Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue
Recent papers in Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue
Jelle Creemers’s 2014 doctoral dissertation, recently published as part of the Ecclesiological Investigations series with Bloomsbury T&T Clark, represents the first comprehensive and systematic analysis of thirty-five years of... more
Monografia ukazuje podobieństwa i różnice w doświadczeniu religijnym, bazując na prowadzonym w latach 1972-2015 dialogu bilateralnym pomiędzy Kościołem katolickim a wspólnotami zielonoświątkowymi. Doświadczenie religijne, stające się... more
The ongoing Catholic-Pentecostal dialogue highlighted a certain disproportion in the approach of each of the parties to the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper. For Pentecost Christians participation in the Lord's Supper is of secondary... more
Summary added in pdf, currrently being prepared for publication in August 2015 as: Creemers, Jelle. Theological Dialogue with Pentecostals: Challenges and Opportunities (London/NY: Bloomsbury, August 2015)
Il 28 luglio 2014 papa Francesco ha compiuto un gesto destinato a rimanere nella storia: è andato a Caserta a far visita al suo amico Giovanni Traettino, pastore pentecostale della Chiesa della Riconciliazione. Vincendo la resistenza dei... more
The ongoing Catholic-Pentecostal dialogue highlighted a certain disproportion in the approach of each of the parties to the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper. For Pentecost Christians participation in the Lord's Supper is of... more
Salvatore Esposito, nel primo dei suoi contributi, si avvale della documentazione prevalentemente giornalistica che fu testimone dei primi vagiti del movimento pentecostale negli Stati Uniti. Emerge, così, una ricostruzione storica che si... more