Roman Walls
Recent papers in Roman Walls
Opus Techniques Applied in Roman Walls and Floors
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Living Late Antiquity began as a 14-week digital history project undertaken by a team of seven Ph.D students in the Department of History at Saint Louis University and is ongoing. You can read more about the launch team and the inception... more
Click on Porta Tiburtina – detta anche, a partire dal periodo post costantiniano, porta San Lorenzo – è un varco a singolo fornice collocato a est della cinta... more
The Roman wall, of rectangular plan and rounded corners, following the canonical military model, is the major evidence of the fortress built by the Legion VII Gemina in León in 74 AD. The archaeological interventions developed throughout... more
En este trabajo ofrecemos una revisión sintética de los rasgos imperantes en las murallas, calles y redes de saneamiento de las ciudades hispanas de época antonina, análisis que forma parte de una aproximación global al proceso de... more
Abstract: The authors present the stages of the investigation of the linear fortification from southern Moldavia, stretching from the Pruth River to the Siret River (Stoicani–Ploscuţeni), as well as the opinions expressed on the dating... more
Se presentan los resultados de un estudio geo-arqueológico que ha tenido como objetivo, por un lado, la identificación litológica de los materiales constructivos que sirvieron para levantar el importante recinto amurallado tardorromano de... more
During the past few years the roman city of Castro Ventosa has come being object of archaeological activities to be aimed to the valuation of its scientific and cultural virtues. Although the human occupation of the site dates back to... more