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      BosniaPopulismModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Memory Studies
During the 1990s, a long historical cycle of Bucharest came to an end. From the mid-19th century on, industry became an important economic and cultural presence in Bucharest's landscape. During the last 10-15 years it began to contract.... more
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      Industrial OrganizationRomanian HistoryUrban HistoryUrban Anthropology
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryPolitical Sociology
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
Political revolutions are, by their very nature, contested events, and liable to remain the subject of conflicting interpretations long after they have turned the existing order upside down and spun it around. This is especially so when... more
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      African StudiesPolitical EconomyAfrican HistoryHistory and Memory
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      AnthropologyAtheismSocialismsPost-socialism (Anthropology)
Brožura, která se Vám dostala do ruky, vznikla v rámci projektu Strategie AV 21 „Efektivní veřejné politiky a současná společnost“. Představuje čtivou formou prvotní výsledky základního vědeckého výzkumu zaměřeného na fenomén zahrádkových... more
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      Urban PlanningMediated Discourse AnalysisUrban StudiesSocialism
There is an increasingly growing literature on the transnational flow of planning ideas that researchers attribute to the interconnected and globalised nature of political systems (Healey, 2013). It seems that ideas move from one place to... more
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      Urban PlanningStrategic PlanningRegional Planning/DevelopmentEuropean Union
L’enquête de Norah Benarrosh-Orsoni nous plonge, comme dans un roman, au coeur de la vie quotidienne de familles roms installées à Montreuil. On y découvre le surprenant parcours de personnes vivant dans deux pays. En région parisienne,... more
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      European StudiesArchitectureMaterial Culture StudiesTransnationalism
The essays in Globalization on the Margins explore the continuities and changes in Central Asian education development since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Reflecting on two decades of post-socialist transformations, they... more
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      GlobalizationComparative & International EducationCentral Asian StudiesPost-socialism (Anthropology)
Monografija Danila Vukovića predstavlja prvu celovitu sociološko-pravnu studiju o transformaciji socijalne politike u Srbiji pod uticajem neoliberalizma. Studija se temelji na autorovoj doktorskoj disertaciji (“Društveni uslovi stvaranja... more
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      Social PolicyNeoliberalismSociology of the Middle ClassesPost-Socialism
Over nineteen years, a significant restructuring has taken place across Central Europe’s industrial landscape. The crisis and decline of state-owned industry had initiated a wide de-industrialisation process, transforming post-socialist... more
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      Development EconomicsRegional developmentAutomotive IndustryPost-Socialism
This book examines the ways Cuban families struggle to access food and maintain a decent quality of life as the socialist welfare state continues to falter in post-Soviet Cuba. Drawing on long-term ethnographic research in Santiago de... more
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      Human GeographyLatin American StudiesAnthropologyLatin American and Caribbean History
Murawski’s article examines the political economy and political aesthetics of public space in contemporary Russia, focusing on Zaryadye Park. It argues that the current transformation of public space in Russia is at the epicentre of a... more
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      ArchitecturePostcolonial StudiesNeoliberalismPost-Socialism
The USSR ceased to exist 28 years ago, and there are generations of young people who were born after the dissolution. Mobility opportunities are now abundant and easily available to them. Yet the Soviet past still shapes the post-Soviet... more
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      Cultural MemoryPost-SocialismMoldovaStudent Mobility
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      Russian StudiesPost-SocialismUrban DesignMagnitogorsk
Verzija prije zadnjih korektura. Hrvatska verzija članka “L'économie de la musique traditionnelle en Croatie postsocialiste”, obj. 2013. u Ethnologie française 43/2: 255-265. Autorica slijedi tijek novca na polju tradicijske glazbe u... more
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Na początku tej książki jest chaos. Chaos jako sama Warszawa, czyli pełna problemów przestrzeń miejska, oraz „chaos” jako słowo-klucz, którego używamy, by ją krytykować. Demaskując pojęcie „chaosu” jako ideologiczny wytrych, a nawet... more
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      Urban PlanningTransitional JusticeCapitalismPost-Socialist Societies
This paper explores Tirana's growth as a process of urban block formation across two starkly differentiated ideological periods: the socialist (1945-1991) and the post-socialist (1992-present). It examines the effects of this ideological... more
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      Albanian StudiesUrban MorphogenesisPost-SocialismUrban Informality
A book that doctrines the approach Line of Wealth instead of much touted Line of Poverty approach.
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      Post-SocialismMarxist political economyEconomyPoverty Reduction
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      South East European StudiesRegional developmentPost-SocialismWestern Balkans
Wie postsozialistische Wohlfahrtsregime angemessen begriffen und typologisch eingeordnet werden können, bleibt umstritten. Entsprechende Versuche seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre reichen von „marktsozialistisch“ (Kornai 2001),... more
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      Welfare StatePost-SocialismPost-CommunismEurope
This article analyses the drafting of the document eventually printed as the Nineteen Propositions. Section two addresses certain issues regarding the methods and concepts employed in the subsequent analysis, focusing on... more
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      Political TheorySocialismsPolitical HistoryHistory of Political Thought
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      HistoryCryptozoologyInternational RelationsSustainable Development
Albania spent much of the 20th century under one of Europe’s most ideologically repressive regimes. In order to justify and ostensibly protect this system, the Albanian Communist regime (1944–1992) constructed a massive array of defensive... more
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      History and MemoryPost-SocialismReconciliationPost-Communism
This module will provide a close reading of some of the key texts from the early writings of Karl Marx, examining some of the most important elements of Marx’s contribution to political philosophy, up to the publication of The Communist... more
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      Political EconomyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
Розкрито особливості та закономірності розподілу та перерозподілу доходів населення в умовах трансформації економічних систем посткомуністичних країн. Простежено зміну механізму формування доходів населення у країнах з перехідною... more
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      Political EconomyWelfare StateUkrainian StudiesPost-Socialism
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      Russian StudiesFilm StudiesUkrainian StudiesTrauma Studies
Статья посвящена теме зарождения и развития идеологии русскоязычного джихадизма, предшествовавшей той стадии джихадистского движения, которая связана с ближневосточными событиями последних нескольких лет. В статье развивается идея, что... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalizationIslamic StudiesPost-Soviet Studies
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      Social MovementsRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAesthetics
This contribution interprets the east-central European post-liberal governments’ recent anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and anti-human-rights hysteria in the context of the increasing dependence of the region’s societies for livelihood on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      GlobalizationInstallation ArtPostcolonial StudiesContemporary Art
Building on past survey-based studies of ethnic identity, we employ the case of Ukraine to demonstrate the importance of taking seriously the multidimensionality of ethnicity, even in a country that is regarded as deeply divided. Drawing... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEthnic StudiesEastern European Studies
Predmet ovog rada je status političkog i emancipacije u literaturi o postsocijalističkim nostalgijama 1 na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije. To znači da se bavim konstrukcijama i načinima kroz koje su fenomeni postsocijalističkih nostalgija u... more
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      Political PhilosophyYugoslaviaEmancipationPost-Socialism
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
Desde sus orígenes, la cibernética ha basado su voluntad en el concepto de naturaleza transversal, hoy transdisciplinar. Dentro de su historia, el punto de ruptura es sin duda Stafford Beer y el VMS aplicado en el gobierno de Salvador... more
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“The social system that will come into being, keeping parallelism and harmony with time, space and person, will be called progressive socialism, according to Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, the founder of PROUT. “Our PROUT is that very... more
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      Indian PhilosophyIndian studiesYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
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      FinanceReligionEconomic HistorySociology
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesEastern EuropeEthnography
In socialist Yugoslavia work and labor were central to the legitimacy of the state and government, and represented the basis of social and political rights. Such position of labor was underpinned by social and cultural institutions that... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassNationalism
Transformacja nigdy się nie skończyła. Nie dlatego, że polskie społeczeństwo nie przeszło przemiany. Nie mogła się skończyć, ponieważ w tę narrację czy wręcz schemat kulturowy, wpisana jest nieuchronna porażka. Słowem-kluczem polskiej... more
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      Queer StudiesVisual CulturePost-SocialismMiddle Class Identity
This paper looks into the post-1989 transformation of Podgorica by analysing the ways in which two distinct urban neighbourhoods, Blok 5 and City Kvart, have emerged from their respective socio-economic contexts at the beginning of the... more
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      HousingPost-SocialismUrban DevelopmentPublic Space
In 1988, still living in Łódź, Poland, I was a host to an unusual guest from the United States: Roman, a Vietnam vet and resident of Montana. My guest's Vietnam war background and complex experiences of living the trauma aerwards had made... more
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      Visual StudiesPhotographyVisual CultureSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukrainians and Russians have been living peacefully in two separate and independent states for nearly a quarter of a century. Much has been said about the cultural and historical links between... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Politics
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
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      Russian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesPost-Socialism
This book explores Vietnamese popular television in the post-Reform era, focusing on the relationship between television and national imagination. It locates Vietnamese television in the experiences of everyday life and the prevailing... more
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      Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesNationalismMichel Foucault
Crni talas: novi jugoslovenski film Sanja Lazarević Radak www.malinemo.rs Blog Pedesetih godina dvadesetog veka filmskom umetnošću Jugoslavije dominirao je sovjetski, propagandistički pristup. Ubrzo su usledile promene na planu političkih... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaYugoslaviaPost-Socialism20th century Avant-Garde