Religion online
Recent papers in Religion online
Uncorrected proofs of chapter on "Contemporary Ritual Magic" for The Occult World (Routledge, 2014), edited by Christopher Partridge.
Możemy wyróżnić cztery wymiary religijnych miejsc w internecie – religię innowacyjną (np. nowe ruchy religijne), religię tradycyjną (wielkie „tradycyjne” religie – chociażby chrześcijaństwo), religię w sieci (informacje na temat różnych... more
The internet has changed the world in many ways. One of the phenomena created by the internet is the presence of virtual religions: either online religion or religion online. All religions have undergone this process of "virtualization"... more
This lecture builds on a shorter conference presentation given at the British Association for the Study of Religion Conference at Queen's University Belfast in September 2018.
Diskusi tentang peluang dan ancaman Metaverse bagi Gereja. Dalam diskusi ditunjukkan bahwa sejarah Kekristenan tidak lepas dari perkembangan teknologi media, termasuk gagasan virtualisasi. Bahkan Agama secara umum cenderung antusias... more
Published in "Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities" 3 (2015), pp. 31-48.
Materi Kursus Dasar Teologi
Kekristenan tidak alergi dengan teknologi bahkan adaptif terhadap perkembangannya, Perlu adaptasi terhadap perkembangan dunia digital: pelayanan gereja siaran, gereja interaktif, bauran dan maya dan lain-lain
Kekristenan tidak alergi dengan teknologi bahkan adaptif terhadap perkembangannya, Perlu adaptasi terhadap perkembangan dunia digital: pelayanan gereja siaran, gereja interaktif, bauran dan maya dan lain-lain
Dijital mecralarda, din istismarının bazı görünümleri ele alınmaktadır.
YouTube has enabled music and religious practice to become conjoined in new and complex ways. This chapter explores the social life of a particular Christian video genre: the worship music video. Worship music videos bring music, text,... more
"Cornelio, Jayeel. 2009. “The New Face of Global Evangelism: Virtualizing Spiritual Experience.” In Francis Lim, ed., Mediating Piety: Religion and Technology in Asia. Leiden: Brill. Book Abstract: A timely and groundbreaking work,... more
Both Jewish and Islamic legal systems have historically classified women as “others.” As Feminist attitudes slowly made their way into Western mainstream thought, both Jewish and Muslim Feminists found that the religious legal discourse... more
Today, it is challenging to separate online and offline spaces and activities, and this is also true of digital religion as online and offline religious spaces become blended or blurred. With this background, the article explores the need... more
Tulisan ini adalah salah satu perspektif dalam kemajemukan Protestantisme tentang Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa Pancasila dalam konteks zaman bergegas yang gampang Ngegas. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa adalah Ketuhanan yang Pathos dalam perspektif... more
Historia religionum 10 (2018) p. 127-137 Texte de la conférence qui, dans sa version définitive, est publié dans la revue. Conférence: "Internet, vérité, progression spirituelle" au colloque « NOUVEAUX MOUVEMENTS RELIGIEUX ET MÉDIAS »... more
This research studies the user’s experience in searching for Islamic and Quranic information on the Web, particularly on their preferences and challenges. The goal is to understand the information needs of this particular type of... more
Paparan berikut adalah rujukan pembelajaran yang mendiskusikan perkembangan jagad mayantara atau internet, kaitannya dengan wacana keagamaan dan pentingnya untuk vitalisasi peran penyuluh agama sebagai komunikator pesanpesan agama di era... more
The author deals with the phenomenon of online prayers as ritualized action in a mediatized context and also as essential part of Christian online community. Looking at the development of the prayer wall hosted by the online community... more
This research studies why and how users search for Islamic and Quranic information on the Web. It is to understand the information needs and search behaviour of online users seeking for this particular type of information. Thirty one... more
Menilik semakin imersifnya pengalaman beragama ini dengan menghadirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru. Realitas maya (virtual reality) seperti yang ditawarkan layanan Metaverse dan sejenisnya, yang melampaui dikotomi pengalaman tertubuh... more
İletişim teknolojileri; dini yayma, daha fazla kişiyle buluşturma, dinî bilgilere, kaynaklara erişim ve dinî kimliği yansıtma gibi motivasyonlarla bir araya geldiğinde dindarlık ile iletişim teknolojileri arasında etkileşimlerin doğması... more
"I ‘like’ my Patriarch" is in Georgia the most popular Facebook site with high number of followers. The vitality of religion is a significant characteristic of Georgian society in post communistic period. Revitalization of religion is... more
The present paper is the outcome of three-months research in 2019 on the religiosities of the Indonesian Generation Z (Gen Z). The two research questions oriented this undertaking, first, how is the formation of Gen Z religiosities within... more
Öz Teknoloji ve dinsellik arasındaki ilişki, günümüzde medya ve din etkileşiminin incelenmesi gereken bir alanını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın konusu, teknoloji-dinsellik arasındaki etkileşimin bilhassa ileti-şim teknolojileriyle... more
El ciberespacio y las redes sociales nos ofrecen un ámbito virtual de encuentro donde podemos aprender, dialogar y, quizás, reflexionar sobre nuestra cultura actual y la necesidad de encontrar otras formas de pensar y vivir. Bhante... more
Both Jewish and Islamic legal systems have historically classified women as “others.” As Feminist attitudes slowly made their way into Western mainstream thought, both Jewish and Muslim Feminists found that the religious legal discourse... more
Studies have demonstrated the importance of online activities to wellbeing, especially in later life. The present study seeks to determine whether and how online religious counseling can improve the wellbeing of older believers. A... more
Diskusi mengenai ekspresi keagamaan di dunia digital. Diskusi diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi Agama dan Perdamaian, Universitas Kristen Immanuel, 7 Nopember 2020.
Cyber-religiosity is a concept proposed for the investigation of religious phenomena with any kind of relation to the Internet. It is based on the theory of cyber-religion as a cyber cultural phenomenon and focused on religiosity. The... more
The history of Wicca in Poland equals the history of Wicca on the Polish internet – and this equation alone shows the importance of the World Wide Web for Polish believers. The number of websites, discussion lists and forums has been... more
Presentasi ini mendiskusikan konteks digital di mana ujaran kebencian merupakan dampak kondisi digital dan dinamikanya hingga saat ini. Presenter menawarkan beberapa saran termasuk mengembangkan wacana kesanggrahan (keramahan,... more