Recent papers in Poerty
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
This paper explores Milton's theodicy in 'Paradise Lost' by discussing its pagan and Christian antagonistic elements.
In 1956, just a year before Ted Hughes‘s first book of poems, The Hawk in the Rain, appeared; Robert Conquest published an anthology of contemporary poetry called New Lines. In the introduction of that anthology Conquest comments on the... more
مطالعه و بررسی این مجموعه یا به تعبیری فهرست مطالع، از چند جهت در حوزۀ تاریخ ادبیات و تصحیح متون حائز اهمیت است؛ زیرا اولاً، شاعران متعددی را سراغ داریم که اشعار آنها به مرور زمان از میان رفته و با مراجعه به همین مجموعه است که می توانیم... more
MARQUES, Fernando Carmino, "Um século de traduções francesas de 'O Guardador de Rebanhos' de Alberto Caeiro" (2021). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 19, Fall, pp. 195-214. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University... more
This is a reconstruction of the May 1999 Ygdrasil Audio issue
The works of portuguese poet Adília Lopes, in her bio-graphy, appears as a demonstration of one life in the deleuzean meaning that through language distorts the discursive structures of power in our contemporaneity. In her, the issue of... more
Annette Vonberg Die zwei Hälften im Leben und Werk Friedrich Hölderlins Der Mythologe und Altertumsforscher Karl Kerényi läßt seinen Essay über Vergil und Hölderlin mit einem Zitat des Dichters T.S. Eliot beginnen: Die vorhandenen... more
this is my poem on "self and you"....it's about a coexistence of human beings.
Two women poets, from two different social contexts, both celebrate their solitude in words; Emily Dickinson, an American 19 th century poet, and Zhaleh (Alamtaj) Ghaemmaghami, a modern Iranian one. They similarly experienced... more
قصائد مترجمة من العربية إلى الإنجليزية
Here come the cyclists
Weaving their way
Hi-viz fluttering like yellow daffodils in the breeze
Check, signal, check, move…
Weaving their way
Hi-viz fluttering like yellow daffodils in the breeze
Check, signal, check, move…
Two women poets, from two different social contexts, both celebrate their solitude in words; Emily Dickinson, an American 19th century poet, and Zhaleh (Alamtaj) Ghaemmaghami, a modern Iranian one. They similarly experienced... more
Presentación de la Elegía I de Duino de Rainer María Rilke.
Cosa sono i “doni di misericordia” di cui parlò Gesù? Ecco TUTTI i casi in cui nella Bibbia ricorre l’espressione “doni di misericordia“.
Opponents of free trade believe that more open trade exacerbates poverty in developing economies, particularly in agriculture. In contrast, advocates of trade liberalization often argue that economy-wide gains from trade liberalization... more
Basketball, the crowds are set
Cougars, panthers, bulls and jets
Like big cats they growl and roar
From the centre circle of the floor
Cougars, panthers, bulls and jets
Like big cats they growl and roar
From the centre circle of the floor
an ode to the great martyr of karbala, imam husain a.s