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Epicurean Ethics in Horace: The Psychology of Satire by Sergio Yona: Oxford (2018) h/b pp.ix + 348: £70. (ISBN 978-0-19-878655-9) Horace famously claimed (Epistles 1.1.14) to be nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri— but he also... more
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    • Roman Literature
Plinius der Jüngere (61/62-113 n. Chr.) verlieh als senatorischer homo novus durch die Epistulae, den Panegyricus sowie einige Inschriften seiner aristokratischen Existenz dauerhaften Ausdruck. Diese literarischen und epigraphischen... more
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      Roman HistoryPolitical BehaviorSocial NetworkingSocial Capital
Lindow Man, the British Bog Body discovered in 1984, and the Danish examples Tollund and Grauballe Men, discovered in 1950 and 1952, represent quite literally the violent face of a confrontational past. But what exactly do the... more
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      ArchaeologyNarrativeSeamus HeaneyTacitus
Nella biblioteca dei Girolamini, a Napoli, uno studioso scopre misteriosamente un antico codice miniato che riporta il diario degli ultimi quattro giorni di vita di Plinio il Vecchio, comandante della flotta imperiale misenate e autore... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
An abstract of a paper read at the Eighth Congress of Egyptologists, held in Cairo, March 2000.
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      EgyptologyClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
Julius Caesar, one of the protagonists of Lucan’s Pharsalia, disappears from the scene for a long time after the Battle of Pharsalus. He reappears at the end of Book 9, when he pays a visit to the ruined city of Troy. The function and the... more
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      Civil WarLucanAeneidEpic poetry
Na podejście starożytnych Rzymian do przeszłości zwykło sią patrzeć jedynie przez pryzmat źródeł historiograficznych. Często pomija się tymczasem to, jak na tę samą przeszłość patrzono po za kontekstem historiografii, jak historia była... more
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      Aulus GelliusPliny the ElderAncient ScholarshipRoman Literature
Gives an overview of the Greek-language literature of the Flavian period (AD 69-96) and considers (1) to what extent the dynastic changes of the period make themselves felt in that literature (mainly Plutarch and Dio Chrysostom) and (2)... more
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      Second SophisticFlavian LiteraturePlutarchRoman Empire
The scholarly community has become increasingly aware of the differences between Roman myths and the more familiar myths of Greece. Early Rome: Myth and Society steps in to provide much-needed modern and accessible translations and... more
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      MythologyRoman HistoryRoman RepublicEarly Rome
Memory was a major issue in education and civic life in ancient Rome. It mostly preserved the city’s moral tradition through the imitation of exemplary behaviors within political and social interactions. Thus, memory was a pivotal feature... more
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      Roman HistoryGenre studiesPoeticsMemory Studies
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryAugustan Poetry
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      Criminal LawRoman LawRoman Literature
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      Greco-Roman WorldRoman Literature
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      MythologyClassicsGreek LiteratureRoman Law
In this essay on Virgil's Aeneid, I explore the role of memory and historical consciousness as the basis for the general formation of the epic and the outcome of the interpersonal events between Aeneas and Dido, and Aeneas and Turnus.... more
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      Roman HistoryVergilAeneidEpic poetry
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      HoraceSatire & IronySatireObscenity
Detailed notes on Virgil's epic. The notes cover the overall relation of Virgil's work to the Homeric epics, the historical context of the Aeneid in the decline of the Roman Republic and the civil strife of the 1st Century BCE, the... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryHomerHumanities
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      Latin LiteratureAeneidVirgilWordplay
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryReception StudiesEpic poetry
Greek and Roman literature give a modern audience a privy look into ancient cultures and, more specifically, gender norms and expectations of these societies. When examining Homer’s The Iliad as well as Euripides’ The Trojan Women and... more
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureAristophanesFeminism
Persians, Medes and Parthians in Horace’s Carmina The kingdom of Parthia which came into being in the 3rd century BC in the eastern frontiers of the Seleucid monarchy became the great power in the course of time. In the 1st century BC... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryRoman poetryHorace
This book of satires from the Roman poet Horace was his first published work. Rather than a collection of satirical sideswipes, as the genre might have dictated, the book is a wiry, tight, muscular, interlaced hexameter artwork of... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman RepublicRoman poetry
The noticeable analogies between the funeral laments of Anna and Juturna in the Aeneid have been often explained as a means of linking the sisters of the two main Aeneas’ opponents. But the common features of the two passages (and their... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryLaments (Anthropology)Roman poetry
Presentation slides for a series of lectures on Virgil's epic. The lectures cover the overall relation of Virgil's work to the Homeric epics, the historical context of the Aeneid in the decline of the Roman Republic and the civil strife... more
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureHomerHumanities
Esta obra trata acerca del mayor poeta de Roma, pero también sobre el valor que tiene la gran literatura a la hora de enseñarnos a saber quiénes somos. Recorre, en primer lugar, los aspectos biográficos e históricos de Virgilio, repasando... more
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      VergilThe Reception of VergilRoman Literature
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      Latin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureTranslation StudiesHellenistic History
V. G. Borukhovich regarded the classics as a complex of different disciplines. In this he followed not only his university teacher S.Ya. Lurie, but also the St. Petersburg school of history and philology as a whole, to which he... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryNumismatics
This paper provides the evidence for a Greek settlement of Bronze Age North America, c.1600 BC.
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesOlmec archaeology19th Century Mexican History
The question of the relation between Juvenal and Quintilian is still unanswered: the reconstruction of their possible biographical and literary connections is very uncertain. The Life of Juvenal does not mention Quintilian; its author... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureClassical philologyQuintilian
The thesis reviews the techniques employed by Latin authors up to the second century A.D. to report the spoken words and articulated thoughts of their characters. The study is principally devoted to continuous narratives of a fictitious... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient NovelNarratologyLatin Epic
This is my translation of Seneca from a class I had with the late Dr. Charles Murgia in 1994 or so. I hope that all the skipped bits have been restored and errors corrected. Let me know if you find anything that needs fixing. This is... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistorySenecaLatin Literature (in Classics) - Seneca
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      Roman HistoriographyAncient EthnographyStraboTacitus
“Following in the footsteps” of a predecessor was a common metaphor of imitation and succession in ancient Greece and Rome. In this chapter, I explore how Greek and Latin authors are often described, or describe themselves, as following... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureMetapoetry
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      Latin LiteratureDidacticsPedagogyPetronius
Maîtrise en Études anciennes, concentration littératures anciennes, Maître ès arts (M.A.) Québec, Canada Sous la direction du professeur Alban Baudou Perse débute son œuvre en rejetant systématiquement toutes les sources inspiratrices... more
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      Latin LiteratureNeronian LiteratureLiterary CriticismThe Grotesque Body
(Master's Thesis) Nine of Cicero’s letters requesting Atticus to buy sculptures on his behalf, and another to Marcus Fadius Gallus in 46, are the only extant first-hand accounts of a Roman caught up in the commercial dealings of art. We... more
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      Ancient HistoryAestheticsRoman HistoryArt History
De band tussen historiografie en poëzie is een reële band, zo stelde Quintilianus. Als een dichter zonder metrum streeft de historicus hetzelfde na als de poëet: de nagedachtenis van het nageslacht en eeuwige roem (Quint. 10, 1, 31).... more
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      TacitusRoman Literature
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      Latin LiteratureSenecaLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
The following is a brief discussion of Emperor Hadrian's hellenized cultural influence on Rome. Surely Rome had had extensive contact with Greece previously, as reflected in their art, literature, and other forms of cultural expression.... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureRoman HistoryClassical Art
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyHistorical Geography
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural Studies
The association between Achilles and Alexander the Great has been accepted based on a few slim pieces of literary evidence. By looking at the work of Andrew Stewart who reaffirms that Alexander imitated Achilles, and by picking apart the... more
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      Greek LiteratureRoman HistoryHomerAlexander the Great
يتناول هذا البحث أسطورة آينياس في ملحمة "الإنيادة" بما لها من دلالات مع إيضاح الاتجاهات النقدية الحديثة في دراستها
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
Popular Spectacles in Rome from the Late Republic to the Early Imperial Age. The aim of the present contribute is to provide an outline of the theatralical forms in Rome during the first century BC, collecting literary texts with... more
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      PapyrologyGreek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyMime
The royal Piso family of Rome performed "miracles" by creating them in the form of literary works. This paper explains not only what they did, but how and why they did it and more. There are many items in ancient texts that have baffled... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Ce lexique, destiné prioritairement aux étudiants en histoire et en lettres classiques, entend livrer un ensemble de définitions précises, contextualisées et accessibles sur le vocabulaire latin relatif à l’histoire de l’Antiquité... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionRoman RepublicLate Antiquity
Who was Flavius Josephus? Answering this one question, leads to answers to virtually all other questions about ancient history. The answer is that he was Arrius Calpurnius Piso, a royal Roman. He wrote under the alias of Flavius Josephus... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
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      Latin LiteratureLate Latin LiteratureHistory of Latin LanguageSeneca
Pathbreaking Collection of essays, including three by Edith Hall, on the dance theatre which brought Greek tragedy to the entire Roman empire.
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek Literature