Recent papers in Numbers
Lim and Leek (2012) presented a formalization of information along object contours, which they argued was an alternative to the approach taken in our article (Feldman & Singh, 2005). Here, we summarize the 2 approaches, showing... more
Abstract: In nonprofit settings, numbers are ubiquitous. Therefore, when Spanish community service-learning (CSL) students work in nonprofits, they, too, must manage and manipulate numbers accurately-in Spanish. This can be surprisingly... more
Forty-five children with mathematics learning disabilities, with and without comorbid reading disabilities, were compared to 45 normally achieving peers in tasks assessing basic numerical skills. Children with mathematics disabilities... more
IT IS often claimed that young children do not understand the principle of the invariance of quantity. This conclusion is based on the results of the well-known conservation experiments by Piaget and Szeminska (1952) which apparently show... more
Humans show a remarkable tendency to describe and think of numbers as being placed on a mental number line (MNL), with smaller numbers located on the left and larger ones on the right. Faster responses to small numbers are indeed... more
**Please email for original pdf** In 2013, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa announced the end of the Yasuní-ITT initiative. The initiative had proposed to combat climate change by not exploiting oil reserves in one section of the... more
L’heure, la qualité d’un restaurant, la température, le taux de chômage, le QI, la durée d’un entrainement, la réussite d’un lycée, la richesse, une côte de popularité... Il semble impossible d’échapper aux chiffres ! Mais à quoi... more
This article reports on the activity of two pairs of sixth grade students who participated in an 8-month teaching experiment that investigated the students’ construction of fraction composition schemes. A fraction composition scheme... more
Several researchers have noted how children’s whole number schemes can interfere with their efforts to learn fractions. An Australian study found that children who were successful with the solution of rational number tasks exhibited... more
People these days know the Universe as a Whole, because not knowing the edge between This and That. Its secret is the secret of a forgotten body, the seventh in the series of multifaceted as Life, Seven. We know six of it now. But the... more
Literacy educators have been actively theorising the demands of literacy in New Times yet mathematics educators have taken little of this debate up. If, as literacy educators suggest, literacy demands are different in these New Times,... more
Decimal Numbers:-Base 10 uses ten digits = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Binary Numbers:-Base 2 uses 2 digits = 0, 1 Octal Numbers:-Base 8 uses 8 digits = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Hexadecimal Numbers:-Base 16 uses 16 digits = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,... more
This article seeks to examine how a theological reflection on the priestly emolument in Numbers 18:8-32 would enhance a better interpretation of stewardship amongst believing communities in Africa. Dependency syndrome amongst most African... more
«Everything is Number», says Pythagoras. This is the truth: the essence of the Number is the being of beings, their I: if it is numered, then it exists. Therefore, ignorance of the Number and neglect of it are destructive for us. An... more
Filosofie čísla [Philosophy of Number], Filosofia, Praha 2008, 672 s. The book deals with basic principles of arithmetic and calculus from the perspective of modern logic. The central line of the text examines the concept of real number... more
All the fields of Mathematics-‘Algebra’, ‘Trigonometry’, ‘Geometry’, ‘Calculus’ and ‘Statistics’ are based on the Patterns, Shapes and Numbers and thus we can conclude that Mathematics is based on Pattern, Shapes and Numbers. Defining... more
This module deals with fractions. This includes how to order and compare fractions and how to perform operations on fractions and apply these basic concepts to problem-solving. This module also includes common errors committed by students... more
Theme of the Pentateuch: Tripartite covenant; progeny, relationship with God, and Land.
The purpose of this work is to create a mathematical formula that allows to generate Harshad numbers in base 10, that are positive integers (written in decimal form) divisible by the sum of their own digits.
This article outlines a history of numerical knowledge. It focuses on the forms of use that were developed for dealing with numbers. I begin with the act of counting and the notation of numbers (B); move from the role of numerals in... more
Shapes defined by the golden ratio have long been considered aesthetically pleasing in western cultures, reflecting nature's balance between symmetry and asymmetry. The ratio is still used frequently in art and design. The golden ratio is... more
Numeration systems vary widely across traditional societies in the world. From reported societies in the Amazon with no numbers at all, to widespread spread numeration systems which count only to three, to the elaborate numerology of... more