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An experiment in distant reading on the texts that tell the myth of Procne and Philomela in classical Latin literature and on the section of book VI of Ovid's Metamorphoses telling the story, in comparison with the whole of the... more
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      ClassicsDigital HumanitiesDigital ClassicsDigital philology
METAMORFOSIS de Publi Ovidi Nasó.
Exordi, selecció i traducció de Xavier Mata Oroval.
Il·lustracions d’Aitana Carrasco.
Sembra Llibres, València 2020, pp. 264, ISBN: 978-84-16698-38-7
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      Ovid (Classics)Classical Tradition in Art and LiteratureThe Pygmalion mythOvidius
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      Translation and IdeologyHeroidesClassical Reception StudiesAlfonso X el Sabio
Ransmayr regényének Philomela-történetét trauma-történetként, pontosabban különböző traumák sorának történeteként értelmezem. Az értelmezés során a pszichológiai perspektíva mellett a szöveg érzéki-mediális alkotóelemeire figyelő... more
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      Trauma StudiesAustrian LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesPostmodern Literature
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      Greek PapyrologySophoclesGreek dramaAncient Greek Drama
This paper aims to reassess the role of sister- and siblinghood in the fragmentary 'Tereus' of Sophocles, a play unusual in its dramatization of a close and collaborative relationship between two sisters. The plot hinges on their... more
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      Gender StudiesMythologyClassicsGreek Literature
The Roman poet Ovid published the Metamorphoses in Latin in 8 CE; his text, which escapes traditional genre designations, retold more than two hundred and fifty Greco-Roman myths, stretching from the creation of the world through the... more
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      ModernismClassical Reception StudiesOvid (Classics)Pablo Picasso
The setting of a drama often entails significant political implicatons. My paper focuses on Sophocles’ fragmentary Tereus, which is a version of the nightingale-myth different from the one attested by Homer (Od. 19.518-524), Pherecydes... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyClassical philologyGreek Myth
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      Ovid MetamorphosesProcne, Tereus, Philomela
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      Attic potteryLocri EpizefiriProcne, Tereus, Philomela
This talk provides a presentation of key points of my monograph 'Procne e Filomela: dal mito al simbolo letterario'.
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureAncient myth and religion
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek IconographyClassical Mythology
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureGreek TragedyOvid
An examination of the coin issues of Bizye bearing the mythical figure of Kapaneus, starting with the issue struck under Septimius Severus and emphasizing on the raison d'être for its appearance. Commenting on the wall-storming combatant... more
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      NumismaticsCassius DioPliny the ElderRoman Provincial Coinage
Strategies for (1) reading Ovid's Tereus narrative (Met. 6.424-674) in light of the fragments of Sophocles' lost Tereus; (2) and vice versa.
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      Greek TragedyAugustan PoetryDramaIntertextuality
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      ArchaeologyGreek TragedyGreek ArchaeologyGreek Myth
Secrétaire de Ronsard et l’un des premiers traducteurs d’Homère en France, Amadis Jamyn est aussi un auteur de poésies originales, qui pratique maintes formes privilégiées de la Renaissance française. Imprégnée de culture antique, la... more
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      French LiteratureRapeSonnetsOvid
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a representação no cinema de duas cenas da peça Tito Andrônico, de William Shakespeare, quais sejam: o estupro de Lavínia, por Quíron e por Demétrio, e sua morte pelo próprio pai, Tito. Ao comparar o... more
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      Shakespearean DramaJulie TaymorTitus AndronicusEstudos de Recepção
L’ambientazione di un dramma mette spesso in luce significativi risvolti politici. Il presente contributo si propone di mostrare come l’ambientazione tracia del Tereo di Sofocle sia un’innovazione dell’autore. L’originalità di questa... more
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      Greek TragedyThucydidesSophoclesPausanias
L’obiettivo di questo contributo è di chiarire la ricezione del mito tebano di Zeto e della sua sposa Aedon in epoca classica attraverso un’analisi dei suoi adattamenti e interpretazioni. Lo spostamento dello sfondo del mito in Tracia può... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerGreek Tragedy
En este artículo presentamos un análisis de la versión dramática del mito de Procne y Philomela en la tragedia lírica Philomèle (1705) de Pierre-Charles Roy y Louis de Lacoste. Después de una revisión de las versiones dramáticas del mito... more
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      The Classical TraditionFrench TheatreClassical Reception StudiesClassical reception
Word order flexibility in Latin gives authors considerable freedom in the arrangement of the different components of a noun phrase. This freedom conforms, nonetheless, with stylistic preferences that seem to be shared by poets from the... more
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      Word orderOvid (Classics)Latin linguisticsOvid Metamorphoses
Carolin Ritter greift mit ihrem Beitrag die #MeToo-Thematik auf: Wie können unterdrückte Frauen zu Wort kommen? Die Lernenden befassen sich mit der Philomela-Erzählung in Ovids Metamorphosen und ihrer frühneuzeitlichen Rezeption. Der... more
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      ShakespeareOvid MetamorphosesProcne, Tereus, PhilomelaReception of Ovid
Uno de los episodios más siniestros de las Metamorfosis es posiblemente el que recrea el mito de Procne, Filomela y Tereo, pero, a la vez, el cuidado que puso el poeta en su composición lo convierte en uno de los más perfectos. Dos son... more
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      Classical MythologyOvid MetamorphosesProcne, Tereus, Philomela
Analysis of A Street Named Desire, having in mind as a classical subtext the mythical tale of Procne and Philomela
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      Tennessee WilliamsClassical Reception StudiesProcne, Tereus, PhilomelaA Streetcar Named Desire
«An Avatar of the Theme of Philomela in Juan Bautista Diamante’s Zarzuela Jupiter and Semele». Analysis of a musical drama inspired on the myth of Jupiter and Semele, by Juan Bautista Diamante (1625-1687), and published in the first... more
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      The Classical TraditionClassical Reception StudiesSpanish Siglo de Oro DramaClassical reception
Analysis of the reelaboration of the mythological tale of Philomela, Procne and Terus in Spanish Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Century stage: Timoneda, Guillén de Castro, Rojaz Zorrilla, Sebastián y Latre...
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      Spanish LiteratureThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception StudiesSpanish Siglo de Oro Drama
Análisis de la tragedia legendaria en tres actos publicada en 1962 por el dramaturgo francés Jean Geschwin, en la que, a partir de una original recreación del mito de Progne y Filomela, se expresa la preocupación y el desasosiego... more
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      French LiteratureThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception StudiesClassical Tradition in Art and Literature
Itys' cry of "mater! mater!" at Met. 6.640 echoes and originates the traditional cry of the nightingale, "Itys! Itys!"
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      Greek TragedyPoeticsIntertextualityLatin Epic
Abstract Sommario dei tre temi trattati 1. Spirat tragicum satis...: a proposito di Acc. 640-1 R3. (= 443-4 Dangel) 2. I crudelia gaudia di Procne: un’ipotesi su un’immagine ovidiana (met. 6, 653) 3. .Sull’uso di depositus in... more
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      History of Latin LanguageClassical philologyArchaic Latin PoetryMadness and Literature
Antonio López de Vega's version of the mythical tale of Procne and Philomela (1620): contexts, edition, and critical commentary
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      Spanish LiteratureThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception StudiesXVII century
RESUMEN Análisis de la versión dramática sobre el tema mítico de Filomela compuesta por el pintor y dramaturgo francés Antoine Renou, estrenada en París en 1773. Se estudia no solo la versión dramática propiamente dicha, y su lugar y... more
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      French LiteratureThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception StudiesClassical Tradition in Art and Literature
Landscape and violence in Latin literature: some notes about the role of the landscape in the Ovidian tale of Procne and Philomela
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      Latin LiteratureLandscapeOvid MetamorphosesProcne, Tereus, Philomela
Edition and commentary of the burlesque version of the tale of Procne and Philomela, presented by DIego Blanco Carrillo during a meeting of the Academia de San Cayetano (Salamanca, 1717)
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      Spanish LiteratureEighteenth-Century literatureThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception Studies
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedySophoclesWomen in Greek Myth