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      Functional ProgrammingPolymorphismTheorem ProvingData Structure
this article we will not attempt to describe all the dierent possible choicesof type theories. Instead we want to discuss the main underlying ideas, with a specialfocus on the use of type theory as the formalism for the description of... more
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      Type TheoryScience and TechnologyMathematical ModelProof assistant
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      Software EngineeringComputational linguistic phylogeneticsAutomated Theorem ProvingProof assistant
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      Cognitive ScienceIsabelleComputer SoftwareCase Study
This article describes uses of dependencies in tools to maintainbig proofs in interactive proof assistants. The aim of this article isto describe the notion of dependency in proof assistants, how it can beused to design tools to maintain... more
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      Design ToolProof assistant
A central objective of the verifying compiler grand challenge is to develop a push-button verifier that generates proofs of correctness in a syntax-driven fashion similar to the way an ordinary compiler generates machine code. The... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentComponent-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)Theorem Proving
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to conveniently use ordinary real number expressions within proof assistants? In this paper we outline how this can be done within a theorem proving framework. First, we formally establish upper and lower... more
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      Computability TheoryTheorem ProvingInterval arithmeticProof assistant
La Mathematique n'est pas une science naturelle, susceptible de verification experimentale. La verite mathematique repose sur une notion de coherence logique, mais le phenomene d'incompletude fait qu'on ne peut esperer un... more
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      MathematicsLogicArtMathematical Logic
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      Set TheoryNatural languageTutoring SystemProof assistant
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      Applied MathematicsSymbolic ComputationComputer AlgebraProof assistant
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      Separation LogicProof assistantSecond OrderBinary relation
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      Separation LogicProof assistantSecond OrderBinary relation
We address the problem of representing mathematical struc- tures in a proof assistant which: 1) is based on a type theory with de- pendent types, telescopes and a computational version of Leibniz equal- ity; 2) implements coercive... more
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      Type TheoryHigher Order ThinkingProof assistant
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      Information SystemsModel CheckingComputer SoftwareProgram verification
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      Set TheoryNatural languageTutoring SystemProof assistant
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      Cognitive ScienceSet TheoryAutomated reasoningDevelopment theory
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      Security in routing protocolsFormal VerificationProof assistantCredit Cards
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      Game TheoryData MiningGraph TransformationProof assistant
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      Case StudyMathematical Knowledge ManagementProof assistantMathematical Knowledge
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      Proof and ReasoningDomain Specific LanguagesProof assistantProof Assistants
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      Set TheoryComputer ScienceNatural languageTutoring System
We show how to write generic programs and proofs in MartinL of type theory. To this end we consider several extensions of MartinL of's logical framework for dependent types. Each extension has a universes of codes (signatures) for... more
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      MathematicsUniversal AlgebraComputer ScienceGeneric Programming
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      Computer ScienceTechnical ReportProof assistantProofs
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      Control systemWorst-Case Execution Time AnalysisStochastic processesFormal method
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      Power GenerationDSLProof assistant
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      Open SourceFormal methodProof assistantLogical Framework Analysis
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      Science CommunicationSoftware ArchitectureAutomated DeductionFormal method
Abstract: This article describes uses of dependencies in tools to maintainbig proofs in interactive proof assistants. The aim of this article isto describe the notion of dependency in proof assistants, how it can beused to design tools to... more
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      Design ToolProof assistant
This paper presents some experiments about the notion of generalization in proof assistants based on proof theory. We propose a mechanism which, starting from a proved theorem, allows to get a less specific result that can be instantiated... more
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      Proof TheoryProof assistant
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      Proof TheoryProof assistantPoint of View
We have formalized material from an introductory real analysis textbook in the proof assistant Scunak. Scunak is a system based on set theory encoded in a dependent type theory. We use the formalized material to illustrate some... more
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      Set TheoryComputer ScienceMathematical Knowledge ManagementProof assistant
We investigate how projective plane geometry can be formalized in a proof assistant such as Coq. Such a formalization increases the reliability of textbook proofs whose details and particular cases are often overlooked and left to the... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceCoqProof assistant
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      MathematicsSet TheoryComputer ScienceGeneric Programming
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      Set TheoryType TheoryGeneric ProgrammingMathematical Sciences
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      Functional ProgrammingType TheoryPolymorphismVerification
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      Set TheoryGeneric ProgrammingProof assistantIndexation
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      Levels of AbstractionFormal ReasoningProof assistantInteractive application
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      Proof assistantProgramming language
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      Formal VerificationProof assistant
    • by  and +1
    • Proof assistant
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      Cognitive ScienceLambda CalculusComputer SoftwareProof assistant
A theory of commands with weakest precondition semantics is formalised using the HOL proof assistant system. The concept of refinement between commands is formalised, a number of refinement rules are proved and it is shown how the... more
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      Theorem ProvingComputer SoftwareProgram DevelopmentProof assistant
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      Distributed ComputingSoftware EngineeringComputer ArithmeticComputer Hardware
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      Computational LogicMathematical LogicProof assistantBasic Research
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      AlgorithmComputer SoftwareReuseProof
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      ReferenceDistributed SystemAlgorithmData Structure
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      Type TheoryProof assistant
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      Finite element methodTheorem ProvingGraph TransformationEdge Detection
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      Automated DeductionProof assistantCADE
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      Design ToolProof assistant