The paper examines the question of ethics in psychotherapy as it impacts gestalt therapy theory/practice. Using a phenomenological approach and from within the essence of gestalt therapy's core concepts, a fundamental ethics of the other... more
The paper examines the question of ethics in psychotherapy as it impacts gestalt therapy theory/practice. Using a phenomenological approach and from within the essence of gestalt therapy's core concepts, a fundamental ethics of the other is disclosed as intrinsic in its theory/practice as a "situated ethics." This has implications that underscore the radical uniqueness of gestalt therapy.
Seminarski rad u okviru edukacije iz Integrativne art psihoterapije koji se bavi sledećim pitanjima, uključujući autorkina lična iskustva u vezi sa ovom temom: Postoji li nešto u ovom istorijsko-društveno-kulturološkom periodu što... more
Seminarski rad u okviru edukacije iz Integrativne art psihoterapije koji se bavi sledećim pitanjima, uključujući autorkina lična iskustva u vezi sa ovom temom: Postoji li nešto u ovom istorijsko-društveno-kulturološkom periodu što doprinosi da mnoge žene imaju problem sa prihvatanjem svog femininog identiteta u potpunosti? Šta je ono što takve žene najviše odbija? Kakva je tipična slika žene u društvu? Šta ako devojčica neće ili ne može da se identifikuje sa slikom žene koju joj društvo nameće? Koje su alternative? Koje su posledice zanemarivanja femininog/ženskosti u sebi? Da li su nam potrebni novi načini prikazivanja (slike) žene na koje bi novije generacije devojčica mogle da se ugledaju? Novi modeli ili nove priče? Ili sve već imamo u postojećim mitovima samo je potrebno oživeti ih i ispričati na nov način? Na koji način žena može probuditi i razviti potisnute/nepriznate/zakržljale aspekte svoje ženskosti?
Recent debates in the philosophy of psychiatry show that the concept of a mental disorder concept is socially determined, encouraging further engagement in a continuous dialogue about various possible interpretations of mental disorders... more
Recent debates in the philosophy of psychiatry show that the concept of a mental disorder concept is socially determined, encouraging further engagement in a continuous dialogue about various possible interpretations of mental disorders and a redefinition of psychiatry as a discursive activity susceptible to the influence of the culture and the society in which it is practiced. This also applies to psychotherapy as a discursive activity and justifies the ongoing development of hermeneutic approaches to psychotherapy. These are founded on the view that a mental disorder is constructed within the communicational act between a clinician and their patient. Given that the epistemic asymmetry inherent in the relationship of a therapist and their client favors the therapist, as shown by numerous examples, the psychotherapist is obliged to approach the client in an epistemically responsible and empirically adequate manner. This requires sensitivity to the evidence, understood as healthy scepticism towards the scientific foundations of the concept of mental disorders and psychotherapeutic theories, as well as critical reflexion upon their own theoretical presuppositions and prejudices. KEYWORDS mental disorder, diagnostics, psychiatry, psychotherapy, hermeneutics, epistemology, responsibility
The opening question of this article concerns how a psychotherapeutic practice can be formed in a way that enables emancipatory potentials to evolve. In the 1970s, Critical Psychology in Germany inspired an array of critical therapy... more
The opening question of this article concerns how a psychotherapeutic practice can be formed in a way that enables emancipatory potentials to evolve. In the 1970s, Critical Psychology in Germany inspired an array of critical therapy projects. However, these could hardly establish themselves and have therefore only been developed sporadically. The contributions of Critical Psychology to critical therapy approaches will be traced in their historical developments and lines of conflict. Reference will be made respectively to a behavior-therapeutic, depth-psychological, and family therapy casuistry of the critical psychotherapists in order to consider not only the ideas but also the practices of these approaches. The article will conclude with suggestions for the further developments of emancipatory-oriented psychotherapies with a subject-scientific and historical-materialist foundation.
We were delighted to see all of the major psychological and therapeutic bodies signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy which was launched at the Department of Health earlier this year (UKCP, 2015). This little-read... more
We were delighted to see all of the major psychological and therapeutic bodies signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy which was launched at the Department of Health earlier this year (UKCP, 2015). This little-read document makes it an ethical obligation that therapists are adequately trained to work with requests for change to clients’ sexuality (and we hope to see gender added to this soon). To meet that obligation, training organisations will need to develop a curriculum that embeds gender and sexual diversity issues throughout the syllabus as well as ensuring some specialist and specific material that stands separate to it.
We were delighted to see all of the major psychological and therapeutic bodies signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy which was launched at the Department of Health earlier this year (UKCP, 2015). This little-read... more
We were delighted to see all of the major psychological and therapeutic bodies signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy which was launched at the Department of Health earlier this year (UKCP, 2015). This little-read document makes it an ethical obligation that therapists are adequately trained to work with requests for change to clients’ sexuality (and we hope to see gender added to this soon). To meet that obligation, training organisations will need to develop a curriculum that embeds gender and sexual diversity issues throughout the syllabus as well as ensuring some specialist and specific material that stands separate to it.
Miközben a pszichoanalízisen belül interszubjektív fordulatról beszélünk, addig a fogalom jelentéstartománya elméleti feszültséget és bizonytalanságot hordoz. A tanulmány áttekinti a fogalomhoz tartozó főbb megközelítési szempontokat. A... more
Miközben a pszichoanalízisen belül interszubjektív fordulatról beszélünk, addig a fogalom jelentéstartománya elméleti feszültséget és bizonytalanságot hordoz. A tanulmány áttekinti a fogalomhoz tartozó főbb megközelítési szempontokat. A pszichoanalitikus elméletalkotók (Stolorow, Atwood, Orange, Stern, Ogden, Benjamin) eltérő jelentést rendelnek e fogalomhoz. A tanulmány kísérletet tesz a fogalom jelentésének, érvényességi körének tisztázására, áttekintve a tárgykapcsolat elméletek megállapításai és a szelfpszichológia álláspontját a szubjektivitást illetően. Az interszubjektivitás kezdettől jelenlévő kölcsönös kapcsolatszabályzó folyamatként történő felfogása más jelentést rendel a fogalomhoz, mint a kutatásokra építő meghatározás, amely fejlődési fázishoz kapcsolja annak megjelenését. Az eltérő jelentések megnehezítik az interszubjektivitás elméletén belüli egyezések és eltérések klinikai területre gyakorolt hatásának megragadását. A tanulmány célja az elméleten belüli közös vonások és eltérések tisztázása, és annak elemzése, hogy milyen akadályokat szükséges legyőzni ahhoz, hogy az interszubjektivitás fogalma eltérő felfogásának integrálásása elősegítse a klinikai gyakorlatban történő elméletileg megalapozott alkalmazását. Kulcsszavak: Interszubjektivitás – szelftárgy – interszubjektív szelf – szelffejlődés – áttétel- viszontáttétel
A major goal of evidence-based psychotherapy is to assess specific cognitive or emotional schemata and behavioral patterns associated with a particular disorder. The present study is an exploratory attempt to form a quantitative basis for... more
A major goal of evidence-based psychotherapy is to assess specific cognitive or emotional schemata and behavioral patterns associated with a particular disorder. The present study is an exploratory attempt to form a quantitative basis for this sort of clinical work in terms of Anderson's Information Integration Theory and the theory's methodological counterpart-Functional Measurement. The participants of the study' s three experiments were 24 adolescents who suffer from disruptive behavior disorders, 17 patients who suffer from a dual diagnosis (a combination of substance dependence and psychopatholo-gy), and 14 patients diagnosed as suffering from emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. The following three types of functional cognitive schemata were diagnosed: bio-psycho-social in the participants with disruptive behavior disorders; addiction in the participants with dual diagnosis , and inner speech schemata in the participants with emotional disorders. The results are presented in terms of the relative importance assigned to the components of each sort of schema. It is concluded that the study's findings exemplify the viability of the information integration as an infrastructure of a complementary psychodiagnostic tool.
The purpose of this study was to assess a 4-month inpatient treatment program based on integrated models for patients with substance use and psychiatric disorders (dual diagnosis patients). On admission and at the 1-year follow-up, a... more
The purpose of this study was to assess a 4-month inpatient treatment program based on integrated models for patients with substance use and psychiatric disorders (dual diagnosis patients). On admission and at the 1-year follow-up, a consecutive sample of 118 dual diagnosis patients who entered the program were assessed by interview. Eighty-four patients (70.6%) completed the 1-year follow-up interview, reporting less frequent substance use, less severe psychiatric symptoms, a lower rehospitalization rate, and better housing conditions than on admission. Patients diagnosed with a comorbid personality disorder had a better improvement in the frequency of drinking and were less likely to be rehospitalized than patients with schizophrenia or depression. The results suggest that the integrated inpatient program may be a promising treatment approach for dual diagnosis patients. The results await replication in controlled studies that need to include an assessment of outpatient treatment following inpatient programs.
In Dec 2019 the University of Derby terminated our studies after having conducted an authentic research process investigating our professional practice, in accordance with the regulations of the program Ed.D and the signed agreement with... more
In Dec 2019 the University of Derby terminated our studies after having conducted an authentic research process investigating our professional practice, in accordance with the regulations of the program Ed.D and the signed agreement with the Head of the Research Office. The duration of our doctoral process was thirteen years due to repeated obstacles enforced by the staff. Below are: Our formal complaints appealing the organisation’s decision. Ofer, Anat and Anna’s attempt to approach the investigator through video clips The outcome of the organisation’s representative who allegedly investigated our claims. Our response to the outcome. We are posting this evidence here so that the readers will not mistake this organisation for an academic institution. Any comments welcome.