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A lot of later life care is centred on the family. A member of a family, usually an adult daughter or son, informally care for an older parent. Families often include people who are biological kin but who hold a similar status – ‘fictive... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAgingQuality of life
Les transformations politiques, familiales, religieuses, économiques et spatiales amènent à rompre avec les évidences entretenues sur les sociétés africaines comme celles de care au profit des personnes âgées au nom du respect social des... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySocial Care For Older PeopleSociologie du vieillisementPublic Policy
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It means that as a senior carer I am accountable and responsible for the care of the individuals within my working environment. The manager understands that I am to protect vulnerable persons from abuse/neglect and actively report any... more
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      Social CareSocial Care For Older PeopleHealth and Social CareLevel 3
Education permanente, Tome 196, n°3, p. 175-184. Cet article interroge l’activité de soins aux personnes âgées dépendantes et le rôle joué par le collectif de travail dans le développement et les transformations de cette activité. Source... more
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      NormativitySocial Care For Older PeopleWork and Organizational PsychologyTemporality
Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a sociedade contemporânea. Ser idoso tem sido largamente descrito na literatura como uma experiência de solidão, sentimento de caráter multifacetado... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAgingSocial Care For Older People
This article provides information on the care provided by caregivers to seniors with a long-term health condition, a disability or problems related to aging. It focuses on how the intensity and nature of the care vary depending on... more
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      Informal Caregivers/CarersSocial Care For Older PeopleCaregivingAssistive Technology to Improve Quality of Life and Health for Seniors and their Caregivers
Care is a social necessity for life. Ensuring access to appropriate care at crucial points in the life course became a political necessity soon after the mid-20th century, as the right to suitable care became recognized as a fundamental... more
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      Social Care For Older PeopleMarketizationAged CareHealth and Social Care
The purpose of this brief note is to present a discussion of the first two sessions of a poetry group conducted with moderately to severely cognitively impaired adults in a nursing home. Exercises and techniques used with this population... more
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      PsychologyGroup TherapyNursingGeriatrics
Dans les EMS psychogériatriques qui se sont tournés vers la « Méthode Montessori adaptée », plusieurs formes du « prendre soin » coexistent. Les équipes professionnelles les mieux armées ne sont-elles pas celles qui parviennent à les... more
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      Social WorkHealth CareSocial Care For Older PeopleNursing Homes
In the UK, almost 6 million people are unpaid informal carers for an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend who couldn’t manage to live independently or whose health or wellbeing would deteriorate without their help. This saves... more
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      DesignDesign MethodsIndustrial DesignDesign Research
This report analyses and evaluates the Keep Singing Keepsakes project run by award winning community music charity Plymouth Music Zone, which is funded by a number of organisations including the Arts Council. The project takes singing... more
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      GeriatricsMusicInformal LearningGerontology
Funded by European Union Erasmus+ Programme The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents of the publication.
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      SociologySocial Care For Older PeopleArts and CraftsArts and Music for Health and Wellbeing
The moral argument for supporting carers is clear and irrefutable. This report takes the argument beyond morality and demonstrates that supporting carers improves health outcomes for patients and carers; reduces unwanted admissions,... more
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      Social CareFamily Caregivers/CarersInformal Caregivers/CarersSocial Care For Older People
Nas últimas décadas, tem-se assistido a uma crescente preocupação pelo desenvolvimento socialmente justo e sustentável; daí que as políticas de desenvolvimento que se têm delineado têm implícita uma preocupação de maior equidade e... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionSocial Work
The UK’s New Labour government (1997 – 2010) continually wrestled to find ways of giving more emphasis to a mixed economy of public service provision, entailing greater externalization. This underlying drive was often resisted,... more
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      Public Health PolicyHealth Care and Social Service Access and UtilizationSocial Care For Older PeoplePublic Health
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to present findings from one element of a study exploring the relationship between personalisation, in the form of personal budgets (PBs) for publicly funded social care and safeguarding.... more
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      SafeguardingSocial Care For Older PeoplePersonalisation and Personal BudgetsHealth and Social Care
Asenteet hoivarobotiikkaa kohtaan ovat järjestelmällisen epäileviä: arvellaan, että vanhusta hoitava robotti korvaa hoitajan ja vie vanhukselta viimeisenkin mahdollisuuden ihmiskontaktiin. Onko epäilyille perusteita - muuttaako robotiikka... more
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      RoboticsSocial Care For Older PeopleSocial RoboticsHuman Dignity
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of personalisation policy on the providers of social care services in England, mainly to older people, within the context of austerity and different conceptions of... more
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      Workforce DiversitySocial Care For Older PeopleHome CarePersonalisation
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
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      CriminologyLawFeminist TheoryViolence Against Women
The report on the situation of senior citizens in the city of Moscow was prepared by the Institute of Continuing Professional Education for Social Workers with the assistance of a territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service... more
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      SociologyDemographySocial WorkSocial Policy
This report describes the major changes that have taken place in working conditions in care for older people from 2005 to 2015. Comparisons between the situation in Finland and other Nordic countries are also included. The report is based... more
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      Social Care For Older PeopleHome CareFinlandElderly People
2013) 'Social care for diverse communities: How current research at the University of Southampton aims to improve the user experience', Generations Review, 23(2), 10-12.
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      Race and EthnicitySocial Care For Older PeopleAgeing and Health
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureSociologyCultural Studies
very good
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    • Social Care For Older People
Degavre Florence et Nyssens Marthe , « L'innovation sociale dans les services d'aide à domicile. Les apports d'une lecture polanyienne et féministe » ,
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      Feminist TheorySocial Care For Older PeopleHome CareConceptual Framework
Focussing on broad, international developments in the provision of aged care, this article explores the outcomes of the interaction of social and economic pressures on the way that care is conceptualised and provided. As it has gone from... more
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      Social PolicySocial Care For Older PeopleEconomics of aging & pensionsEmployment
This article describes how residents and staff of an eldercare and Alzheimer's home in a small South African town joke with each other. Residents are mostly white and staff mostly black, but there are exceptions, and both groups are... more
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      Social PsychologyAfrican StudiesMedical AnthropologyPostcolonial Studies
Contemporary research into health treats diagnosis as a central step in illness management and trajectories. Most public health policies, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s disease, claim that the earlier a diagnosis is made, the... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceDementiaAlzheimer's DiseaseSociology of Mental Health & Illness
Aim As the population ages, the problem of dementia increases and affects a growing number of people. People with mental illness are known to be stigmatised and this has been the subject of numerous studies. There have been contradictory... more
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Abstract / Resumen RADARS is a preventive local network in which, neighbours, shopkeepers (localshops and pharmacy!s), volunteers, and local services participate and work togetherin order to construct a more human and supportive... more
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      Community DevelopmentSocial Care For Older PeopleAged People
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a sociedade contemporânea. Ser idoso tem sido largamente descrito na literatura como uma experiência de solidão, sentimento de caráter multifacetado... more
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      AgingSocial Care For Older PeopleOlder AdultsDemografía
Social care policies from the UK and Spain are analysed in this paper. They have been selected with a view to showing illustrative cases concerning the contract culture between sectors who were involved in the mixed economy of welfare... more
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      Public AdministrationWelfare StateSocial CareSocial Care For Older People
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      ReligionSociologyPsychologyCognitive Psychology
D’un espace dyadique soignant-soigné, la relation de soin a évolué au cours des dernières décennies vers une triangulation intégrant de plus en plus, dans le processus décisionnel et organisationnel des soins, l’aidant proche. De même, le... more
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      Health CareInformation Communication TechnologySocial Care For Older People
Purpose: In 2030, the United States will face a caregiver deficit. Currently, family members are taking on the role of unpaid caregiver as a key component to the American Healthcare system. Many family members take on this role out of... more
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      Public Health PolicySocial Care For Older PeopleAging & the life courseMedicare
Frontiers is more than just an open-access publisher of scholarly articles: it is a pioneering approach to the world of academia, radically improving the way scholarly research is managed. The grand vision of Frontiers is a world where... more
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      RoboticsSociologyAdult EducationLong Term Care
Dal curare al prendersi cura, piccolo itinerario sul passaggio da un approccio meramente altruistico ad un concetto condivisibile di responsabilità.
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      BioethicsVirtue EthicsMedical HumanitiesFeminism
بما أن الناس يعيشون الآن إلى عمر أكبر، فمن المحتم أن تصبح قضايا الأمراض العقلية التنكسية أكثر أهمية. حيث يعد الأشخاص الذين يعانون من اً ا قطاع ً أمراض الخرف وأهمها الزهايمر حالي منسيا في المجتمع، . ا نقص في الوعي والفهم وإن الخوف والجهل... more
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      EngineeringArchitectureArabicAlzheimer's Disease
22 (2) 2017 Reflexiones desde la antropología en torno al cuidado | Institut català d'antropologia http://www.antropologia.cat/quaderns-e-372 1/2 22 (2) 2017 Reflexiones desde la antropología en torno al cuidado Coordinado por María... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial CareSocial Care For Older People
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
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      American LiteratureBusinessManagementBusiness Administration
Современная Россия входит в ряд стран, в которых активно происходят процессы старения населения. Проблема организации ухода за пожилыми становится все более заметной. Особенно это касается группы пожилых старше 75 лет, испытывающих... more
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      Welfare StateSocial Care For Older PeoplePublic Policy - Social Welfare PolicySocial Welfare
A commentary on the events subsequent to the five years after the publication of the Health & Social Care Professionals Act (2005)
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      Social CareSocial Care For Older People
En este artículo hacemos una reflexión teórica sobre los principios morales que coexisten en las responsabilidades de cuidado. El don, la reciprocidad y la mercancía conforman sistemas morales diferenciados que a menudo operan en... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial Care For Older People
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      Social Care For Older PeoplePublic HealthHealth Care ManagementHome Care
In the course of last two decades, the notion of care has become prominent in the social and cultural sciences. As a result of this proliferation of care in several disciplinary fields, we are observing not only the expansion of its... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAgingLife courseMigration Studies
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      SociologyGender StudiesSociology of EducationWomen's Studies
Helyzetkép és problémák GYARMATI ANDREA 2019 április A gondozási szükséglet folyamatosan nő Magyarországon. A 65 év feletti korosztály létszáma 1, 8 millió fő, közülük 1,3 millió fő él valamilyen korlátozottsággal. Otthonközeli ellátás... more
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      Social Care For Older PeopleAgeing Society