Peano arithmetic
Recent papers in Peano arithmetic
An introduction to the formal approach that underlies university mathematics. Topics covered are: Sets and Logic, Relations and Functions, Number Systems, Infinity. The book has arisen out of a first year course taught to Mathematics... more
Being and Intelligibility is a philosophical treatise on the meaning of being in its two senses. The book explores the most originary ontological question, namely, " what do we mean when we say that something is? " , and also the most... more
Deflationism about truth is a pot-pourri, variously claiming that truth is redundant, or is constituted by the totality of "T-sentences", or is a purely logical device (required solely for disquotational purposes or for re-expressing... more
In this thesis, I explore Isaacson's thesis and Wilkie's theorem, providing philosophical and formal results on how they relate to each other. At a first approximation, Isaacson's thesis claims that Peano arithmetic is sound and complete... more
Oświadczam, że niniejsza praca została przygotowana pod moim kierunkiem i stwierdzam, że spełnia ona warunki do przedstawienia jej w postępowaniu o nadanie tytułu zawodowego.
The sorites paradox (interpreted as the paradox of small natural numbers) is analyzed using mathematical fuzzy logic. In the first part, we present an extension of BL-fuzzy logic by a new unary connective At of almost true and the crisp... more
I showcontrary to common beliefs tolerated by the bossesthat any interpretation of ZF that admits Aristotle's particularisation is not sound; that the standard interpretation of PA is not sound; that PA is consistent but... more
I shall argue that a resolution of the PvNP problem requires building an iff bridge between the domain of provability and that of computability. The former concerns how a human intelligence decides the truth of number-theoretic relations,... more
Transcendent realism is a theistic philosophical system which holds that reality comprises physical and metaphysical entities, including morally conscious souls and God, as the creative and sustaining explanation of the being of beings... more
Artemov [5] offered the notion of constructive truth and falsity of arithmetical sentences in the spirit of Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov semantics and its formalization, the Logic of Proofs. In this paper, we provide a complete description... more
A Teoria das Funções Recursivas é um modelo matemático da computação. Na formulação usual, as funções recursivas são geradas por dois processos, a Recursão Primitiva e a \mu–Recursão. O Teorema de Equivalência de Lawvere estabelece que a... more
Classical theory proves that every primitive recursive function is strongly representable in PA; that formal Peano Arithmetic, PA, and formal primitive recursive arithmetic, PRA, can both be interpreted in Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, ZF;... more
In this paper we study categories of theories and interpretations. In these categories, notions of sameness of theories, like synonymy, bi-interpretability and mutual interpretability, take the form of isomorphism. We study the usual... more
I show--contrary to common beliefs tolerated by the 'bosses'--that any interpretation of ZF that admits Aristotle's particularisation is not sound; that the standard interpretation of PA is not sound; that PA is consistent but... more
Frege Arithmetic (FA) is the second-order theory whose sole non-logical axiom is Hume's Principle, which says that the number of F s is identical to the number of Gs if and only if the F s and the Gs can be one-to-one correlated.... more
This paper presents and discuss a logicist reduction of Peano's Arithmetic to S. Lesniewski's extensional calculus of names (the system called 'Ontology' by Lesniewski).
We show unexpected connection of Set Theoretical Forcing with Quantum Mechanical lattice of projections over some separable Hilbert space. The basic ingredient of the construction is the rule of indistinguishability of Standard and some... more
We show that Tarski's inductive definitions admit evidence-based interpretations of the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA that allow us to define the satisfaction and truth of the quantified formulas of PA constructively over the domain of... more
I show--contrary to common beliefs tolerated by the 'bosses'--that any interpretation of ZF that admits Aristotle's particularisation is not sound; that the standard interpretation of PA is not sound; that PA is consistent but... more
Classical interpretations of Goedel's formal reasoning imply that the truth of some arithmetical propositions of any formal mathematical language, under any interpretation, is essentially unverifiable. However, a language of general,... more
I shall argue that a resolution of the PvNP problem requires building an iff bridge between the domain of provability and that of computability. The former concerns how a human intelligence decides the truth of number-theoretic relations,... more
We conclude from Goedel's Theorem VII of his seminal 1931 paper that every recursive function f(x_1, x_2) is representable in the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA by a formula [F(x_1, x_2, x_3)] which is algorithmically verifiable, but... more
We prove two theorems about the completeness of Hoare's logic for the partial correctness of while-programs over an axiomatic specification. The first result is a completion theorem: any specification (Z, E) can be refined to a... more
The principal result of this paper answers a long-standing question in the model theory of arithmetic Question 7] by showing that there exists an uncountable arithmetically closed family A of subsets of the set ω of natural numbers such... more
We discuss simple subtheories of Peano arithmetic over languages which include the monus function. The system $\mathrm{ZDL}$ corresponds with $\mathrm{PA}^-$. The choice of language permits our theories to have special universal... more
Contents Part I Arithmetic Chapter 1 Sets and Orders 1.1 Sets 1.2 Relations 1.3 Ordinals 1.4 Frames Chapter 2 Formal Arithmetic 2.1 Arithmetic Language with the Truth Predicate 2.2 Classical Valuation 2.3 Truth Arithmetic and... more
We show that Gödel has defined an arithmetical relation R(n) whichwhen treated as a Boolean function-is constructively computable as true for any given natural number n, but which is not Turing-computable as true for any given natural... more
This paper discusses Tennenbaum's Theorem in its original context of models of arithmetic, which states that there are no recursive nonstandard models of Peano Arithmetic. We focus on three separate areas: the historical background to the... more
express facts about the 'new' predicate. For an elaboration of this theme, see: Smoryriski[1985], chapter 4. This answer will not do however for the systems studied in this paper, for in each case there is provably a complete decoupling... more
We show that the classical interpretations of Tarski's inductive definitions actually allow us to define the satisfaction and truth of the quantified formulas of the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA over the domain N of the natural... more
We study a propositional polymodal provability logic GLP introduced by G. Japaridze. The previous treatments of this logic, due to Japaridze and Ignatiev (see [11, 7]), heavily relied on some non-finitary principles such as transfinite... more
We study reflection principles in fragments of Peano arithmetic and their applications to the questions of comparison and classification of arithmetical theories. Bibliography: 95 items. * Supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic... more
We study the arithmetical schema asserting that every eventually decreasing elementary recursive function has a limit. Some other related principles are also formulated. We establish their relationship with restricted parameter-free... more
Historical and philosophical background providing justification for an alternative understanding of nothingness that can serve as the basis for an alternative to the empty set and the number 0. Nonexistence arises from using the... more
We develop the method of iterated ultrapower representation to provide a unified and perspicuous approach for building automorphisms of countable recursively saturated models of Peano arithmetic P A. In particular, we use this method to... more
We define the notion of the uniform reduct of a propositional proof system as the set of those bounded formulas in the language of Peano Arithmetic which have polynomial size proofs under the Paris-Wilkietranslation. With respect to the... more
This article treats the notion of validity as a primitive notion and shows how to provide a consistent theory of validity (and truth), conservative over Peano arithmetic.
In a forthcoming book, professional computer scientist and physicist Paul Budnik presents an exposition of classical mathematical theory as the backdrop to an elegant thesis: we can interpret any model of a formal system of Peano... more
Standard interpretations of Goedel's "undecidable" proposition, [(Ax)R(x)], argue that, although [~(Ax)R(x)] is PA-provable if [(Ax)R(x)] is PA-provable, we may not conclude from this that [~(Ax)R(x)] is PA-provable. We show... more
In this paper we establish that the well-known Arithmetic System is consistent in the traditional sense. The proof is done within this Arithmetic System. Key words: consistency in the traditional sense, consistency in the absolute sense,... more
Goodstein's argument is, essentially, that the hereditary representation, m <b> , of any given natural number m in the natural number base b, can be mirrored in Cantor Arithmetic, and used to well-define a finite, decreasing, sequence of... more
We present a new syntactical proof that first-order Peano Arithmetic with Skolem axioms is conservative over Peano Arithmetic alone for arithmetical formulas. This result - which shows that the Excluded Middle principle can be used to... more
In this paper we establish that the well-known Arithmetic System is consistent in the traditional sense. The proof is done within this Arithmetic System.
We conclude from Godel's Theorem VII of his seminal 1931 paper that every recursive function f(x1,x2) is representable in the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA by a formula (F(x1,x2,x3)) which is algorithmically verifi- able, but not... more
Otter-lambda is Otter modified by adding code to implement an algo- rithm for lambda unification. Otter is a resolution-based, clause-language first-order prover that accumulates deduced clauses and uses strategies to control the... more
In paper [5] i~ was shown that a great par~ of model theory of logic with the generalized quantifier Qx = "there exist uneountably many x" is reducible to the model theory of firs~ order 16gie with an extra binary r~la~ion symbol. In this... more