President Putin
Recent papers in President Putin
Hat die derzeitige politische Ordnung in Russland mittel- und langfristig Bestand? Die fundamentale Herausforderung der Fortexistenz des heutigen kleptokratischen Regimes Russlands in den kommenden Jahren wird das Zusammenfallen zweier... more
In political science an accent on individuals (political leaders) in researching politics is neither popular nor advocated one. In authoritarian countries like Russia or China, however, political leaders and their personalities are a... more
Cтоит ли классифицировать природу «системы Путина», ввиду ее недавней радикализации, как современное проявление фашизма, как это недавно сделали некоторые — в том числе и русские — обозреватели? У этих явно антипутинских комментаторов —... more
This time I decided to draw attention to a significant role (which was a surprise for many experts) of Chechen terrorists in a battle of Islamic state that has become a main threat to the West. Based on this role, it is not only possible,... more
Gli economisti " liberals " sottolineano con forza le positive tendenze congiunturali dell'economia russa: si stanno riducendo i capitali in libera uscita, lo slancio verso l'alto del prezzo del petrolio, sommato ad un tasso di cambio del... more
The Russian Federation is currently and will remain, for the foreseeable future, the country that possesses the second largest number of nuclear warheads. This highly armed state has, like the Soviet Union before it and the US today, an... more
Review article on the books: Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism. By Charles Clover. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016. The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in... more
Traces the evolution of Soviet Military Doctrine from CZARs to 1991 and defines the un recognized last revolution in Soviet military affairs. This is the Soviet doctrine that influenced Putin's development and his current world view
The EU should revert back to its pre-Minsk approach to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. The main raft of sanctions were introduced before both of the Minsk Agreements were negotiated. Back then, the lifting of sanctions had been linked... more
n this case I decided to examine not the current Russian government structure , the interrelation of various clans and th eir influence to processes in Russia and worldwide, but rather focus on why Russia can now be reasonably called a... more
This short article, drawn in part from my forthcoming book Mother of the Lamb, contrast the Virgin of the Passion icon with depictions of Mary sponsoring war in Vladimir Putin's Cathedral of the Armed Forces. For the article with links,... more
This essay, so to speak, is about the wolves disguised as sheep or the influence of Yevgeny Primakov’s (who is a former Russian Prime Minister, the head of Foreign Intelligence and Minister of foreign affairs) clan to Kremlin's foreign... more
Russia has not only violated numerous treaties, especially with Ukraine. It has also devalued important networks and organizations it had been integrating or cooperating with for years, if not decades. While most of these international... more
This article examines the openly adversarial neoconservative foundation under George Bush to the supposedly more ‘engaged’ diplomatic interaction under Barack Obama. What will be exposed is a fairly uninspired and non-innovative American... more
Angela Merkel war bei ihrem Amtsantritt 2005 wie kaum eine andere westeuropäische Politikerin auf die Herausforderungen an der EU-Ostgrenze vorbereitet. Allerdings hatte Berlin mit seiner Einladung Putins in den Bundestag 2001, der... more
In Russia, civil society engagement with the petroleum sector is surprisingly rich and varied for a country that is ranked low on most democracy-related indicators. This chapter finds that there is a lively and varied public debate, with... more
Researching the role, actions and interests of various most powerful officials of the Russian government can provide a gilmse into something more than just the state’s decision - making mechanism. It also... more
In the first article about Dmitry Rogozin’s clan , I discussed how this clan developed and gained strength. However, in the context of aggression against Ukraine it is crucial to focus attention not just on Rogozin and his clan’s ideology... more
A review of Amy Knight’s book on the circumstantial evidence linking the Kremlin to a number of high profile murders.
There are always unrealistic expectations about either or both of two assumptions: the effectiveness of the sanctions; and/or how many nations are likely to participate (freely or under diplomatic compulsion). Unfortunately, Hartwell and... more
In Russia and in the West, when explaining the differences between Yevtushenkov and Khodorkovski, it is usually stated that Sistema’s sharehold er was never “into politics”, and the only politician who was supported by this giant business... more
Even if the Kremlin ultimately decides against a major war in Ukraine, the next few months are likely to remain tense. Ukraine will—so it looks at present—in any case, emerge from the current escalation with more or less heavy losses. The... more
The ongoing (in Russia) and forthcoming (in Ukraine) changes in leadership and direction of both countries may result in, among others, new chances for an end to, or for an escalation of, the war between Russia-led irregular separatists... more
On the birthday of Peter the Great, June 9, V.V. Putin spoke to young entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists with an analogy between modernity and the reign of the first Russian emperor. This is not the first time that the President of... more
Як міністр оборони РФ Шойгу розвалив російську армію // Факти ICTV. – 2022. – 22 березня [Електронний ресурс]
Blamaža njemačke pseudo-socijaldemokratske istočne politike u Alepu bi trebalo da bude povod za njemačku diskusiju o posljedicama stremljenja ka zaradi u trgovini sa Rusijom, ali i o istorijsko-političkim propustima prema narodima Istočne... more
News paper article on Putin's decision to invade Ukraine
Wie konnte es passieren, dass bedeutende Teile des deutschen Bildungsbürgertums über Monate den proeuropäischen Aufstand eines der großen Opfervölker von Deutschlands “Russlandfeldzug” 1941-1944 mit dutzenden Halbwahrheiten, Verdrehungen... more
Contributo in atti di convegno
The enormous financial means that West Germany is still transferring to East Germany, 30 years after re-unification, suggest that Moscow’s grab of Crimea in 2014 has been an ill-calculated adventure. Sustaining over a long period of time... more
The continuing international inattention for the Glazyev Tapes was and is surprising. If they are indeed authentic, the Glazyev Tapes should modify our understanding of the origins and nature of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The most... more
The “Ukraine Crisis” will have various repercussions for international relations beyond Eastern Europe. The crisis, in connection with the devaluation of Ukraine’s 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, is undermining worldwide... more
Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin, Çin’in 2. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Japonya’ya karşı elde ettiği zaferin 70. yıldönümü için Pekin’de yapılan kutlama törene katılmak için 2-3 Eylül 2015 tarihlerinde Çin’e iki günlük resmi ziyarette... more
Когда развалится "путинская система", появится новый шанс на российскую демократизацию. Запад уже сегодня может способствовать отказу постпутинской России от экспансионизма, предложив россиянам включение будущей неимпериалистической РФ в... more
This is the first chapter (in English) of my book "L'Amico Putin. L'invenzione della dittatura democratica."
There are reasons to believe that we may sooner or later again be offered a chance to draw Russia into the western community of states, and that we should already now prepare for such an optimistic turn of events. A positive agenda for a... more
Diese Erklärung des Willy -Brandt-Kreises und der Brief der 60 Prominenten vom Dezember 2014 unterwandern mit ihren Scheinargumenten und impraktikablen Forderungen die bisherige, mit viel Aufwand gezimmerte Einheitsfront der westlichen... more