Right-Wing Movements
Recent papers in Right-Wing Movements
This article aims to tackle the antisemitism vs. Islamophobia debate from a fresh perspective by exploring the complicated attitude of the Czech antisemitic scene to Islam and Muslims. For this purpose, an analysis of the Czech... more
(1) Course description Since about two decades, the European 'New Right' (ENR, from French Nouvelle Droite) has gained new ground in the political discourse and among European electorates. Historically speaking, the ENR emerged in... more
In fast allen kapitalistischen Ländern des " Westens " befinden sich die alten politischen Systeme in Auflösung. Der Neoliberalismus ist von einer Krise der Repräsentation begleitet: Die Wahlbeteiligung ging fast überall zurück und die... more
At about the same time at which the West German anti-authoritarian student movement started to thrive in the middle of the sixties, a small group of young activists from the extreme right tried to combine “left” habitual elements with... more
Monitor: Global Intelligence on Racism (Issue 2, March-April 2018) http://monitoracism.eu/researching-the-far-right-and-racism
For the past few years, scientific debates about social mobilization and renewal of citizenship have been focused “on the left side” : Indignados, Nuit Debout, Arab springs, Occupy Wall Street … . Most recently, the rise of some new... more
The Tea Party Movement (TPM) is often discussed in terms of Americans for Prosperity, the Republican Party, and other well-funded, national groups. Yet, grounded ethnographic research reveals vibrant, independent, local organizations,... more
Pick-Up-Artists und antifeministischer Männerrechtsaktivismus sind eine bislang zu wenig beachtete Triebkraft neu-rechter Bewegungen. Lag der Fokus von Analysen zur neuen Rechten bisher vor allem auf Rassismus und Migrationsfeindlichkeit,... more
Right wing parties offer solid ground in the vertigo of change. If the Left fails to define identity in progressive terms, the Right will do it in nativist terms, and that will be the end of Europe.
Ironclad conservatives of the darkest shades, with a collective net worth of $35 billion, will fill up the Trump cabinet.
“Wrapped in the Flag of Israel is an important and provocative book that deserves to be widely read well beyond anthropology. The book has two main contributions. The first is to take us away from the Israel-Palestinian binary … In doing... more
On February 19th, 2009 Business news editor Rick Santelli, speaking from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to an early morning CNBC audience, invited “all you capitalists” to a “Chicago Tea Party” to protest the Obama... more
For my MA Thesis in Government at IDC, I am studying factors that moderate the relationship between socio-economic strain and Right-Wing Populist RWP) party support to explain why RWP parties are not successful in some states despite... more
Publication information: Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos Nouveaux mondes mondes nouveaux - Novo Mundo Mundos Novos - New world New worlds Colloques | 2016 Las derechas en América latina en el siglo XX: problemas, desafíos y perspectivas –... more
Die Links/Rechts-Unterscheidung besitzt ihren Ursprung in der Differenzierung zwischen politischen Kräften. In der Geschichte des Marxismus und der sich auf ihn beziehenden sozialen und Arbeiterbewegungen unterliegt sie einer semantischen... more
With Brazil on the brink of recession, it's not hard to compare the country's looming financial collapse with that of Greece, as the country is following in Greece’s pre-crisis footsteps in quite a few ways.
Critical reflection on Hoggart's legacy, including his relevance to university teaching and also the mediation of British politics in 2014. First published as a news item on the blog of Rowman & Littlefield International after Hoggart's... more
Overview of the long history of the clandestine domestic involvement of former and serving miltary personnel in the political and industrial affairs of Australia.
Just prior to, and immediately following, the election of Barack Obama for a second term in 2011/12, there were widespread reports of far-right activists stating their intention to leave the United States as exiles, secede from it or... more
10 Who Is Mediating the Storm? Right-Wing Alternatite Information Networks Chip Berlet Discordant themes of right-wing political ideology illuminate center siage action as public discourse shifts stage right. The success of the political... more
In recent years there has been a revival of nativist anti-immigrant nationalism in America, one focused on undocumented Mexican workers. The attention paid to immigration at this time by both anti-immigration activists and the media,... more