Saint Bonaventure
Recent papers in Saint Bonaventure
My contribution to the Brill Companion to Bonaventure, eds. Jay M. Hammond, J.A. Wayne Hellmann, and Jared Goff (Brill, 2013). Here I survey Bonaventure's extensive writings in defense of the mendicant vocation amid the various slings... more
This is the current list of speakers and events. Registration information is found on the website for the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University
Unlike St Thomas Aquinas – his worthy opponent in this and other questions – St Bonaventure did not write a treatise on the human person. Nevertheless, analysis of his writings indicates that Bonaventure saw the dignity and greatness of... more
In his habilitation thesis on "The Theology of History in St. Bonaventure", Joseph Ratzinger observed a striking parallel between the revelation of God in Scripture and that which is found in creation. In both cases the revelation is... more
As a moral theologian, from time to time people have asked me how the crisis today came about. How did moral relativism and the widespread confusion and skepticism we find today, even among Christians, become so dominat? Why is... more
The contemporary concept of the human person as a self-determining subject or an atomistic and mechanistic individual with unlimited freedom leads to the dehumanisation of the person. However, a proper understanding of relationship in... more
I'm sorry to keep updating this translation, but new finds and new sources call for a new interpretation of the Greek text. As one uncovers Scholarios' sources his real genius comes to life. He reported that his Byzantine and Italian... more
The central hypothesis of this paper raises the possibility that the mariology of St. Bonaventure maybe could have exercised substantial, direct influence on several of the most significant Marian iconographic themes in Italian art of the... more
This is a draft of the article “Anthropology, Cosmology, and Bonaventure’s Theology of the Word” in Deus summe
cognoscibilis. The Theological Relevance of St. Bonaventure, Leuven: Peeters, 2018, 353-361.
cognoscibilis. The Theological Relevance of St. Bonaventure, Leuven: Peeters, 2018, 353-361.
Special combination of allegorical poetic aesthetics, trinitarian metaphysical speculation and sentencial writing, the St. Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in Deum (The Journey of the mind into God) presents itself not only as the most... more
Lo studioso interessato a ricostruire la vita e il pensiero del beato Egidio d’Assisi († 1262), a parte le tre biografie e la raccolta dei suoi discorsi intitolati Dicta, non ha a disposizione altre antiche fonti dirette. Per raccogliere... more
My contributions to this book are the translations (French to English) of the Preface to the American Edition, "Opening: Confrontation with Étienne Gilson," and "Afterword: Saint Thomas and the Entrance of God into Philosophy."
Essays from Frater, Magister, Minister, et Episcopus: The Works and Worlds of Saint Bonaventure, an International Conference hosted by the the Franciscan Institute at S.Bonaventure University This volume represents an homage by... more
St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, having received the paradoxical teaching of St. Augustine on the divine ideas, seek to give a developed account for their multiplicity that is nonetheless reconcilable with the unity... more
After pointing out that St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio conceives his Aesthetics as a free way to be able to ascend contemplatively towards God, this article seeks to explain the surprising and ingenious "arguments" (deeply imbued by faith)... more
La teologia del Sermo IV di san Bonaventura Quest'articolo tratta sulla teologia del Sermo IV, uno dei cinque sermoni sugli angeli di san Bonaventura. II testo, scritto in XIII secolo, è stato tradotto dal latino in polacco. La prova... more
The article analyses Carlos Esteban Salto Solá’s doctoral dissertation on the function of desire in the spiritual life according to the teaching of St Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. In the Appendix, as completion of the monograph, the texts... more
No período escolástico (séculos XI – XIV), a analogia triádica e a ontologia relacional desenvolvidas no De Trinitate de Agostinho constituem a influência comum junto aos construtos filosófico-teológicos de autores diversos, sobretudo em... more
Bonaventure's "Questiones disputatae de mysterio Trinitatis" is both a misunderstood and undervalued treatise of the Seraphic Doctor. Its late rediscovery at the end of the 19th century marked a revolution in the understanding of... more
It is surprisingly difficult to justify private property. Two questions are at stake: (a) a metaphysical and juridical one concerning the nature of property and (b) an ethical one concerning our attitude toward wealth. This issue reached... more
L’argument anselmien du Proslogion est un acquis parmi les plus vigoureux et féconds de la pensée spéculative occidentale, ainsi qu’en témoigne la tradition des versions soit concordantes soit discordantes, qu’il a engendrée jusqu’à nos... more
To Stir a Restless Heart tells for the first time the story of how Thomas Aquinas conversed with his contemporaries about the dynamics of human nature's longing for God, and documents how he deliberately utilized Greek, Arabic, Hebrew,... more
This is the First Edition of our Annuario Academico for 2016-17, which we are sharing on to solicit interest from prospective students to study with us. Note that the edition is Polyglot, but the canonical version is the... more
Patristic and Medieval Atonement Theory takes a close look at the doctrines that depend on and influence views of atonement in order to make clear what place atonement occupies within the larger system of Christian theology. Johnson also... more
A critique of the Scholium of the Quaracchi editors of Bonaventure's critical edition of 1882 AD, wherein they deny Bonaventure set forth a doctrine concerning the Ratio Formalis Personae, & a proposed solution to the historical debate on... more
Testimonianze miracolistiche al Processo di Lione (1480)
E' una raccolta di alcune preghiere (o inviti alla preghiera) tratte dagli scritti di San Bonaventura, francescano e dottore della Chiesa, santo che ha vissuto e insegnato un cammino cristiano ricco di armonia e sapienza. La bellezza e... more
« Art de la mémoire et voyage mental. Le motif iconographique de l’arbre comme invitation au voyage », in Itinérances spirituelles : mises en récit du voyage intérieur (XVe-XVIIIe siècle), Françoise Poulet et Inès Kirschleger (dir.),... more
Theology of Sermo II and Sermo Ill "De Angelis" of Saint Bonaventure Both the contents and form of preaching of Saint Bonaventure are rich. The sermons enlisted in the title are on the world of angels and their help for a human being.... more
The is an edited version of what would later be published as the introduction to Every Miracle from the Beginning of the World came about through WordsFranciscans and Preaching, ed. Timothy J. Johnson, Brill" 2013, 1-12.
A Legenda Maior, escrita por São Boaventura no século XIII, ocupa um lugar central dentre as hagiografias medievais que narram à vida de São Francisco de Assis e foi por muito tempo considerado a biografia oficial do fundador,... more
This Foreword attempt to alert the Reader to the originality and highly innovative features of the first book to show the continuous tradition of the Immaculate Conception in the Byzantine East until the advent and movement of Gregory... more