Reticence is a prominent and complex phenomenon which occurs in foreign language classrooms and influences students' oral passivity. The present study investigated the extent in which students experience reticence in the EFL... more
Reticence is a prominent and complex phenomenon which occurs in foreign language classrooms and influences students' oral passivity. The present study investigated the extent in which students experience reticence in the EFL classrooms and explored the underlying factors triggering reticence. The participants were 104 Iranian freshmen undergraduate male and female EFL students, who enrolled in listening and speaking courses, all majoring in English studying at Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch and University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. To collect the data, the Reticence Scale-12 (RS-12) questionnaire which measures the level of reticence consisting of six dimensions (anxiety, knowledge, timing, organization, skills, and memory) was administered to the participants. The statistical analyses showed that the reticent level was high among the Iranian EFL undergraduate students, and their major problems were feelings of anxiety and delivery skills. Moreover, the resul...
«Io sono innamorato della parola ‘lacuna’; parola squisitamente latina […] Nelle sue tre sillabe si condensa tutto ciò che di bello ed esem-plare ha per me l’antica lingua di Roma: robustezza, pregnanza sonora e semantica, e una capacità... more
«Io sono innamorato della parola ‘lacuna’; parola squisitamente latina […] Nelle sue tre sillabe si condensa tutto ciò che di bello ed esem-plare ha per me l’antica lingua di Roma: robustezza, pregnanza sonora e semantica, e una capacità di echeggiare per lunghe distanze» (p. 3). «La lacunosità, strutturando l’insieme in un ordine coerente, fornisce un antidoto contro la morte. Ecco la lezione di Orazio: la buona lette-ratura tiene a bada la fine, rinnovando il presente e con questo il pia-cere dell’essere qui e ora», Gardini (p. 79, a proposito dell’Ars poeti-ca). Quelli citati sono due degli svariati passaggi che Nicola Gardini, docente di italiano e letterature comparate a Oxford, dedica alla lingua e alla letteratura latine nel suo ricco saggio einaudiano, dedicato so-prattutto (ma non solo) alla reticentia, al ‘non-detto’, all’omissione in-tenzionale in letteratura.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Vol.6. No.4 December 2015 Pp. 218-... more
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Vol.6. No.4 December 2015 Pp. 218- 230
Reticence among Jazan University students: A Critical Analysis
Syed Reza Jubail University College Saudi Arabia
Abstract For Universities in Saudi Arabia, standards in language learning from the onset have suffered tremendously. Students for the most part have not been able to excel in English language courses largely due to student reticence. At Jazan University, students are no stranger to this predicament. This study focuses on a critical analysis of factors that engender reticence among level 1 preparatory year students at Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. This ushers the question, what are these factors are that engender reticence? The research was conducted by questionnaires and group interviews. There were many salient factors that were of relevance, namely role of teachers, anxiety, lack of motivation, attitudes, curriculum development, culture and classroom environment. A needs analysis was also conducted so as to advance recommendations for educators, administration and policy makers. This study supplies a ranking of these factors as well. Key Words: anxiety, Saudi, reticence, language, learning
SOMMARIO: 1. Il caso: Trib. Milano, 20.5.2016. – 2. Le trattative contrattuali e la questione della governance dei flussi informativi. – 3. Dal dovere di informarsi all’obbligo di informazione nel quadro della buona fede precontrattuale.... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Il caso: Trib. Milano, 20.5.2016. – 2. Le trattative contrattuali e la questione della governance dei flussi informativi. – 3. Dal dovere di informarsi all’obbligo di informazione nel quadro della buona fede precontrattuale. – 4. Omissione informativa, dolo ed errore nei principali progetti di diritto europeo dei contratti: cenni. – 5. Gli obblighi precontrattuali di informazione nella riforma del codice civile francese. – 6. Obblighi informativi e buona fede oggettiva: detto e non detto nella pronuncia del Tribunale di Milano.
Abstract—Reticence is a prominent and complex phenomenon which occurs in foreign language classrooms and influences students’ oral passivity. The present study investigated the extent in which students experience reticence in the EFL... more
Abstract—Reticence is a prominent and complex phenomenon which occurs in foreign language classrooms and influences students’ oral passivity. The present study investigated the extent in which students experience reticence in the EFL classrooms and explored the underlying factors triggering reticence. The participants were 104 Iranian freshmen undergraduate male and female EFL students, who enrolled in listening and speaking courses, all majoring in English studying at Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch and University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. To collect the data, the Reticence Scale-12 (RS-12) questionnaire which measures the level of reticence consisting of six dimensions (anxiety, knowledge, timing, organization, skills, and memory) was administered to the participants. The statistical analyses showed that the reticent level was high among the Iranian EFL undergraduate students, and their major problems were feelings of anxiety and delivery skills. Moreover, the results revealed that factors such as low English proficiency, the teaching method, and lack of confidence contributed to the students’ reticence in Iranian EFL classrooms. It can be implied that language teachers’ awareness of learners’ reticence can help them choose more appropriate activities and provide a friendly environment enhancing hopefully more effective participation of EFL learners. The findings can have implications for EFL teachers, learners and policy makers.
Résumé : L’article se propose d’aborder un sujet interdisciplinaire : il s’agit d’observer si la notion de silence en rapport avec la peinture peut être examinée à l’aide des catégories d’origine rhétorique. Les questions auxquelles il... more
Résumé : L’article se propose d’aborder un sujet interdisciplinaire : il s’agit d’observer si la notion de silence en rapport avec la peinture peut être examinée à l’aide des catégories d’origine rhétorique. Les questions auxquelles il tâche de répondre sont les suivantes : comment la peinture peut-elle visualiser le silence et les figures du silence ? Comment le vide, le manque, le non-exprimé – et l’inexprimable – peuvent-ils apparaître sur les tableaux ? Après avoir illustré la rupture picturale par trois exemples visuels, on tâche de démontrer que les notions de rythme et de vide sont plus pertinentes pour aborder le silence en peinture que les figures de rhétorique.
Abstract : This paper deals with an interdisciplinary topic: it analyses the possibility to elaborate the notion of silence in relation with painting by rhetorical categories. The questions that the article wishes to answer are the following: how can painting represent silence and the figures of silence? How can the void, the loss, the not-expressed – and the inexpressible – appear in the paintings? After illustrating the pictorial rupture by three visual examples, we intend to show that the notions of rhythm and void are more pertinent to elaborate silence in painting than those of rhetorical origins.
Comment rapprocher Diderot et Watteau, dont les conceptions artistiques diffèrent ? C'est au croisement de la théorie de l'art, de la critique d'art et des études littéraires que ces essais proposent une réflexion peu conventionnelle sur... more
Comment rapprocher Diderot et Watteau, dont les conceptions artistiques diffèrent ? C'est au croisement de la théorie de l'art, de la critique d'art et des études littéraires que ces essais proposent une réflexion peu conventionnelle sur les perceptions de l'image au XVIIIe siècle. Au fil de notions difficilement définissables, telles que la mélancolie, le rêve, la grâce ou la légèreté, aptes cependant à s'ériger en concepts esthétiques généraux, les études réunies visent à tracer les contours d'une poétique de l'image. À travers ces catégories, qui peuvent servir de lien entre Diderot et Watteau, l'ouvrage prétend porter un éclairage nouveau sur les questions artistiques et contribuer ainsi à la réinterprétation des notions propres à la théorie de l'art française de l'époque classique.
Reticence is regarded as a problematic phenomenon among students in EFL classrooms. The present study was an attempt to explore the issue of reticence in Iranian foreign language classrooms. The study examined the relationship between... more
Reticence is regarded as a problematic phenomenon among students in EFL classrooms. The present study was an attempt to explore the issue of reticence in Iranian foreign language classrooms. The study examined the relationship between students' reticence and their personality types among university EFL learners. For this purpose, the Reticence Scale-12 (RS-12) questionnaire and the 60-item NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) questionnaire were used. Moreover, interviews with the participants about reticence were employed to find the students' ideas about reticence in the classroom. The results revealed that the five personality types affected Iranian EFL students' reticence. In addition, educational, situational, and emotional factors contributed to the students' reticence in EFL classrooms. It can be concluded that teachers' awareness of learners' reticence can help them match their teaching styles with their students' personality types, and choose more appropriate activities that can enhance EFL learners' participation. The study can have implications and applications for both teachers and students.
Baudelaire and Mallarmé had an impact on Rosa Chacel, who was an attentive reader and translator of classic and modern French literature. Both writers strengthen Chacel’s preference for traditional genres such as the sonnet, her favourite... more
Baudelaire and Mallarmé had an impact on Rosa Chacel, who was an attentive reader and translator of classic and modern French literature. Both writers strengthen Chacel’s preference for traditional genres such as the sonnet, her favourite poetic form. While Baudelaire serves her explicitly as a thematic model for an open examination of subject matters that are transcendent but also close to ordinary life, the traces of Mallarmé in her work are also a central element, though discreet and almost furtive. Beyond the borrowing of several passages, metaphors or themes, Mallarme’s influence becomes evident in Chacel’s playful use of poetry about everyday life, where the opacity so peculiar to the master of symbolist writers plays a leading role.
M. Tullius Cicero is one of the most prominent figures of ancient rhetoric. His rhetorical speeches are characterized first and foremost by outspokenness and offensiveness and they do not lack in temper either. Since he also dealt with... more
M. Tullius Cicero is one of the most prominent figures of ancient rhetoric. His rhetorical speeches are characterized first and foremost by outspokenness and offensiveness and they do not lack in temper either. Since he also dealt with rhetorical theory, Cicero was fully aware of the fact that not only the uttered words and revealed facts hold significance in a rhetorical speech but also concealment and omissions. The latter rhetorical techniques are used mainly in his ad personam attacks. An eloquent example of this is his invective against Piso which I would like to present in more detail.
M. Tullius Cicero is one of the most prominent figures of ancient rhetoric. His rhetorical speeches are characterized first and foremost by outspokenness and offensiveness and they do not lack in temper either. Since he also dealt with... more
M. Tullius Cicero is one of the most prominent figures of ancient rhetoric. His rhetorical speeches are characterized first and foremost by outspokenness and offensiveness and they do not lack in temper either. Since he also dealt with rhetorical theory, Cicero was fully aware of the fact that not only the uttered words and revealed facts hold significance in a rhetorical speech but also concealment and omissions. The latter rhetorical techniques are used mainly in his
A lo largo de la trayectoria de La realidad y el deseo, la voz lírica cernudiana es el reflejo de un yo solitario de raigambre romántico que ensaya varias modalidades poéticas para neutralizar el silencio y dar expresión a emociones y... more
A lo largo de la trayectoria de La realidad y el deseo, la voz lírica cernudiana es el reflejo de un yo solitario de raigambre romántico que ensaya varias modalidades poéticas para neutralizar el silencio y dar expresión a emociones y «deseos prohibidos». La desconfianza hacia el público receptor origina un discurso conflictivo que se encierra en el soliloquio, o adopta tácticas de distanciamiento para cubrir las manifestaciones directas de la esfera íntima y velar un eros transgresivo. Analizamos aquí algunas variantes de autor que revelan la tendencia a atenuar los matices emotivos y algunos recursos que emplea el poeta para liberar la palabra y expresar sentimientos censurados.
Nella traiettoria di La realidad y el deseo, la voce lirica cernudiana riflette un io solitario di ascendenza romantica che sperimenta varie modalità poetiche per neutralizzare il silenzio, esprimendo emozioni e “desideri proibiti”. La sfiducia nei confronti del pubblico lettore produce un discorso conflittuale che si ripiega nel soliloquio, o adotta strategie di distanziamento per coprire le manifestazioni dirette della sfera intima e velare un eros trasgressivo. In queste pagine analizziamo alcune varianti d’autore, che tendono a sfrondare le coloriture emotive, e alcune tattiche utilizzate dal poeta per liberare la parola ed esprimere sentimenti censurati.
In the trajectory of La Realidad y el Deseo, Cernuda’s lyrical voice reflects the solitary subject’s alienation inherited from Romanticism, exploring various poetic ways to neutralize silence and to communicate emotions and “forbidden desires”. The lack of trust in the reader triggers a contradictory discourse which privileges solipsism or distancing strategies to cover up the direct manifestations of the self and a transgressive eroticism. The essay focuses on some redactional variants attenuating emotional expressions and on the poet’s tactics to liberate his words and to express censured feelings.
M. Tullius Cicero is one of the most prominent figures of ancient rhetoric. His rhetorical speeches are characterized first and foremost by outspokenness and offensiveness and they do not lack in temper either. Since he also dealt with... more
M. Tullius Cicero is one of the most prominent figures of ancient rhetoric. His rhetorical speeches are characterized first and foremost by outspokenness and offensiveness and they do not lack in temper either. Since he also dealt with rhetorical theory, Cicero was fully aware of the fact that not only the uttered words and revealed facts hold significance in a rhetorical speech but also concealment and omissions. The latter rhetorical techniques are used mainly in his
Quelle peut bien être la place de la réticence dans une culture, Rome, qui ne valorise le silence ni comme expression de l'intériorité ni comme mode d'accès privilégié au divin? Une culture dans laquelle la maîtrise de la parole définit... more
Quelle peut bien être la place de la réticence dans une culture, Rome, qui ne valorise le silence ni comme expression de l'intériorité ni comme mode d'accès privilégié au divin? Une culture dans laquelle la maîtrise de la parole définit la place du citoyen et sa capacité d'agir en tant qu'homme libre? Comment cette figure, définie comme un silence énoncé, peut-elle s'insérer dans la conception romaine du discours, l'oratio? En d'autres termes, existe-t-il à Rome des silences efficaces?
Après une lecture rapide des principaux textes consacrés à la définition technique de la réticence (reticentia), je m'intéresse plus particulièrement aux différentes utilisations que Cicéron fait de cette figure dans sa pratique judiciaire.