Political Communciation
Recent papers in Political Communciation
The information given by the purported Georgian snipers in the Italian documentary appears to be generally consistent with various publicly available evidence that I examined in my studies and that was revealed at the Maidan massacre... more
Der Herausgeberband "Die Kampagnenmacher" zeigt an Hand von internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen die Strategien und Instrumente erfolgreicher Kampagnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft auf. Das Buch gibt... more
" The building of the Suez Canal in Egypt offers many lessons about business-government relations, international lobbying, public relations and business communications, scandals and public diplomacy. GERMAN/DEUTSCH - Die Geschichte des... more
" In 1920s Germany, radio became a factor in election campaigning. But the state soon stepped in to make public broadcasting services strictly nonpartisan. This made any election news coverage extremely problematic, while growing... more
A critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils. Here’s why," from the Washington Post (6/1/16). Attached is a final draft and a link to a version on the "It Is What It Isn't" Blog. See also... more
El interés por la publicidad subliminal ha ocupado un lugar destacado en las últimas décadas en el seno de distintas disciplinas científicas, si bien no termina de haber un consenso acerca de su verdadero poder. Sin embargo, en el campo... more
The Routledge Handbook of Political Management is a comprehensive overview of the field of applied politics, encompassing political consulting, campaigns and elections, lobbying and advocacy, grass roots politics, fundraising, media and... more
Mussolini's Fascists staged their "March on Rome" in 1922 and bluffed their way to power. GERMAN / DEUTSCH Mit dem inszenierten „Marsch auf Rom“ tricksten sich Mussolinis Faschisten 1922 an die Macht. KEYWORDS / SCHLAGWÖRTER... more
Digital skills and coping strategies have emerged as key competences for adolescents because of concerns about online risks and opportunities. With smartphones nigh ubiquitous nowadays, mobile applications are a promising tool for... more
La Ley de Transparencia, aprobada en 2013, compromete a las administraciones a ser más activas en la difusión de información a los ciudadanos, pero también a la hora de interactuar con ellos y fomentar su participación, para lo que... more
ZUM BUCH: Lobbying, Kampagnenberatung, professionelles Kommunikationsmanagement und zusammenfassend Politikberatung sind spätestens seit dem Bundestagswahlkampf 1998 und dem Aufblühen der Beraterlandschaft in Berlin heiß diskutierte und... more
Is a critical political economy of indicators necessary? We came to this conclusion some years ago after analysing the indicators used to measure the social uses of Internet (Marí, 2012). We were able to check how, in the reference... more
"The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) was an international media and propaganda war. In the thick of it: German expatriate Willy Brandt. GERMAN / DEUTSCH Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg (1936-39) war ein internationaler Medien- und Propagandakrieg.... more
BETWEEN MAASTRICHT AND SARAJEVO: EUROPEAN IDENTITIES, NARRATIVES, MYTHSJ The fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War; po-litical difficulties over the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, and the expanding Balkan war have... more
After the 1917 revolution, the Soviets experimented creatively to mobilize citizens for a new era. GERMAN: Nach der Revolution 1917 wagten die Sowjets kreative Experimente, um die Bürger für den Aufbruch zu mobilisieren.... more
"Some 500 industry and business associations lobbied the governments in Imperial Germany. At the forefront of lobbying stood manufacturing interests. However, they were deeply divided and fought one another. They also developed distinct... more
Der Herausgeberband "Die Kampagnenmacher" zeigt an Hand von internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen die Strategien und Instrumente erfolgreicher Kampagnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft... more
Análsis del público de san Vicente Ferrer y la relación que establecía con él a través de sus sermones, de las actas de su canonización y de fuentes iconográficas
"When introduced in the late 1840s, telegraphy quickly increased the speed of political communication. Financial and business interests formed around the technology, as did innovations in newspapers, news wire services, and public... more
""Some 500 industry and business associations lobbied the governments in Imperial Germany. At the forefront of lobbying stood manufacturing interests. However, they were deeply divided and fought one... more
Die Rekrutierung und Ausbildung von Wahlkampfpersonal, Stäben, Beratern und Lobbyisten geht in den USA seit einem Jahrzehnt neue Wege: Universitäten bieten Studiengänge in politischer Kommunikation und Management an. Ihre doppelte... more