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The current postcolonial condition, as defined by Sandro Mezzadra (2008) has placed the sea, the border, and the crossing at the center of XXI century struggles – as paradoxically foreshadowed by Pasolini in his own heretical belief in a... more
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      Italian cinema (Film Studies)Pier Paolo PasoliniEthnography FilmErnesto de Martino
Il libro propone una riflessione sulle articolazioni assunte dall’immagine, in quanto strumento e terreno di lotta politica, nel periodo delle grandi mobilitazioni sociali compreso tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e le ultime fasi del... more
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      Political ImagePolitical cinema
1. ¿Por qué Wag the dog?
2. El argumento.
3. Algunas valoraciones.
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      CinemaCampañas electoralesPolitical cinemaMedios De Comunicacion Y Campañas Electorales
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      Italian CinemaItalian political cinemaPolitical ImagePolitical cinema
"Sergio Leone. Il cinema come favola politica" Reviewed by Peter Bondanella, Indiana University (Emeritus)
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      Popular Italian CinemaItalian WesternsItalian CinemaSergio Leone
"Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma" (1975) di Pier Paolo Pasolini e "Todo modo" (1976) di Elio Petri: due film gemelli ed estremi, dalla medesima tonalità apocalittica e dall’identico destino censorio. Due film che si trovano uniti anche... more
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      Critical TheoryGovernmentalityTruthItalian Cinema
Tras la desaparición forzada y, presumiblemente, el asesinato de 43 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero en la noche del 26 de septiembre de 2014, la cuestión de la verdad de los hechos se convirtió en un terreno... more
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      Social MovementsViolence & MediaLatin American CinemaCine Mexicano
Abstract: Español: El artículo analiza Los traidores (1973), el principal film político del cineasta argentino desaparecido Raymundo Gleyzer y el grupo Cine de la Base, sobre un sindicalista peronista corrompido en su camino hacia el... more
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      New Left and the 1960s1960sPeronismoMundo del Trabajo
Commercial Hong Kong films produced between the 1960s to early 1970s were generally politically neutral, or politically neutered, in thematic content. This muting of overt political ideologies in Hong Kong cinema was encouraged by the... more
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      Hong Kong CinemaFilm HistoryFilm CensorshipHong Kong Society
Um atentado contra a reprodutibilidade a obra de arte 36 Concepção de um fi lme 39 Sobre David Wark Griffi th 50 Autofi lmografi a 51 Material de imprensa de O retorno do fi lho pródigo-Humilhados Era um negro que disse, divertindo-se:... more
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      Cinematic ModernismGlauber RochaPolitical cinemaStraub/Huillet
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm TheoryGilles Deleuze
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      Media StudiesPolitical ScienceCold WarCulture
This paper explores Hollywood’s portrayal of women in war films, how it has changed, and how it compares to the evolving role of women in the United States military. While most academics view Hollywood film as pure entertainment, seeing... more
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      Women and War StudiesWomen & FilmCinema and Socio-Political ConsciousnessWomen in the Military
Einleitung zu: Drehli Robnik, Thomas Hübel und Siegfried Mattl: Das Streit-Bild. Film, Geschichte und Politik bei Jacques Rancière. Wien, Berlin: turia+kant 2010
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      Political PhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPolitical Theory
Modern zamanlarla beraber geleneksel sanat türlerine eklenen ve yedinci sanat adıyla da bilinen “sinema sanatı”, temelde izleyicileri eğlendirecek popüler bir anlatı şeklinde yorumlanmaktadır. Ancak sinema sanatı, aynı amanda politik bir... more
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      AlienationModern StatePolitical cinema
Ritwik Ghatak was one of the three greatest Indian filmmakers of the alternative cinema tradition. Film projects that could not be made is much larger than what Ghatak was able to complete in his brief life. His film oeuvre comprises... more
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      Film HistoryFilm ProductionIndian CinemaRitwik Ghatak
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      JournalismDemocracyCult MoviesCinema and Television
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      African StudiesPostcolonial StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Post-Colonialism
Michael Ryan ve Douglas Kellner tarafından kaleme alınan "Politik Kamera: Çağdaş Hollywood Sinemasının İdeolojisi ve Politikası" adlı çalışmalaya yönelik bir değerlendirme. A review of "Camera Politica: The Politics and Ideology of... more
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      Film StudiesContemporary HollywoodHollywoodSinema
Quando as luzes artificiais se apagam é divido em três partes. A primeira, Anoitecer, gira em torno da experimentação e dos processos criativos relacionados a Todas as cores da noite, primeiro longa-metragem do diretor Pedro Severien, que... more
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      CinemaCreative ProcessPolitical cinema
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      African StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaDocumentary (Film Studies)Cinema
Film is a device that gives platform for reflecting contemporary social issues and it also works as watchdog for political system. Indian cinema has been, since long, a strong medium to portray and comment on social issues of its... more
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      SociologyCinema and Socio-Political ConsciousnessIndian CinemaPolitical cinema
Epitome of filmmaking in Indian subcontinent, Satyajit Ray has made films showing life in a realistic way. It is said that he was largely influenced by the Italian neorealist films. Ray had his own way of portraying life struggle of... more
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      SemioticsMarxismCapitalismBengali Cinema
Mestman, M. “Estados Generales del Tercer Cine. Los documentos de Montreal, 1974”. Publicado en el Cuaderno número 3 Rehime, Buenos Aires, 2013-2014. This book includes unedited and previously unpublished material that provides insight... more
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      'Third Cinema' Theory and Third World Radical FilmsAfrican cinemaLatin American CinemaNew Left and the 1960s
This file contains the table of contents and the introduction to our co-edited book Cinema of Crisis Film and Contemporary Europe. Cinema of Crisis: Film and Contemporary Europe explores the politics and aesthetics of filmmaking across a... more
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      Film StudiesEuropean CinemaFilm AnalysisPolitical cinema
Film is a device that gives platform for reflecting contemporary social issues and it also works as watchdog for political system. Indian cinema has been, since long, a strong medium to portray and comment on social issues of its... more
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      Cinema and Socio-Political ConsciousnessIndian CinemaPolitical cinema
El historiador inglés Paul Johnson ubica a Abraham Lincoln como uno de los personajes que «ocupa un puesto muy alto en la lista de héroes populares imperecederos». Para calificarlo así, Johnson toma la cantidad de veces que la figura de... more
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      Film StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical cinemaPolitical Film
Il 16 marzo 1978 a Roma, in via Fani, Aldo Moro, presidente del principale partito italiano, la Democrazia Cristiana, viene rapito da un commando di terroristi appartenenti alle Brigate Rosse. I cinque uomini della sua scorta sono... more
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      Il caso MoroTerrorismo Nero e RossoBrigate Rosse (BR)Anni di piombo
Creo que el cineasta no es ninguna unidad en sí mismo y que plantearse un cine concientizador tiene su mérito, pero más lo tiene cuando el cineasta como revolucionario se incorpora a una estructura revolucionaria. No creo en el cine... more
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      CinemaPolitical cinema
En el cine político argentino de fines de la década de 1960 e inicios de la siguiente, las imágenes del Cordobazo se imponen como principal referencia visual de las luchas obreras. Presentes en casi todos los films, emblematizando un... more
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      1968Class StruggleWorking ClassCine Político
Bong Joon-ho’s political commitment is not just about political themes, plots and public stance. Apart from these obvious signs, we can wander along another trail, consisting of faint traces and half-erased footsteps, leading to a global... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisGeorges Didi-HubermanPolitics
Sunum Başlığı: "Üçüncü Sinema Hareketi'nde Öznellik Üretimi", Moderatör: Esra İlkay İşler Üçüncü Sinema Hareketi, Latin Amerika’da, sosyalist ve anti-kolonyalist hareketlerin güçlendiği 1960’lı yılların sonlarında, bu hareketlerle... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeDeleuze & CinemaPolitical SubjectivitySubjectivity
Bu çalışmada, 27 Mayıs 1960 ve 12 Eylül 1980 askeri darbelerinin Türk siyasal sinemasına etkileri incelenmeye çalışıldı. İnceleme yapılırken üzerinde yoğunlaşılan ana tez şudur: Yönetici sınıfın topluma “ilerici” bir tutumla yaklaştığı... more
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      TurkeyCinemaMilitary CoupPolitical cinema
Sinemanın sahip olduğu imkanlar doğrultusunda gerçekliği dilediği gibi kullanabileceği ve onları dönüştürebileceğini fark etmesiyle ideolojik çıkarlara hizmet etmeye yönelik filmlerin çekilmeye başlanması aynı dönemlere denk gelmektedir.... more
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      Turkish CinemaItalian neorealist cinemaPolitical cinema
Questo saggio sostiene che c'è stato un abuso della nozione di 'crisi' nel contesto critico italiano, il quale ha spesso trascurato aspetti cruciali inerenti la produzione cinematografica e proponendo analisi alquanto schematiche, spesso... more
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      NeorealismNanni MorettiPostmodern CinemaPolitical cinema
Gücü anlamak ve idare etmek ve günümüze ne şekilde ayak uydurduğunu anlamak için gücü etkileyen faktörlerin, uluslararası sisteme uygun titizlikle araştırılması gerekmektedir. Gücü etkileyen faktörlerin ne kadar çok ve... more
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      Cinema and Socio-Political ConsciousnessSoft PowerUluslararası ekonomi PolitikUluslararası İlişkiler
Produit d’un mémoire de Master 2 en Esthétique du cinéma sous la direction de Luc Vancheri, soutenu en mai 2013, ce texte est une tentative pour penser la politique en dehors de son attachement direct au cadre idéologique et partisan –... more
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      French CinemaLouis AlthusserAlthusserCinema
Bu çalışmada yedinci sanat olan sinemanın çeşitli direnme pratikleri ile yarattığı etki ve dinamikler ele alınmıştır. Kültürel hegemonya iktidarın çıkarı doğrultusunda sanatı araçsallaştırarak kullanır. Buna karşın sanatçının muhalif... more
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      Memory StudiesDocumentary FilmCinema StudiesPolitical cinema
Mi texto escrito para mi ciclo (13 proyecciones) "La Tricontinental. Cine, utopía e internacionalismo" para el Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid). My text written for my film program (13 screenings) "Tricontinental. Cinema, Utopia and... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLatin American StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaMiddle East Studies
The Italian film I dannati della terra (The Damned of the Earth) (Orsini and Filippi 1968) is a prominent example of the connection between the European cinema of intervention and the Third World struggles of the 1960s. Set as a 'film... more
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      Cultural Cold WarPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonGuinea-Bissau'Third Cinema' Theory and Third World Radical Films
This is the correct version of an introductory piece written for the Cult Films DVD/Blu-ray 2018 issue of a new restoration of THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS. The essay deals with questions of place and location, temporality (reenactment and the... more
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      Algerian warItalian CinemaFilm and HistoryThe Battle of Algiers
AN INTERVIEW WITH EZRA WINTON AND SVETLA TURNIN, Co-Founders of Cinema Politica (Montreal, Canada)
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      PoliticsDocumentary FilmPolitical cinema
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      Turkish CinemaIslamismPolitical cinema
The fiftieth anniversary of the release of The Battle of Algiers (Italy/Algeria, 1966) offers an occasion to challenge commonplaces about the film and to show that there remains much to be clarified about its character. Typically... more
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      ArchitecturePostcolonial StudiesAlgerian warFrench colonialism
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      Bengali CinemaIndian CinemaTheatricalityRitwik Ghatak
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      Social Movements (Political Science)Local and regional historyTelugu CinemaIndian Cinema, Bollywood, Film Studies, South Asia, Media
Proponemos analizar los cortometrajes realizados en los años 1960 por la cineasta cubana Sara Gómez, teniendo en cuenta su excepcionalidad en lo que respecta a la realización de un cine de intervención política por parte de mujeres.
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      Political cinemaSara Gómez
Ce texte, résultat d’un mémoire de Master 1, pourrait s’intituler “Sur un film oublié”. Un film pourtant co-réalisé par Jean-Luc Godard, à une époque (les années 68) dont beaucoup rêvent encore comme d’un glorieux mirage dans le désert de... more
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      French CinemaCinemaJean-Luc GodardCinema Studies
Dom Holdaway and Dalila Missero (Open Acess), “The Neglected Spaces of Feminism and Queer in Contemporary Italian Political Cinema,” in Daniel Fairfax, André Keiji Kunigami, and Luca Peretti, eds., Zapruder World: An International Journal... more
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      Social MovementsFilm StudiesQueer TheoryFeminism
ÖZET Modernitenin ortaya çıkardığı bir tür olarak kabul edilen melodram, bu nedenle modernitenin getirdiği tüm temsilleri taşır. Modernitenin kentteki görünümleri, bireyler arasındaki ilişkileri biçimlendirmesi, geleneksel ile modernlik... more
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      Film Analysis1960-1970 Türk SinemasıPolitical cinema