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Special double issue of Arabica, 64/3-4 (2017), 287-693

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      Intellectual HistoryOttoman HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Military HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPsychology
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      Roman ReligionGreek EpigraphyAncient Mediterranean ReligionsLatin Epigraphy
Диссертация посвящена изучению народной традиции толкования сновидений в восточнославянской культуре. Основной материал исследования – рассказы о вещих снах, записанные автором в Полтавской области (2012–2018 гг.). Целью работы является... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyDemotic
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Sinesio di Cirene, Perì enypníōn (De insomniis), introduzione, traduzione e commento di Nicola Montenz.
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyDemoticGraeco-Roman Egypt
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      EgyptologyClassicsGreek LiteratureDemotic
The thesis investigates the folk tradition of dream interpretation in the eastern Slavic culture. Essential materials for the research are narratives about prophetic dreams recorded by the author in the Poltava region (2012–2018 years).... more
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      AnthropologyFolklorePersonal Narrative (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Divination
In ancient times, mirrors seemed rare and precious, and many cultures endowed them with magical properties. They believed that mirrors not only reflected the soul, but also had the power of retaining part of the soul of those who looked... more
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The article investigates the impact on Western culture of the so-called Oneirocriticon of Achmet, a Byzantine Greek dreambook, by focusing on an early Latin translation made by Leo Tuscus in 1176 and entitled De Somniis et Oraculis. The... more
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      Dante StudiesDivinationArthurian StudiesDream work
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the seduction of the wild man Enkidu by Shamhat the harlot symbolically causes his death as an unreflective animal and his rebirth as a human – an Eden-like fall into self-awareness. Created as a match for king... more
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      Arthurian StudiesArthurianaGilgamesh EpicSelf-awareness
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyMulti- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyDivination
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyPapyrologyDemotic
In many cultures, dreams are seen as tools of divination. Mesopotamia is no different, and the earliest examples of oneiromancy can be traced as far back as the Third Millennium BCE. References to dreams and dream reports are found in a... more
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      ReligionMagicGreek Magical PapyriPGM
"La divinazione per somnium, pratica non teurgica (oniromantica) ma naturale (onirocritica), diffusa e per evidenza di prove ammessa da Aristotele, dalle auctoritates cattoliche e da Dante, è una disciplina astrologica, fisiologica ed... more
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      Dante StudiesVisions And DreamsDreamsOneiromancy
Après avoir très brièvement mentionné les traits particuliers du texte qui est à la base de cette investigation, la Lampe pour l’Œil de la Contemplation du grand maître tibétain gNubs-chen sangs-rgyas ye-shes, nous présenterons la... more
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      Tibetan StudiesBuddhist StudiesOneiromancy
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      Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityDreams (History)Visions And Dreams
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      Byzantine StudiesCoptic StudiesLate AntiquityGraeco-Roman Egypt
This article follows upon my earlier study and edition of three mantic alphabets in late medieval English, in Anglia 132/3 (2014: 473–505). Mantic alphabets are a late medieval form of dream divination that was known throughout the Latin... more
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      CensorshipMiddle EnglishMedieval StudiesDivination
Although the actual dreaming experience of the Byzantines lies beyond our reach, the remarkable number of dream narratives in the surviving sources of the period attests to the cardinal function of dreams as vehicles of meaning, and thus... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityDreams (History)Visions And Dreams
In the XXIInd c. BCE, Gudea, ruler of the Southern Mesopotamian city-state of Lagaš, begins the construction of the sanctuary dedicated to the city-god Ninĝirsu. The building programme is accompanied by a celebrative apparatus that... more
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      Sumerian ReligionDivinationMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near East
Quomodo scriptum Valerii Maximi de Alexandro Magno somniante sanari possit.  Latine.
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      Latin Language and LiteratureAlexander the GreatAncient Greek HistoryValerius Maximus
The Oneirocriticon of Artémidoros Ephesius offers some descriptions of the ephesian society in the second century A.D. (slavery, gladiators, perception of the emperor, and the Zeitgeist of a period in which social mobility was possible)
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      Roman HistorySlaveryHistory of SlaverySocial History
Libiamo ne’ lieti calici. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends. Edited by Paola Corò, Elena Devecchi, Nicla De Zorzi, and Massimo Maiocchi with the... more
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologyNeo-Assyrian studiesOneiromancy
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      Second SophisticAncient PhilosophySophistsOneiromancy
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      MagicAncient ReligionLate AntiquityVisions And Dreams
This paper analyses how Artemidorus integrates literary quotations into his Onirocriticon (2nd century CE). At a time when paideia is essential to the definition of the Greek man, the use of quotations underlines how much Artemidorus... more
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      Greek LiteratureSecond SophisticAnthropology of Dreams and DreamingAncient Greek Culture
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic StudiesSufismShi'ism
On the dream-god, Homer, Ilias 2: Bien qu'il ne semble pas qu'il ait existé des cultes d'Oneiros, ce dernier apparaît dans l'« Iliade » comme un dieu à part entière qui présente des affinités avec les divinités primordiales, les... more
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      ClassicsHomerAncient Greek ReligionAncient myth and religion
Il contributo analizza la maniera in cui le varie forme di predizione del futuro si realizzano, intrecciandosi, nell’opera di Cecco d’Ascoli e lo statuto che esse assumono dalle opere latine fino al poema volgare. In particolare, si... more
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      PhilologyMedieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureDivination
Aut credebat esse aut credi volebat: fonti antiche e tentativi di analisi psicologica, in «Scholia. Didattica», [supplemento didattico a ‘Scholia. Rivista di letteratura latina e greca’, edita presso il Dipartimento di Studi Antichistici... more
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      Ancient HistoryPsychologyHistorical AnthropologyRoman History
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      NeurosciencePsychologyApplied PsychologyBehavioural Science
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryPapyrologyHellenistic History
The article considers the search queries containing the phrase “what does dream mean” (or similar phrases) which were made by Internet users from Poltava region (the material for the analysis was obtained using a tool “Keyword Planner” in... more
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      DivinationOral TraditionsInternet FolkloreAnthropology of Media
THE ORDERED DREAM. Ming Dynasty Oneirological Treatises in Light of Dream Traditions in Chinese Divination, Medicine and Religion. Dissertation, PhD in Chinese Studies, École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris). Advisor: Prof. Marc... more
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      DivinationChinese MedicineMing DynastyOneiromancy
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesAnimals in LiteratureAnimals in Culture
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryRoman HistoryPapyrology
Dream interpretation during early psychoanalysis elicited associations from the patient but also involved authoritarian interpretations focused on whatever the analyst believed to be the key human drives—sex, power, transcendence, etc.... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
Quod sententia Valeriana a nobis superiore tempore attacta, etiamsi est intellectu difficilis, tamen sine mendo tradita est.  Latine.
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      Latin Language and LiteratureAlexander the GreatValerius MaximusOneiromancy
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      DivinationMagicCodicologyChinese manuscripts
La adivinación en los papiros mágicos griegos Athanassia Zografou p. 336-340 Référence(s) : Alejandro García Molinos, La adivinación en los papiros mágicos griegos, Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2017. 1 vol. 17 × 23 cm,... more
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationMagical PracticesMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldGreek Magical Papyri
Статья подготовлена в рамках научного проекта «Создание сюжетно-мотивного указателя фольклорных рассказов о сновидениях (на восточнославянском материале XX-XXI вв.)». В ней представлены основные принципы разработки указателя мотивов... more
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      SemioticsFolkloreSocial and Cultural AnthropologyDivination