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Alice Davis Hitchcock Award for 1992, Society of Architectural Historians. Most Outstanding Book in Architecture and Urban Planning, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers, Inc., 1991.... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureDante Studies
The Heritage Department of the Brussels Capital Region (BRPS) and the Réseau Art Nouveau Network invite you to attend the conference-master class “Henri Sauvage, from Art Nouveau to Art Deco : restoration projects” that will take place on... more
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      Heritage ConservationArt NouveauHistoric InteriorsArt Nouveau Architecture
Izložba Etnografski muzej-palača s potpisom organizira se povodom završetka obnove Etnografskog muzeja kojom je rekonstruirana dekoracija pročelja ove građevine. Jedina u secesijskom stilu namjenski podignuta muzejska zgrada u Hrvatskoj... more
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      History of MuseumsMuseums and Exhibition Design19-20th Century (Architecture history)Art Nouveau
Анализ эволюции образа Афины на материале литературной (О. Уайльд, Вл. Соловьев, А. Блок) и иконографической (Э. Берн-Джонс, Ф. Штук, Г. Климт, К. Мозер и др.) традиции модерна позволяет наметить этапы происхождения и развития... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyAncient myth and religionOscar Wilde
Victor Horta’s Solvay House: the sumptuous city palace of an industrial family When the young Armand Solvay rather unexpectedly ascended to the top job at the company Solvay et Cie in 1894, he commissioned Victor Horta in that same year... more
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      Art NouveauFin de SiècleTheo Van RysselbergheVictor Horta
Many renowned Brussels Art nouveau interiors have been studied and examined over the past fifteen years: the assessment of the results and the literature allow to develop a profile of their decoration and finishings.
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      Design HistoryArchitectural ConservationArchitectural HeritageArt Nouveau
Tiskem vyšlo v časopise Monumentorum Custos 2013. Prosím digitální verzi nešířit, pouze citovat! Architekt Fritz Hühnl, tvůrce „malého Norimberka“ v Trnovanech, věkově odpovídá generaci „mladých mistrů“ z Wagnerovy školy. V době, kdy... more
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      ArchitectureArt NouveauGermanic MythologyArt Nouveau Architecture
RESUMEN La Casa museu Lluís Domènech i Montaner, en Canet de Mar, nos permite a través de sus colecciones cerámicas y otros materiales reconstruir la evolución del uso de la cerámica en la obra domenechiana, sus diferentes influencias y... more
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      Museum StudiesArt NouveauCeramicsModernismo
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      ModernismZamoraGlass History / Art NouveauAntonio gaudi
Full text: https://www.artnouveau-net.eu/conference/the-interiors-of-art-nouveau-period-analyse-restore-make-accessible/ On the occasion of RANN’s 20th anniversary, urban.brussels, a founding member of RANN, hosted an international... more
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      Art NouveauArt Nouveau Architecture
U bogatoj kazališnoj i kinematografskoj povijesti Rijeke arhitektonski jednom od najzanimljivijih građevina možemo smatrati Teatro Fenice, koja predstavlja prvu primjenu armiranog betona u okviru tipologije kazališnih zdanja u Hrvatskoj... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryTheatre History
Par l’ampleur et la diversité des œuvres commandées, les Nozal constituent les principaux clients d’Hector Guimard. La personnalité controversée de l’architecte s’oppose, à première vue, aux valeurs traditionnelles de cette famille de la... more
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      Art HistoryArt NouveauHistory of architectureArt Nouveau Architecture
When talking about Catalonia, especially Barceloa, ‘the fancy city’ could be the first term coming out. With it rich architecture and urban context, the whole city is in a dynamic phenomena which is quite different from the others in the... more
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      Modernism (Art History)Art NouveauGothic architectureSpanish Modern Architecture
Article décrivant la genèse et les campagnes de restauration de la plus célèbre maison Art Nouveau de Genève, la Maison des paons, construite par Ami Golay et Eugène Cavalli (1902-1904). Texte écrit dans le volume d'hommage pour la... more
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      Science for Conservation and Restauration of Cultural HeritageGenèveArt Nouveau ArchitectureHistoire de Genève
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      Art HistoryUrban HistoryArchitectural HistoryNineteenth-century Art
COLOURS AND TEXTURES OF BRUSSELS INTERIORS: FROM THE 19TH CENTURY TO MODERNISM. Understanding and restoring practices Colours and textures are obviously an integral part of any architectural work, but the level of attention paid to colour... more
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      Architectural History19th century France19th CenturyJ.-K. Huysmans
A reflection on the drawings of Mackintosh’s Glasgow School of Art following 2018’s devastating fire, considering how that event changes relations between drawing and building in the architect’s work.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryDrawingDrawings (Architecture)
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      ArchitectureSchool ArchitectureArt Nouveau ArchitectureHistory of Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg
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      EclecticismMilanoEphemeral architectureArt Nouveau Architecture
Proust has shown little interest in the decorative arts of his time, but his work bears the mark of the "submarine style" distinctive of Art nouveau. The low bookshelves with glass panes in the Grand Hôtel room at Balbec ― the symbol of À... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureMusicologyVisual Studies
Droit de réponse aux propos injurieux proférés par le docteur Frédéric Descouturelle, trésorier du Cercle Guimard, publiés sur le blog « fontes d’art » le 30 juin 2021. Il m'a été communiqué votre " lecture critique" de mon article sur... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Art- Architecture historyArt Nouveau Architecture
This book is a unique and comprehensive illustrated dictionary of French Art Nouveau Ceramics. A census conducted in 1901 indicated the existence of some 209 producers of pottery in France, employing a total of around 5,800 full-time... more
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      Ceramic Technology19th century France20th century FranceCeramics (Art History)
Many renowned Brussels Art nouveau interiors have been studied and examined over the past fifteen years: the assessment of the results and the literature allow to develop a profile of their decoration and finishings.
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      Architectural ConservationArchitectural HeritageArt NouveauDesign studies
Architectural paint research and conservation-restauration of the only surviving example of shops built by Paul Hankar. The interior decoration is due to Paul Hankars best friend and collaborator, the painter Adolphe Crespin.
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      Heritage ConservationArt NouveauJaponismeMural painting
Ödön Lechner (1845-1914), often called the ”Hungarian Gaudí”, was one of the most original architects at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Educated in Berlin, the years he spent in Paris in Clément Parent’s office opened his eyes... more
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      ArchitectureHistoricismPersian CultureFolk arts
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      ArchitectureTriesteArt Nouveau ArchitectureArte Architettura Liberty
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      HistoryArchitectureDante StudiesItalian Studies
Nel progettare l'ex residenza estiva dell'ambasciata d'Italia a Tarabya sul Bosforo (1905-1906) Raimondo D'Aronco fa sintesi in maniera originale la tradizione degli yali e dei chioschi imperiali alla luce del linguaggio architettonico... more
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      History of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureArt Nouveau ArchitectureUrban Studies: Constantinople/Istanbul
Max Fabiani and the 1904 ‘Spiritus’ Exhibition in Vienna Promoted in 1902 by Kronprinz Franz Ferdinand, the exhibition was held in the Prater Rotunda in Vienna after two years of intense preparation. The programme included all kinds of... more
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      Central European historyExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds FairsHistory of architectureVienna Secession
No final do século XIX e início do XX foram construídos em Lisboa e Oeiras ateliers para trabalho, mas também para exposição e convívio. Estes foram construídos de acordo com novos conceitos espaciais apoiados no desenvolvimento das... more
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      Art NouveauFotografiaAzulejoAtelier
La cerámica arquitectónica tuvo, en Cartagena, un desarrollo muy similar al resto del levante peninsular, fruto del auge en número y calidad de las producciones que se desarrollaron, sobre todo, en la Comunidad Valenciana. Ya en el siglo... more
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      TilesCartagenaArt Nouveau TilesArchitectural Ceramics And Tiles Of 19th & 20th C
Capítulos dedicados a la cerámica del siglo XIX y a la cerámica en la obra de Domènech i Montaner en el catálogo de la exposición: La cerámica modernista y LLuís Domènech i Montane. Catalog from the temporal exhibition La cerámica... more
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      Art NouveauCeramicsModernismoTiles
It is well-known the debt of the Art Nouveau movement with the esthetical theory of late eighteenth Century Central European culture, and specially with the Viennese school: it's not by chance that the theoretical construct of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureArt Nouveau Architecture
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      Spanish Architecture (XXth Century)Art Nouveau ArchitectureSpanish architectsBuenos Aires Architecture
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      ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)19th century France20th century France
Ödön Lechner (1845-1914), often called the ”Hungarian Gaudí”, was one of the most original architects at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Educated in Berlin, the years he spent in Paris in Clément Parent’s office opened his eyes... more
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      ArchitectureHistoricismPersian CultureFolk arts
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      Art HistoryArchitectureNineteenth Century StudiesUrban History
The stylistic and historical analysis of the Croatian bridge design and construction of the 19th and first half of the 20th century has not yet even been tackled. This paper presents the work of the Vukovar - based engineer - architect... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringArt HistoryArchitectural History
As a sequel, see "Turin, 1902: The Search for a Modern Italian Architecture,” Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts 13 (Summer, 1989), 94-109; "Italian Rationalism,” Progressive Architecture (July, 1983), 86-94; Modernism in Italian... more
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      ArchitectureModern Italian HistoryNationalismArchitectural History
Monografija donosi uvid u raznolike utjecaje arhitekta Otta Wagnera na hrvatsku arhitekturu. Ugrubo mogla bi se podijeliti na dva dijela. Prvi dio govori o neposrednom utjecaju Otta Wagnera na hrvatsku arhitekturu, o njegovim radovima... more
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      ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Croatian HistorySecession
RESUMEN En esta conferencia se intenta dar una visión global del fenómeno modernista en el arco mediterráneo, prestando especial atención a: los distintos focos de influencias (escuelas de arquitectura y bellas artes, congresos de... more
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      Mediterranean Studies (Area Studies)ModernismArt NouveauModernismo
U bogatoj kazalisnoj i kinematografskoj povijesti Rijeke arhitektonski jednom od najzanimljivijih građevina možemo smatrati Teatro Fenice, koja pr
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGeographyArt History
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      Art DecoArt Nouveau Architecture
Art Nouveau design is one of the principal markers of the identity of the French city of Nancy, which became internationally renowned as one of the most important centres for the development of this artistic style around 1900. Like other... more
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      French HistoryRegionalismInterior Design (Architecture)Modern Architecture
Resumen de ponencia al Congreso Coup de Fouet 2013. Para analizar el modernismo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, es necesario primero conocer determinadas circunstancias históricas que prepararon el camino para su aparición. Luego de lograr... more
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      Art NouveauBuenos AiresArt Nouveau ArchitectureArt Nouveau en Buenos Aires
The internationally acknowledged Art Nouveau architect Victor Horta built remarkable artifacts of public iron architecture in Brussels. His projects display an innovative philosophy based on apparent iron frameworks used in a very... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of civil engineeringIron and Steel (History)Art Nouveau
The construction of the Vukovar's old water tower, built in 1913 by Banheyer & Son Company based on the design of the Vukovar engineer Fran Funtak, is described in the paper. It is a fine specimen of the late secession architecture in... more
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      Architectural EngineeringArt HistoryHistory (Architecture)Architectural History
This chapter part is about Albert Kálmán Kőrössy who was one of the most talented Art Nouveau architect in Hungary.
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      Architectural HistoryArt Nouveau Architecture
Architectural atlas of Zagreb contains overview of the history of Zagreb architecture and 900 entries on buildings from all parts of the city. The buildings are grouped according to Zagreb’s neighborhoods: Upper Town, Kaptol, Lower Town... more
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      Art HistoryUrban PoliticsLandscape ArchitectureUrban History