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      Sociology of Food and EatingSocial Norms
This article discusses the acquisition of a physical impairment/disability through voluntary body modification, or transability. From the perspectives of critical genealogy and feminist intersectional analysis, the article considers the... more
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      Social MovementsFeminist TheoryDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial PsychologyMusic
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      Social NormsSocial Norms (Psychology)
In phenomenology, normality is neither an objectively measurable average nor a mere historical or social construct. Rather than being understood from without, looked at from the outside of lived experiences, normality is approached from... more
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      AestheticsPerceptionNormative EthicsEmbodied Cognition
Major forms of corruption constitute a strong threat to the functioning of societies. The most frequent explanation of how severe corruption emerges is the slippery-slope metaphor-the notion that corruption occurs gradually. While having... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDecision MakingSocial Norms
The major aim of this article is to examine how migrations affect private governance, taking as a case study the Prud'homie de pêche, a private order that has governed the fishery of Marseille for the past six centuries. Scholarship... more
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      SociologyLaw and SocietyImmigrationGovernance
Gendered visual communication is a major part of contemporary, mediated discourse, yet these expressions are seldom reflected upon from a designers' perspective. Whose voices are empowered in tabloid newspapers and gendered magazines? In... more
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      DesignFeminist TheoryPopular CultureInteraction Design
Impact of harmful norms on men and boys
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      Gender StudiesSocial NormsSexual and Gender-Based ViolenceAdolescents
Gewöhnlich versteht man unter Kriminalität die Summe der strafrechtlich missbilligten Handlungen. Massstab von Kriminalität bildet demzufolge das Strafrecht bzw. der darin enthaltene Sanktionsanspruch. Ein solches Strafrecht existiert... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawLaw and SocietyNormativity
Plan de l’article Un contexte intellectuel et politique moteur Sciences sociales et énergie : une recherche située dans un entre-deux Les fondements théoriques d’un objet de recherche atypique Une sociologie proposant une nouvelle... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyEnergySocial NormsSocial Practices
Norm enforcement may be important for resolving conflicts and promoting cooperation. However, little is known about how preferred responses to norm violations vary across cultures and across domains. In a preregistered study of 57... more
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      Social NormsMultidisciplinaryCross Cultural PsychologyNature Communications
Social interactions provide a set of incentives for regulating individual behavior. Chief among these is stigma, the status loss and discrimination that results from the display of stigmatized attributes or behaviors. The stigmatization... more
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      Static AnalysisStigmaSocial InteractionSocial Norms
The Chinese version of Rest’s Defining Issues Test II was administered to 113 subjects in Mainland China (n=113, average age=34.7). The scores on development of moral judgment were compared with those of the online mega sample of American... more
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      Morality (Social Psychology)ChinaSocial NormsChina studies
We shall describe a simulation experiment aimed at exploring the role of norms in the control of aggression among a population of agents. In this experiment, agents are allowed little, if any, autonomy: they perform some elementary... more
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      Social NormsSocial Simulation
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyEconomicsExperimental Economics
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      Public EconomicsSocial NormsApplied EconomicsPanel Data
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologySocial Interaction
Guided by the integrative model of behavioral prediction and research on information seeking, we tested a mediation model of information seeking about marijuana across two samples of young adults from the United States (N = 498) and... more
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      Social NormsAttitudes (Social Psychology)Information Seeking BehaviourMarijuana
This study explores how norms on social network sites evolve over time and how violations of these norms impact individuals’ self-presentational and relationship goals. Employing Expectancy Violations Theory (Burgoon, 1978) as a guiding... more
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      FacebookSocial NormsOnline social networksExpectancy Violations Theory
"Kirjoittajat tarkastelevat suomalaisen kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen päämääriä ja käytäntöjä kriittisen pedagogiikan valossa. Suomessa kriittinen kasvatustieteellinen tutkimus ja kasvatusajattelu nojautuvat moniin perinteisiin. Tästä syystä... more
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      Applied PhilosophyCritical PedagogyEducation PolicySocial Norms
Corruption in the form of bribery continues to be a major societal challenge around the world. The current lab-in-the-field study tested whether descriptive norms messages on posters can help to reduce bribery. Before, during and after... more
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      Social NormsAnti-CorruptionCorruptionNudge
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      Social NormsSlursOppression
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      Social ChangePhilosophy of Social ScienceSocial NormsPluralistic Ignorance
Although extant literature has shown that formal contracts and relational governance play a key role in interorganizational relationships, the nature of their interplay still remains equivocal. To better understand the relationships... more
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      ContractsInterorganizational RelationshipsTrustMeta-Analysis and Systematic Review
This article aims to explore the contribution that a dialogue between Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault could make to the literature on the “force of words”. Firstly, it addresses Bourdieu’s critique of the linguistic reductionism,... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial PhilosophyMichel FoucaultJudith Butler
Efforts to increase men and boys' engagement in preventing violence against women are expanding worldwide. Systematic understandings of the strategies organizations use to recruit men and boys as well to deepen and sustain engagement... more
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      Domestic ViolenceViolenceGlobal HealthCulture
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      EconomicsHealth EconomicsObesityBody Image
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPersonalityValues
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityValues
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      Social NormsAttitudePublic health systems and services researchIndian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine
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      Medieval HistoryViolenceMartial ArtsSocial Norms
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      PhilosophyEthicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
In this dialogue, Simmel and Weber meet in Berlin in 1907 and talk about rules and regularities in social life. Their conversation revolves around two editions of a book by Rudolf Stammler, which Simmel had reviewed about 10 years before... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Theory
Lorsqu’il est question d’influencer le comportement des individus à l’aide de politiques publiques ou d’interventions gouvernementales, certains préfèreront parler de contrôle social, nous pouvons remarquer que la première décennie du... more
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      Social NormsNormsBehavioural Nudges
This papers offers criticisms of John Searle's account of social institutions and proffers a teleological account.
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      Social NormsSocial InstitutionsJoint ActionInstitutions
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      ReligionCultural HistorySociology of ReligionPhilosophy
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      Game TheoryCommon PropertyEvolutionary Game TheorySocial Norms
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      PsychologySocial NormsStudentsPrescription drug misuse
The theory of planned behavior and the social norms approach both stress the important influence that normative perceptions have on behavioral intentions and behavior. These 2 approaches were used to examine the behavioral intention to... more
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      Health CommunicationSocial NormsDescriptive NormsAlochol
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      Public EconomicsSocial NormsApplied EconomicsFree Riding
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSexSocial Norms
ABSTRACT Why do international institutions promote emotional norms? In order to answer this question, the article, first, maps the legitimizing arguments put forward by the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in promoting an... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEmotionGenocide StudiesPublic Relations
A community demonstrates social trust when most members believe that others in their community are contributing to the goals and projects of one another by complying with mutually beneficial shared social norms. Scholars have argued that... more
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      EpistemologyTrustSocial NormsSocial Trust
Worldwide, more than 700 million women alive today were married before their 18th birthday. More than one in three (about 250 million) entered into union before age 15. Boys are also married as children, but girls are disproportionately... more
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    • Social Norms
This paper explains the emergence of a conditional norm of corruption on an mesosocial level between culture and structure. It considers corruption as a result of interactions between individuals through social norms. In a game theory... more
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      GovernanceSocial NormsCorruption
Urinboyev, R., 2017. Migration and Transnational Informality in Post-Soviet Societies: Ethnographic Study of ‘Po rukam’ Experiences of Uzbek Migrant Workers in Moscow. In: A.-L. Heusala and K. Aitamurto, eds. Migrant Workers in Russia:... more
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      Rural SociologyCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesSocial Norms
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      SociologyHuman Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingSocial NormsPublic Health
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      Development StudiesSocial SciencesSocial PhilosophyBehavioral Economics