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Although several studies suggest that religious involvement is associated with healthier biological functioning in later life, most of this work is cross-sectional. We extend previous research by employing a longitudinal design. Our... more
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      StressLongitudinal ResearchHealthOlder Adults
Many aspects of attention decline with aging. There is a current debate on how aging also affects sustained attention. In this study, we contribute to this debate by meta-analytically comparing performance on the go/no-go Sustained... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSustained AttentionMotor Control
Social work in the UK and US had similar origins with a historical focus on both community based work, similar to Jane Addams' settlement house, and individual case-work/care management aligned with Mary Richmond's approach to care... more
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      AgingOlder AdultsOlder peopleStrengths
INTRODUCTION Cognitive stimulation may be beneficial in slowing the progression of mild neurocognitive disorder (NCD), but the results of existing research are inconsistent. Furthermore, there are no long-term interventions nor individual... more
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      DepressionDementiaMild Cognitive ImpairmentOlder Adults
Essay on experiences of teaching older students computer skills.
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      GerontologyOlder AdultsCOMPUTER SKILLS
Objectives The process of development of age-friendly environments is one of the key challenges of policy makers. The aim of present study was to compare the elderly people's and managers' views towards age-friendly city indexes. Methods... more
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      Older AdultsAttitudesManagersAge friendly cities
Happiness is an important component of subjective well-being and people generally wish to be happy. There are various factors linked to happiness, e.g. health, family relationships, social support, financial situation, work, personal... more
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      Mental HealthHealthHappinessHappiness and Well Being
Objective: The aim of this study is to identify and appraise existing instruments to evaluate mental well-being in old age. Method: Systematic literature searches in PubMed, PsycINFO, ProQuest Research Library, AgeLine and CINAHL... more
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      Mental HealthSystematic ReviewsOlder AdultsPsychological well-being
Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a sociedade contemporânea. Ser idoso tem sido largamente descrito na literatura como uma experiência de solidão, sentimento de caráter multifacetado... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAgingSocial Care For Older People
Background and Objectives: There is a lack of understanding of how older adults’ involvement and participation matters in actual design practice. This systematic literature review investigates existing empirical studies involving older... more
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      DesignDesign practiceGerontologyParticipatory Design
Technologische Entwicklungen, verschwimmende Grenzen zwischen digitalen und klassischen Informationsangeboten sowie das gleichzeitige Mobilwerden internetfähiger Endgeräte erzeugen vollkommen neue Nutzungssituationen und –erwartungen.... more
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      Information ScienceSocial Network Analysis (Social Sciences)Social Networking Sites and TeenagersTeenagers
Community-dwelling older adults have raised the scientific community's interest during the COVID-19 era as their chronic conditions might be aggravated by the consequences of confinement. Digital devices in this field to monitor cognitive... more
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      Older AdultsElderlyOlder peopleCognitive Assessment
Objectives: We sought to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Italian EAT-10 (Italian Eating Assessment Tool; I-EAT-10). Methods: The study consisted of 4 phases: item generation, internal consistency and reliability analysis,... more
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      DysphagiaOlder Adults
The purpose of this brief note is to present a discussion of the first two sessions of a poetry group conducted with moderately to severely cognitively impaired adults in a nursing home. Exercises and techniques used with this population... more
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      PsychologyGroup TherapyNursingGeriatrics
Thailand is one of the most aging countries in Southeast Asia. While family support for Thai older adults is dominant, mutual support in communities is needed in response to the demographic shifts. The purpose of this study was to explore... more
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      Social CapitalPublic HealthOlder AdultsRural Community
Japan is a super-aging society, one marked by a steadily silvering population and shrinking birthrates. Social effects range from a decline in intergenerational homes to new tensions between the generations as elders delay retirement or... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Empathy (Psychology)Serious GamesGame Design
Spiritual and religious struggles emerge in times where life meaning is unclear, has changed or is challenged. Resilience has been addressed in terms of psychological, social, emotional and physical capacity or competence related to... more
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      ReligionSpiritualityOlder Adults
The number of dependent older adults in Thailand is increasing leading to the long term care system for dependent older adults by community caregivers. This descriptive research aimed to study the caring practices of caregivers... more
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      Long Term CareInformal Caregivers/CarersOlder Adults
Fundamentación La población mayor conforma uno de los grupos etarios más vulnerables. El avance del envejecimiento, asociado a las enfermedades y factores como la obesidad, el consumo de tabaco y la falta de actividad física, limitan la... more
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      Older AdultsEvaluaciónOlder peopleAdultos Mayores
Purpose-The targeted use of standardized outcome measures (SOMs) of mental health in research with older adults who are incarcerated promotes a common language that enables interdisciplinary dialogue, contributes to the identification of... more
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      Mental HealthHealth OutcomesPublic HealthWomen And Prison
In the context of current and expected demographic changes, the issues of which services the welfare state should offer and, ultimately, the very function of the welfare state are currently debated in Norway. The political discourse on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisWelfare StatePublic Health PolicyFamily Caregivers/Carers
Grandparents play a vital role in providing childcare to families. Qualitative research and evidence from parents raise concerns that it is grandparents who are socioeconomically disadvantaged who provide grandchild care more regularly,... more
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      SocioeconomicsEducationAgingFamily Caregivers/Carers
Purpose-This paper analyses how neighbourhood governance of social care affects the scope for frontline workers to address health inequities of older ethnic minorities. We critically discuss how an area-based, generic approach to service... more
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      Social CareEuropean Neighbourhood PolicyOlder Adults
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      GeriatricsGerontologyBiomechanicsPhysical Education
The literature on death expectation in ill old age is mostly medical. A social science standpoint (especially quantitative) is practically absent. However, whether families, social and healthcare services can anticipate, support and... more
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      Long Term CareDementiaAlzheimer's DiseasePalliative Care
Daly O, Casey J, Tierney M & Martin S. The effectiveness of specialist seating provision for nursing home residents. EPUAP conference 2012.
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      Occupational TherapyAssistive TechnologyOlder AdultsPressure ulcers
Abstract: The present study investigates the effect of chair Yoga versus walking and chair aerobics on psychological health in older adult men and women. Participants (M age = 83; N = 42) were randomly assigned to one of four activity... more
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      YogaSport And Exercise PsychologyExercise PsychologyOlder Adults
Multimorbidity is common in older persons. It is associated with higher disability, poor functional status, poor quality of life and higher mortality. This article highlights the extent of the problem and apparent inadequacy of... more
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      Health CareOlder AdultsElderlyOld Age
The present paper looks at some of the issues of the old women with a special focus on widows of Vrindavan. In 2009, there were 88 million elderly people in India. By 2050, this figure is expected to soar over 320 million. By 2050, women... more
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      Women's StudiesOlder AdultsGeratricsFeminization of Poverty
Formålet med denne undersøgelse er at studere egenomsorg som styringsteknologi i et bestemt multifaktorielt faldforebyggelsesprogram for at få viden om, hvordan multifaktorielt faldforebyggelse (MF) administreres, praktiseres og... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMichel FoucaultQualitative ResearchOlder Adults
Intergenerational programs are reported as one type of social activity that may promote active aging among older adults. Survey methodology using open and closed-ended questions examined the extent to which participation in an... more
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      AgingIntergenerational RelationshipsActive AgingOlder Adults
Introduction: Optimism-the expectation that good things will happen-has emerged as a promising health asset, as it appears to be related to healthier behaviors and reduced disease risk. Growing research finds that higher optimism is... more
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      Positive PsychologyHealth PsychologyEpidemiologySocial epidemiology
Context Several intergovernmental organizations (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development, World Health Organization, United Nations) are urging countries to use well‐being indicators (e.g., life satisfaction) in addition to... more
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      Health PsychologyEpidemiologyPublic HealthWellbeing
The unprecedented penetration of smartphones into the Singapore market offers potentially cost-effective and sustainable solutions for people to stay connected with their families, friends and communities. However, due to financial... more
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      GovernanceTechnology AcceptanceOlder AdultsSmartphones
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      AgingHealthPublic HealthActive Aging
Psychodynamic psychotherapy for people in the second half of their lives. The article discusses the basic notions of psychodynamic psychotherapy for people in the second half of their lives, that is for people in their mid- and late... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisDevelopmental Psychology
Community-dwelling older adults have raised the scientific community’s interest during the COVID-19 era as their chronic conditions might be aggravated by the consequences of confinement. Digital devices in this field to monitor cognitive... more
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      Older AdultsElderlyOlder peopleMedicina
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      Medical SociologySexual BehaviourFamilyAging
World Health Organization. (‎2019)‎. Integrated care for older people (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ICOPE)‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎: guidance for person-centred assessment and pathways in primary care. World Health Organization.... more
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      Older AdultsOlder peopleQuality of life in older age
In Puerto Rico, a host of factors makes the role of community-based organizations (CBOs) critically important in emergency preparedness and response (EPR) and disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DiDRR) addressing the needs of... more
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      DisabilityOlder AdultsEmergency and Disaster ManagementCommunity Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Global AgeWatch Index and Insights by HelpAge International aim to contribute to achievement of long-term transformative change in respect to ageing and the lives of older people by advocating for better production of timely and good... more
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      Welfare StateSocial IndicatorsAgingWellbeing
Introduction: The Activity Card Sort-United Kingdom version is a self-report interview assessment requiring older adults to sort activity photograph cards to evaluate their levels of participation. The face validity and clinical utility... more
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      AssessmentOccupational TherapyLeisureActivities of Daily Living
Mounting evidence indicates that there are specific associations between higher levels of optimism and healthier behaviors , reduced risk of chronic diseases, and lower mortality. Yet, for public health purposes, it is critical to... more
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      Positive PsychologyHealth PsychologyEpidemiologyResilience
Objective: This study seeks to determine the relationship between referral type (legally mandated versus non-mandated) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment completion among older adults and by primary substance used. Method: We... more
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      Older AdultsPropensity Score MatchingSubstance Use DisorderTEDS
Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a sociedade contemporânea. Ser idoso tem sido largamente descrito na literatura como uma experiência de solidão, sentimento de caráter multifacetado... more
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      AgingSocial Care For Older PeopleOlder AdultsDemografía
s from the 13th Annual American Telehealth Association Meeting on April 7, 2008 in Seattle, WA. Retrieved from http://media.americantelemed.org/conf/2008/presentations.htm. Brookes, L. (2005). SPAN-CHF II: Specialised Primary and... more
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      EngineeringDesignArchitectureBuilt Environment
Living Lab (LL) research should follow clear ethical guidelines and principles. While these exist in specific disciplinary contexts, there is a lack of tailored and specific ethical guidelines for the design, development, and... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsResearch EthicsQualitative methodology
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      PsychiatryMental HealthPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingOlder Adults
Brain exercise is important to maintain and improve cognitive functions in older adults. Most Thai brain training programs have been developed for higher socioeconomic status groups in urban areas rather than older rural adults. Therefore... more
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      Mild Cognitive ImpairmentOlder AdultsCommunity health nursingExercise and the Brain