Recent papers in PESCO
After a long period of wars that devastated Europe for the first half of the 20th century, Europeans were inspired by a vision of lasting peace. More than 70 years later, Europe has experienced the longest period of peace in its troubled... more
2017.06.01. Master Thesis for Master of International Security and Law Programme at SDU. Security strategies are important mediums for narrating the EU as a security actor. The Global Strategy and the ongoing initiatives of the European... more
PESCO, 2017 yılının son çeyreğinde, Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyesi 23 ülkenin ortak savunma ve güvenlik politikaları hususunda uzlaşmaya varması üzerine ortaya çıkan bir yapılanmadır. Daimi bir savuna işbirliği çerçevesi dâhilinde kurulan ve... more
La mise en œuvre différée, en 2017, de la Coopération structurée permanente (PESCO) donne une nouvelle dimension à l'intégration de la défense de l'Union européenne. 25 États membres se sont engagés à accroître leurs dépenses de défense... more
The changing geopolitical landscape, as well as NATO’s shifted focus to expeditionary warfare, encouraged EU Member States to address the EU’s military capability shortfalls via a more binding and cooperative framework . The European... more
статья посвящена анализу внешней политики Италии последних пяти лет (от принятия Повестки 2030 ООН о реализации целей устойчивого развития до на- стоящего времени). Автор дает краткую характеристику особенностей современной внешней... more
Current relations between Ukraine and Visegrad Four states in the security domain are in stagnation. Even if existing obstacles removed, there is no clear vision of possible cooperation topics and joint projects to be implemented.... more
This article argues that the UK has acted as a Trojan horse of the US within the European Union, and slowed down the integration of the EU. With Brexit there are new opportunities for creating a better EU.
Con l'irrompere violento della pandemia dovuta al coronavirus SARS-CoV 2, che, identificato per la prima volta nella città di Whuan, nella Cina meridionale, nel mese di dicembre 2019, si è diffusa a livello mondiale, il mondo ha scoperto... more
Objectives: EU Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) that encompasses 29 nations is gaining momentum. The aim of this study is to acknowledge ongoing developments in EU CSDP and define their impact for Lithuanian defence and security... more
On 22 June the European Council agreed on the need to launch a permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) in the field of security and defence. Thus, the last of the discussed initiatives on the development of the EU's Common Security and... more