Orientalism (Architecture)
Most cited papers in Orientalism (Architecture)
Du croquis à la peinture à l’huile, restées à l’état original ou diffusées par l’intermédiaire de la gravure, seules ou en conjonction avec le récit viatique, les images du voyage en Orient véhiculent une image riche en contrastes et... more
In this article I shall examine Oriental-style synagogues built in Austria-Hungary during the second half of the nineteenth century in the context of the architectural and cultural history of Habsburg lands, putting forward three theses:... more
After Chilean independence in XIX, a general openness to the European culture occurs. In this period arrived painters, writers, scientists and architects. With them arrived many stylistic possibilities that had a central role in the new... more
"L'Architecture ottomane" pubblicato nel 1873 è l'importante testo teorico che sistematizza l'evoluzione dell'architettura ottomana applicandovi le categorie e il lessico della trattatistica classica e rinascimentale. Passando dalla... more