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      PsychologyExperimental ResearchNarrative PersuasionGender Violence
Companies are going green, both to benefit the planet and to make their brands more appealing. But some green initiatives have a twofold nature: they require cooperative behaviors by consumers, but save costs for the company. In such... more
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      Hospitality ManagementGreen MarketingMessage FramingTwo-Sided Messages
Research differentiates between hedonic and eudaimonic motivations to consume entertainment, as well as the resulting enjoyable and appreciative (or meaningful) experiences. To date, research has focused on hedonically motivated/enjoyable... more
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      SpiritualityNarrative PersuasionMeanignful Entertainment
The book reveals how to recognize what in your writing overwhelms the reader's memory, attention, and knowledge to create confusion, misunderstanding, disinterest, and frustration. Through many examples and corrected exercises in... more
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      Academic WritingStruggling ReadersNarrative PersuasionTeaching Reading and Writing Skills
Narrative formats for teenage pregnancy prevention. The effect of the narrative modality on preventive attitudes Catalina González-Cabrera [CV] [ ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1367-9337] [ GS:... more
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      Health CommunicationMedia LiteracyEcuadorTeenage Pregnancy
Narrative media possess the power to influence audience attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour. This influence can and does manifest itself in both positive and negative ways. Identifying reliable pathways to influence and exploiting these for... more
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      Social ChangeSocial PsychologyMass CommunicationMedia effects
We propose and test an integrated process explanation for why narrative ads in general are more persuasive than non-narrative ads. A study involving a random sample of 25 narrative and 25 non-narrative TV commercials and 484 nonstudent... more
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      Narrative PersuasionConsumer PsycologyAdvertising NarrativeAd credibility
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    • Narrative Persuasion
En el presente capítulo se describen las principales características del método experimental en Comunicación tomando como paradigma la investigación en persuasión narrativa y situando dicho ámbito de investigación en el estudio de los... more
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      Media effectsMedia psychologyExperimental ResearchNarrative Persuasion
Researchhasdemonstratedtheabilityoffictionalnarrativestoeducateaboutsocialandhealthissues.Althoughsomeentertainment-educationeffortshaveusedlivetheaterasamechanismforsocialchange,veryfewusesocialsciencemethodstodemonstrateexposureeffects.Thi... more
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      Theater and filmIntimate Partner ViolenceNarrative Persuasion
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyIntimate Partner ViolenceNarrative Persuasion
For several decades researchers aim to discover which techniques are effective in changing peoples’ health beliefs and behaviors. Since a few years narratives have attracted the interest of different scholars, since they seem to be a... more
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      Health CommunicationNarrative PersuasionPersuasive Communications
Introducción: Se analiza el efecto del contacto imaginado y de la similitud con el protagonista de una narración corta escrita en primera persona cuya meta era la mejora de las actitudes hacia inmigrantes estigmatizados. Método: Los... more
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      ImmigrationNarrative PersuasionNarrative Transportation TheoryIdentification With the Characters
Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre el impacto de películas sobre inmigración en las actitudes hacia dicho colectivo. Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental con 142 estudiantes de Bachillerato, estableciéndose dos... more
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      MoviesNarrative PersuasionPrejudice Reduction
Narratives may provide more than entertainment. Las narraciones audiovisuales constituyen herramientas poderosas para cambiar la forma de pensar de las personas. A pesar de que el estudio científico sobre el impacto persuasivo de las... more
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      Entertainment EducationNarrative PersuasionTV FictionNarrative Transportation Theory
This study provides evidence for the independent and additive effects of story exploration and character customization induced by fictional narratives on causal attribution and support for marginalized groups. In Study 1 (N = 163),... more
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      CommunicationMedia effectsMedia psychologyIdentification
Information, detection and prevention are very important factors in sexually transmitted diseases such as human papillomavirus, which is linked to cervical cancer and other cancers (WHO, 2015). This paper aims to demonstrate empirically... more
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      PsychologyMedia StudiesBehavioral SciencesSexual and Reproductive Health
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      Social ChangeSerious GamingNarrative Persuasion
The Tempering Effect of Transportation: Exploring the Effects of Transportation and Identification During Exposure to Controversial Two-Sided Narratives
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      Persuasion (Psychology)IdentificationNarrative PersuasionNarrative Transportation Theory
This article is part of an entertainment-education research (EE) from the perspective of narrative persuasion. It presents the results of experimental research aimed at contributing to the improvement of the design of EE strategies to... more
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      Entertainment EducationMental ImageryNarrative PersuasionBehavioral Intention
Two experiments carried out in Spain and the Netherlands tested the joint effects of imagined contact and similarity with a narrative protagonist on attitudes and behavioral intentions related to stigmatized immigrants. We advance a... more
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      Narrative PersuasionImagined ContactPrejudice ReductionNarrative Transportation Theory
Introduction: The article analyses the effect of narrative persuasion and media literacy level on attitudes, knowledge, perceptions and behavioural intention in the reception of a short video created to prevent teenage pregnancy. Methods:... more
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      Health CommunicationMedia LiteracyTeenage PregnancyNarrative Persuasion
Review of Biblical Literature (2018)
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      RhetoricNew TestamentBiblical StudiesNarrative Persuasion
Formatos narrativos para la prevención del embarazo. Efecto de la modalidad narrativa en las actitudes de prevención Narrative formats for teenage pregnancy prevention. The effect of the narrative modality on preventive attitudes Catalina... more
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      Health CommunicationMedia LiteracyEcuadorTeenage Pregnancy
This work addresses the study of factors that increase the persuasive efficacy of testimonial messages aimed at improving intergroup attitudes. The results of two online experiments ( N = 840) on the effect of empathy with, and similarity... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyImmigration
Radicalization amongst youth is a challenge facing the Arab world. Recent reports indicate that over 20,000 Arab fighters traveled to join ISIS in Iraq and Syria and another 5-15 percent of millennials across seven Arab countries consider... more
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      Popular CulturePolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismContent AnalysisEntertainment Education
This study focuses on analysis of the factors that can increase the persuasive effectiveness of information campaigns using narratives. An experiment was carried out in which similarity with the protagonist was manipulated in a video... more
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      Experimental ResearchNarrative PersuasionGender ViolenceMediation Analyses
This model reconciles major theories of persuasion to help communicators decide which theoretical principles to apply when creating a persuasive message based on the readiness and motivation of the recipient. It illustrates under which... more
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      RhetoricPersuasion (Psychology)Self-Determination TheoryAttitudes (Social Psychology)
Narrative messages are increasingly being used in the field of tobacco prevention. Our study is based on narrative persuasion and aims to analyze the psychological mechanisms that explain why the narrative voice is relevant to promote... more
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      MultidisciplinaryExperimental ResearchNarrative PersuasionEnvironmental public health
Digital skills and coping strategies have emerged as key competences for adolescents because of concerns about online risks and opportunities. With smartphones nigh ubiquitous nowadays, mobile applications are a promising tool for... more
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      CommunicationCoping StrategiesPolitical CommunciationNarrative Persuasion
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceImage Processing
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      Comparative LiteratureEpistemologyAncient HistoriographyNarrative Persuasion
Introducción: Se analiza el efecto en las actitudes, conocimientos, percepciones e intención de conducta de la persuasión narrativa y del nivel de alfabetización mediática en un video creado para prevenir el embarazo adolescente. Método:... more
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      Health CommunicationMedia LiteracyTeenage PregnancyNarrative Persuasion
Based on two experiments, this paper advances the concept of social presence as a novel mechanism through which narrative perspective (first- versus third-person) exerts persuasive effects on attitudes toward outgroup policies and... more
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      Social PresenceNarrative PersuasionIdentification With the CharactersNarrative Perspective
People are increasingly confronted with narratives in a visual form in advertisements, films, and series, often in the viewers' second language. These visual narratives make use of different language strategies such as dubbing,... more
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El principal objetivo de la presente investigación fue generar nuevo conocimiento en torno a los procesos de persuasión narrativa y su aplicación para reducir el prejuicio hacia inmigrantes altamente estigmatizados. Se analizó el efecto... more
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      SociologyImmigrationPrejudiceTesis y Disertaciones
Digital skills and coping strategies have emerged as key competences for adolescents because of concerns about online risks and opportunities. With smartphones nigh ubiquitous nowadays, mobile applications are a promising tool for... more
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      Coping StrategiesNarrative PersuasionMobile ApplicationsOnline Risks
Testimonial messages are frequently used in public information campaigns to cope with health and social problems. In the present research a narrative strategy is proposed aiming to reduce perceived threat toward immigrants in the context... more
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      ImmigrationNarrative PersuasionPrejudice ReductionPerceived Threat
Several environmental advocacy organizations have emerged that use narrative persuasion techniques to change climate change opinions and overcome climate change inaction. Written from the perspective of parents and grandparents... more
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      Feminist TheoryClimate ChangeMotherhood and Public DiscourseNarrative Persuasion
Information, detection and prevention are very important factors in sexually transmitted diseases such as human papillomavirus, which is linked to cervical cancer and other cancers (WHO, 2015). This paper aims to demonstrate empirically... more
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      PsychologyMedia StudiesBehavioral SciencesSexual and Reproductive Health
El rol de la persuasión narrativa en el Edu-Entretenimiento para mejorar la salud en América Latina: Revisión de los últimos cinco años The role of narrative persuasion in Edu-Entertainment to improve health in Latin America: Review of... more
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      Health CommunicationEntertainment EducationNarrative PersuasionIdentification with Characters, Narrative Persuasion, Feature Films
This study focuses on the reduction of prejudice toward foreign unaccompanied minors (UAMs) by means of audiovisual testimonial messages. Specifically, it analyzes the role of two narrative elements that can influence, in an indirect way,... more
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      Experimental ResearchNarrative PersuasionAudiovisual narrativesPrejudice Reduction
Domestic violence stems from deeply rooted patriarchal norms and directly conflicts with humanitarian standards. Given that this issue impacts women across the world, many countries have initiated campaigns to heighten awareness and fight... more
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      Domestic ViolenceEmpathyNarrative PersuasionEfficacy
This article assesses the mechanisms whereby first-person narratives featuring stigmatized immigrants improve outgroup attitudes and encourage intergroup contact among prejudiced individuals. We rely on a 2 (imagined contact vs. control)... more
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      Narrative PersuasionModern RacismPrejudice ReductionIdentification With the Characters
This study investigated the role played by level of acculturation in the effect of narrative persuasion on health-related outcomes. A random sample of 186 Mexican American females watched either a narrative designed to increase human... more
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      Social NormsAcculturationNarrative PersuasionAmérica Latina
This study reports a quasi-experiment (N= 374) that examined an underlying mechanism through which narratives can facilitate personalization of risk. The participants were exposed to one of four entertainment clips depicting an at-risk... more
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      Entertainment EducationTransportationRisk communicationHealth risk communication and behavior change
A great deal of recent research on communication has been developed in the general area of narrative or narrative effects. The majority of this work has brought in older communication concepts without reconciling those concepts with what... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryNarrative
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      PsychologyDecision MakingPersuasion (Psychology)Media psychology