the term documentary relations as an inclusive term for data sources outside of the material remains that are typically the... more
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      EthnohistoryHistorical ArchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Archaeological investigations in the prehispanic American Southwest/Northwest Mexico region have furnished some of the most anthropologically relevant case studies for exploring how and when people move and the social and physical impacts... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Southwestern ArchaeologyMigrations (Archaeology)
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyArchaic PeriodEarly AgricultureNorthern Mexico Archaeology
An integrated magnetic survey was carried out on key places within the La Quemada archaeological complex, built over a hill on the northern frontier of Classic period Mesoamerica. Samples were collected from the Plaza of Sacrifices and... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamericaFrontier StudiesArchaeomagnetism
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyProtohistoric Archaeology
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is one of the major geophysical prospecting techniques used in archaeology. Complex GPR profile data contains detailed reflections produced by subsurface features, but they are difficult to interpret. To... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Central America and MexicoModeling and Simulation
This article examines large-scale spatial and temporal patterns in the agricultural demographic transition (ADT) of Mesoamerica and southwestern North America (“the Southwest”). An analysis of published settlement and subsistence data... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)Mesoamerican Archaeology
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      Early AgricultureNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyHistoria de Durango
The ripple effect of Spanish Colonial expansion northward to the Rio Grande was first expressed by the indigenous people in rock art panels displaying curiosity about imported traits, such as domestic animals, clothing, and permanent... more
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      Petroglyphs and PictographsCulture ContactNorthern Mexico Archaeology
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
In this chapter we enlist historical documents and modern ethnographic and linguistic data to evaluate archaeological interpretations of pan-regional connectivity in Northwest Mexico and beyond. Despite early interest in the archaeology... more
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      Historical ArchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico Archaeology
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      Southwestern ArchaeologySubsistence systems (Archaeology)Northwest MexicoFaunal Analysis
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyNorthern Mexico ArchaeologyAztatlán archaeology
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      BioarchaeologySocial IdentityMortuary archaeologyCremations
Since 2007 we have been investigating a Clovis site in the basin of the Bacoachi River, in northern Sonora. The site, El Fin del Mundo consists of at least 25 localities including: a buried, stratified feature where Clovis peoples hunted... more
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      PaleoindiansClovisPleistocene megafaunaNorthern Mexico Archaeology
New explorations in the desert of northeastern Zacatecas, in central-northern Mexico, revealed dozens of archaeological and geoarchaeological sites. One of them, Ojo de Agua, contains the remains of a Pleis-tocene spring-fed hydrographic... more
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      Hunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyLate Pleistocene to Early HoloceneNorthern Mexico Archaeology
Utilizing data derived predominantly from investigations at El Ombligo, Mochicahui and Rincón de Buyubampo, we examine the northernmost extension of the Aztatlán archaeological tradition incorporating the Culiacán region along with the... more
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Northern Mexico ArchaeologyInterregional interaction
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      Agricultural EconomicsSouthwestern ArchaeologyArchaic PeriodEarly Agriculture