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    • Porcelain
[By Christopher Lotis and Michel D. Lee; Foreword by P.M. Taylor. This full book is uploaded here while the Smithsonian website, where it was published online, is being revised.] An important theme of this volume is the relationship... more
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      Asian American StudiesKorean StudiesCeramics (Art History)Korean Modern & Contemprary Art
The article discusses the processes taking place in modern applied art of Tashkent on the example of the work of three modern masters - the wood master Gulyamjon Yuldashev, the miniature master Shorasul Shoahmedov and the porcelain master... more
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      Art TheoryPorcelainArt, Miniature PaintingArt Theory and Criticism
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      Vietnamese ArtPorcelain
Die Geschichte des Porzellanikons ist eine ganz unwahrscheinliche Museumsgeschichte. In weniger als vier Jahrzehnten entwickelte sich das Haus aus bescheidenen Anfängen zum größten Spezialmuseum für Porzellan in Europa mit einem Bestand... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryMuseum StudiesCultural Heritage
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      Collecting and CollectionsPorcelainStoria Del CollezionismoPorcellane del secolo XVIII
Edited by Sarah E. Fraser, Mio Wakita, and Lianming Wang, pp. 132–144. Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net. (Open Access)
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      Chinese ArtCeramics (Art History)Qing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Porcelain
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      PorcelainMeissen PorcelainSaxon Court at Dresden
Contents: 专题论文 宋代潮州陶瓷之路   ——以笔架山窑瓷器生产与外销为中心【黄 挺】/3 日本出土的宋代潮州窑产品与相关问题   ——以福冈市博多遗址群出土为主【田中克子】/20 潮瓷下南洋:19世纪以来潮瓷与东南亚潮人陶瓷业【李炳炎】/32 海洋、宗教与女性研究   ——以近代潮汕地区的信教妇女为例【蔡香玉】/54 “海洋亚洲”的废婢运动... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesMaritime HistorySoutheast Asia
English version, for German version see below: The dream of large-scale sculpture in porcelain in Meissen in the 1830s was not only fostered by personalities such as Elector Friedrich August I of Saxony and King of Poland, known as... more
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      PorcelainMeissen PorcelainJeff KoonsEuropean porcelain
In 2003, Australia's National Portrait Gallery (NPG) in Canberra commissioned a rising Australian contemporary artist, Ah Xian, to create a portrait of Dr John Yu, one of the country's most celebrated paediatricians. Both the artist and... more
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      Contemporary ArtCeramics (Art History)PorcelainChinese-Australian history
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    • Porcelain
Brittany Luberda, “Curating across Material: Reflections on ‘Reigning Men’ and ‘Cross-Pollination’,” Journal18 (October 2017), http://www.journal18.org/1969
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      Cross-Media StudiesCuratingPorcelainArt History, Exhibition History, Museum and Curating Studies
Roger Massey indentifies the print source for delftware punchbowls decorated with the Lawyers coat of Arms “Dum Vivo Thrivo”.
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Aziatische Kunst 49/1 (2019): 8-14
Royal Asian Art Society in the Netherlands
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesChinaPorcelain
La porcelaine est un fil conducteur qui traverse les vicissitudes des époques. L’Empire, héritier de l’Antiquité, diffuse par l'ornementation les signes de ses victoires : la feuille de laurier, la palme, le bouclier, le trophée... more
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      HistoryIndustrial OrganizationIndustrial DesignLate Antiquity
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      ArabicIslamic StudiesMing DynastyPorcelain
Guide illustré, vol. 4, 1959
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      Decorative ArtsPorcelainTournai
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      AestheticsCourtsHabsburg StudiesDrawing
This other is available at e-Publications@Marquette: http://epublications.marquette.edu/haggerty_catalogs /18 ... Russian Imperial Porcelain from the Raymond F. Piper Collection June 1 - August 19, 2001 ... Organized by the Patrick and... more
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      HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesDecorative ArtsImperial Russia
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      Finite Element MethodsPorcelainFinite Element AnalysisCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
A synopsis of the Sèvres artistic styles during the 18th and 19th centuries.
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtDecorative ArtsCeramics (Art History)
An introductory guide to the Chinese export porcelain dated from the 16th until the 19th century.
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      Art HistoryPortuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionCeramics (Art History)
高麗青瓷在十二世紀的高度發展,一般認為係受到北宋汝窯的影響之說,向來是許多研究者的論點。台北故宮博物院在北宋大觀展時將館藏汝窯與高麗青瓷一同展出,更意欲突顯兩種瓷器之間密切的影響。然而本文認為北宋汝窯與高麗青瓷之間的關連性,似乎不若一般所言那樣確鑿。因此,本文擬從探討汝窯與高麗青瓷時所常提到的文獻記載、器型釉色(外觀)、燒造技術此三方面進行比較,透過一般論者拿來當作證據的紀錄當中,試圖重新釐清北宋汝窯與高麗青瓷兩者之間的關連性與相互影響的可能性。本文認為,這些關連性過於薄弱,... more
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      Chinese ArtCeramics (Art History)Korean ArtPorcelain
This essay looks at female objectification through literary depictions of Chinese porcelain in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, examining how porcelain was used as a literary motif for women's suppression and was simultaneously... more
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      Economic HistoryEnglish LiteratureFeminist TheoryLiterature
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      Art HistoryDecorative ArtsMaterial CulturePorcelain
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)Ceramics (Art History)JapanPorcelain
Colloque international. Collaboration entre le Centre André Chastel de l’université de Paris-Sorbonne et l’association Low Countries Sculpture: "Le rôle de la sculpture dans la conception, la production, le collectionnisme et la... more
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      Furniture design (Art History)18th CenturyPorcelainFurniture and Cabinet Making
In Southeast Asia, porcelain from Vietnam has been developed into a very sophisticated and fascinating industry. In addition to the favorable geographic location and the surrounding natural resources, Vietnamese artisans had the ability... more
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      Vietnamese ArtPorcelainChinese Blue and White
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      PorcelainChinawareReal Fábrica de Loza Fina y PorcelanaAlcora
« Limoges Unique France » (1928-1938), Le patronat collectif de la porcelaine et la défense ou l’illustration d’un produit spécifique », Cl. DRUELLE-KORN (dir.) Les Corps Intermédiaires économiques. Entre l’État et le marché, PULIM, 2011,... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryPorcelainHistoire économique et sociale
Blue-and-white porcelain is a white-bodied porcelain decorated with cobalt-blue pigments which is once-fired at a temperature of 1,200 degrees Celsius or above. Until the early 20th century, blue-and-white porcelain was still considered... more
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      Art HistoryMing DynastyPorcelainAsian Art
The paper discusses the Huihui characters in the Cheng-te official kiln, and the Ming Wu-tsung’s role to the style of his imperial porcelains. After reviewing the shapes, decorative patterns and Xiaojing scripts of the Cheng-te... more
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      Art HistoryArabicIslamic StudiesMing Dynasty
Veel Europeanen kijken tegenwoordig met een mengeling van verbazing en bewondering naar China. Chinese goederen zijn een vast onderdeel van ons dagelijks leven, maar het beeld van het land is minder concreet. De Chinese taal en... more
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      Asian StudiesArt HistoryPaintingChinese Art
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryMuseum StudiesEarly Modern History
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      History of CollectionsArt MarketMuseum Collection historyProvenance research
Keramikerzeugnisse der Neuzeit Bei den Ausgrabungen in der ehemaligen Augustinerkirche wurden insgesamt 11.635 neuzeitige Keramikbruchstücke erfasst, die aus dem Zeitraum zwischen dem 16. und 20. Jahrhundert stammen. Der Großteil des... more
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      Urban archaeologySocial statusPost Medieval ArchaeologyPorcelain
Das „weiße Gold“ – diesen Namen und den damit verbundenen Wert trug das Porzellan in Europa über Jahrzehnte. In China entdeckt, im 17. Jahrhundert neben Seide und Tee nach Europa eingeschifft, rief es großes Staunen und Aufregung hervor.... more
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      Chinese contemporary artPorcelainAi Weiwei; Chinese Contemporary ArtContemporary Porcelain
Porselein uit de grond. Vormen uit vuur 212-213. Onder redactie van Sebastiaan Ostkamp Inhoudsopgave: Krekels, kikkers en een lang en voorspoedig leven. De boeddhistisch-taoïstische belevingswereld in de huiskamer van de... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesCeramics (Art History)
Museums around the world all share in a common purpose: To enrich our lives through the collection, research, and display of our histories, arts, and cultures. With this as our guiding star, Guangzhou Oriental Museum has struck out on an... more
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      DesignChinese StudiesPublic ArtCeramics (Ceramics)
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      Ceramics (Art History)Ceramics (Archaeology)Maritime Trade Ceramics (Archaeology)Porcelain
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      History of CollectionsCourt historyPorcelainMeissen Porcelain
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      Soviet Visual CulturePorcelainSoviet Design and ArchitectureHistory of Soviet Architecture
L'exemplaire numérisé est l'exemplaire de travail de Germaine Faider-Feytmans, ancien conservateur du Musée de Mariemont. Les précieuses annotations qui y ont été apportées par Mireille Jottrand corrigent, entre autres, certains numéros... more
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      18th Century ArtPorcelainTournai
Catalogue for the 2004 exhibition surveying the Hungarian-born American industrial designer's life and career.
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      Women ArtistsRussian & Soviet ArtSoviet Visual CultureCulture in the Soviet Union
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      HistoryArt HistorySong DynastyMing Dynasty
Chinese porcelain has always conveyed a sense of mysticism and exoticism to the occidental spectator. Marco Polo established a connection between the lustrous ceramic and naturalia, an association that was to persist into the Kunstkammers... more
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      Material Culture StudiesPorcelainElizabethan England
Excavations in 2010 at Julfar Al-Nudud show that it was not a late suburb of the medieval trading town of Julfar, UAE, but part of the original urban core. A revision of the chronology of Julfar is presented using radiocarbon data, and... more
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      ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyMaritime Trade Ceramics (Archaeology)Porcelain
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      Art HistoryPorcelainEarthenware FactoryCivita Castellana
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculptureDecorative Arts