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Fe y razón en la modernidad, según el discurso de Benedicto XVI en Ratisbona
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      ModernityReligion and ModernityTheology of Joseph RatzingerFaith and Reason
The question of religion in the public sphere is an important issue in many Western countries today that is characterised by disintegration of Christian hegemony (secularization), and by the emergence of religious diversity. The starting... more
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      ChristianitySociology of ReligionPolitical PhilosophyTheology
This paper deals with the relation between God and the secular legal systems of Western liberal democracies. It provides a normative argument for the compatibility of God and secular legal reasoning. In our age, in which believing in God... more
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      Canon LawConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Syllabus for Lecture Course on Joseph Ratzinger's theology - Fall 2018 - Duke Divinity School
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      Catholic TheologyTheology of Joseph RatzingerModern CatholicismPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
Un cours de christologie pertinent pour notre temps
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      New TestamentContextual TheologiesKarl RahnerChristology
An earlier version of this paper was presented at the symposium, "Joseph Ratzinger and the Healing of the Reformation-Era Divisions," held at Mundelein Seminary, IL, Oct 19-21 2017. This is an expanded version of the paper that tries to... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesEnglish ReformationAnglicanism (Anglicanism)
Rad nastao unutar seminara „Teološke teme Benedikta XVI. / Josepha Ratzingera“ ak. god. 2012./13., mentor: dr. sc. Nedjeljka s. Valerija Kovač.
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerBenedikt XVI.
Per la prima volta dopo 400 anni istituzioni religiose e scientifiche a confronto in un convegno internazionale a Firenze, organizzato dalla fondazione Stensen
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      Galileo GalileiCopernicusTheology of Joseph RatzingerStoria della chiesa
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      HobbesJurgen HabermasContinental PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
Resumen: En este artículo ofrezco una reflexión para iluminar la cuestión del sentido de la vida a partir del pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger. Para el teólogo alemán, el hombre solo puede hallarle sentido a su vida en la verdad. Mi... more
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      ChristianityMeaning of LifeTruthTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
Romano Guardini was highly valued by Joseph Ratzinger as a lecturer and author of inspiring books. They shared the zealous pursuit for truth, the courage to ask fundamental questions, the boldness to confront the Christian faith with the... more
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      TheologyTruthCatholic TheologyFaith
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      Karol WojtylaTeologiaTheology of Joseph RatzingerTomás de Aquino
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      TheologyTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
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    • Theology of Joseph Ratzinger
El artículo analiza principalmente un artículo de Joseph Ratzinger de 1964 titulado 'Unidad y pluralidad de las religiones'.
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph RatzingerPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
Questo studio dimostra che la teologia del battesimo di Ratzinger è nel quadro di una prospettiva storica e cosmologica sulla liturgia. Storicamente, il battesimo non può essere compreso se non riusciamo a vedere e comprendere la sua... more
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      LiturgyBaptismTheology of Joseph RatzingerInitiation Studies
The article examines the question of the Mariological interpretation of the eight beatitudes contained in Mt 5:3-10. Christian theologians of all ages, from Clement of Alexandria to the authors of contemporary biblical commentaries, have... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentPilgrimageCatholic Theology
Publicado como «La teología de la persona en Joseph Ratzinger», J.F. SELLÉS (ed.), Propuestas antropológicas del siglo XX, II, Eunsa, Pamplona 2007, 353-382.
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      TeologiaTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph RatzingerAntropología
Il nome di J. Ratzinger, come teologo prima, come prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede poi e, infine, da papa, è strettamente legato al Concilio Vaticano II. L'articolo propone una panoramica storica degli interventi di... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilTheology of Joseph RatzingerTheology and History of Vatican IIConcilio Vaticano II
The Bible and Interpretation (March 2017).
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryModern History
Ratzinger has been sometimes criticized for his lack of attention to the doctrine on creation in his early years as theologian. The discovery of a manuscript containing the notes of a course on the doctrine on creation, given by Joseph... more
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      Doctrine of CreationTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
Pubblicata come «La Figlia di Sion di Joseph Ratzinger», Anthropotes 35 (2019) 713-721. Nella primavera di 1975, nella bella Austria (a Puchlberg, vicino a Linz), l'allora professor Ratzinger tenne tre conferenze su Maria − sviluppate in... more
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph RatzingerMariologiaMaternità
publicado en Liturgia y espiritualidad (2020/1) 24-31.
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      EstéticaArtesTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph Ratzinger
Trad. de Dan Siserman, Editura Sapientia, Iași, 2019. Descrierea completă a cărți și comandarea ei: http://librariasapientia.ro/teologia-istoriei-la-sfantul-bonaventura.html Preocuparea pentru teologia şi filosofia istoriei apare,... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyHistorical TheologyPhilosophy of HistoryBonaventure
This doctoral thesis provides a systematic demonstration and evaluation of Joseph Ratzinger's / Pope Benedict XVI's personal-relational theological thought in its different aspects and through various areas of theology, accompanied by its... more
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      DialogueEschatologyGodTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerFaith and ReasonFundamental theologyFe Y Razón
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisReligionChristianity
This essay attempts a sketch of what Neoscholastic thought could be if it were to take seriously both its own past and the challenges of post-modern thought. Arising as a Catholic response to modern rationalism, the Neoscholastic movement... more
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      Scholastic PhilosophyTheology of Joseph RatzingerNeoscholasticism
Los relatos de las apariciones de Jesús resucitado concluyen con la subida del Señor al cielo, testimoniando que verdaderamente está vivo. La liturgia nos invita a conmemorar la fiesta de la Ascensión de Jesús: El Hijo que bajó del cielo... more
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph RatzingerJesusCaminos
This article examines the position of Joseph Ratzinger with regard to the classical question in the field of the theology of religions, the salvation of non-Christians. In criticism of a recent book by Ambrose Mong, it is argued that... more
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      SoteriologyPurgatoryTheology of ReligionsBenedict Xvi
Interpreting the Bible, especially the creation narratives, in light of modern science is often presented as a set of unattractive choices: abandon rational consistency for blind faith or abandon faith for rational consistency. In this... more
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      Galileo GalileiEvolutionSatanTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
This essay explores, explains and critically evaluates - from a theological perspective - the presentation, portrayal and performance of the conceptulization of love in Nicholas Roeg’s cult-classic-art-house film Walkabout - with specific... more
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      Theology and filmFilm and Media StudiesTheology of Joseph RatzingerTheological Reflection
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      TeologiaTheology of Joseph RatzingerRomano GuardiniJoseph Ratzinger
Joseph Ratzinger y destacados escrituristas (Paul Beauchamp, Bruna Costacurta, Ignace de la Potterie, Klemens Stock, Albert Vanhoye) ofrecen sus clarificadoras reflexiones sobre los fundamentos de la interpretación bíblica. Todos los... more
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerJesus ChristBiblical Hermeneutics
publicado en: 43. «Mysterium, communio et sacramentum. La ecclesiologia eucaristica di Joseph Ratzinger», Annales theologici 25 (2012/2) 241-270; tr. cast.: «Mysterium, communio et sacramentum. La eclesiología eucarística de Joseph... more
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      TeologiaTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph RatzingerEucaristía
For Joseph Ratzinger, Romano Guardini was a valued lecturer and an author of inspiring books. Ratzinger finds attractive Guardini's ardent quest for truth, the courage to ask big and important questions, boldness to confront the Christian... more
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      TruthFaithRationalityTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
Nueva versión digital con correcciones de los errores y omisiones de las anteriores versiones digitales del libro en castellano
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      TeologiaTeologíaTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph Ratzinger
In order to better understand the divide which occurred within the “progressive majority” at Vatican II as “Schema XIII” (eventually Gaudium et Spes) was under discussion, this essay considers the contributions and objections of Karl... more
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      Theological AnthropologyKarl RahnerTheology of Joseph RatzingerTheological Method
There exist very different accounts about the attitude of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI to interreligious dialogue. Does interreligious dialogue aim at theological truth and intertwine with mission, or is it an impossibility that... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyInterreligious DialogueIntercultural dialogueBenedict Xvi
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      BioethicsCatholic Moral TheologyTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
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      Theological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureProtestantismRevelationTradition
Karl RAHNER et Joseph RATZINGER/Benoît XVI deux figures emblématiques du catholicisme Romain par leur christologies.
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      Karl RahnerChristologyHistorical JesusSoteriology
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      Moral TheologyCatholic Moral TheologyTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph Ratzinger
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerFundamental theologyPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
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      Ecumenical TheologySoteriologyHans Urs von BalthasarTheology of Joseph Ratzinger