Recent papers in Numero
HUMAN infants can discriminate between different small numbers of items 1���4, and can determine numerical equivalence across perceptual modalities 5, 6. This may indicate the possession of true numerical concepts 1, 4���7. Alternatively,... more
People are especially sensitive to numerosity as a cue for judging quantity or probability. That is, people sometimes judge amount or likelihood on the basis of the number of units into which a stimulus is divided without fully... more
1. Surveyed 442 graduates and undergraduates about their preferences for verbal and numerical probability communications. Some group differences emerged, but overall, 34% expressed preference for both conveying and receiving information... more
The 2nd–4th finger length ratio (2D: 4D) shows robust sexual dimorphism, with lower ratios evident in men compared to women. Several lines of evidence suggest that this sex difference is due to variable exposure to prenatal sex steroids... more
Two experiments used a digitizing tablet to analyse the temporal, spatial, and kinematic characteristics of handwritten production of arabic numbers. They addressed a specific issue of the numerical domain: Does the lexical and syntactic... more
in this article is showed mainly, the sense of name «prime number» deduced from the writings of some mathematicians of Ancient Greece starting by the meaning of the name in Greek language and its definition in the Euclid's Elements,... more
We aimed to navigate the surgeon regarding the localization of the main anatomical structures at the anterior part of the ankle joint, in order to find easily the safest anatomical points with reference to the superficial peroneal nerve... more
This paper presents an implementation of a concurrent version of Schöning's algorithm for k-SAT in [Sch99]. It is shown that the algorithm can be implemented with space complexity O ((2− 2/k) n) and time complexity O (kmn+ n 3),... more