Sassanian Studies
Recent papers in Sassanian Studies
Published in: Восток. Афро-Азиатские общества: история и современность. 2021. № 3. С. 264–268.
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
ÖZET: Bizans ve Sâsânî İmparatorlukları arasında akdedilen barış antlaşmalarındaki iktisâdî hükümlerin değerlendirilmesi, bu savaşların arkasında yatan, ticâret yollarının kontrolünden kaynaklı iktisâdî sebeplerin de anlaşılmasını... more
My master thesis on Mar Aba the Great.
Peri Hermeneias of Paul the Persian is a summary of Aristotles Peri Hermeneias figure by Paul the Persian in Middle Persian and translated to Syriac by Severus Sebokht. That's translated from Syriac to English by Said Hayati and Paul... more
The book is available to order from: This book is a catalogue raisonée of a rich... more
Государство Сасанидов — последняя иранская держава доисламской эпохи — просуществовало более четырех веков. Оно пережило могущество Рима и на равных боролось с Византией. Его политическое и культурное влияние распространялось в Западную... more
This article is about the theology of Paul the Persian, especially his comparative idea about God ontologically.
When the region of Gandhara, located in modern day Pakistan and Afghanistan, began mass producing art, around 100 CE, to when they were invaded by a group called the Ephthalites in 463 CE, depictions of a Buddhist demon called Mara... more
هژبری، علی، 1392، پیکره گاو-مرد گچی دوره ساسانی بیشاپور، پژوهش های باستان شناسی مدرس، سال پنجم، شماره نهم، صص 163-160
Describes the reasons for the fall of the Sasanian Empire and the tactics employed by the Muslims and Sasanians with a focus on three decisive battles al-Qadisiyyah, Jalula and Nihavand.
Along the history of Sassanid’s Empire many landmarks marked its turns. But the most important internal issues the kings Shapur I and Khosrau II had to go through were the political, military, social and administrative reforms that they... more
In modern historiography, Sasanian Iran is commonly perceived as a land power. However, various primary sources indicate that the Sasanian navy played an important role in the military efforts of the Persians in late antiquity. The... more
In modern historiography, Sasanian Iran is commonly perceived as a land power. However, various primary sources indicate that the Sasanian navy played an important role in the military efforts of the Persians in late antiquity. The... more
Sakestan has always been an important region during the Sassanian era. The mints of this region have been the most active of all in Iranshahr from the reign of Khosrow I to Khosrow II, demonstrating the full dominance of Sassanians over... more
Tras la caída del Imperio parto a manos de Ardešīr, el nacimiento de la nueva Persia sasánida llevo aparejada la aparición de un nuevo poder en Oriente Próximo que sustentaría su cohesión y expansión en la fuerza militar. A lo largo de su... more
The article is devoted to the history of Sasanian Iran as it reported by the great Khwarezmian scholar Biruni (973–1048). Information concerning to the Sasanids can be found in almost all Biruni’s survived books, but mainly In his... more
در میان چهارطاقیهای ساسانی که تا به امروز شناسایی شدهاند، بیشترین تعداد آنها در جنوب ایران و در نواحی فارس و کرمان قرار دارند که دراینبین چهارطاقیهای کرمان به سبب دورافتادگی تا حدود زیادی ناشناخته ماندهاند. تا به امروز شناخت معماری... more
Tang-i-Chakchak complex is located at eastern Fars Province. As one of the biggest religious Sassanid architectural complex, it consists of two main architectural spaces including a Chahartaq or a domical squared space. One of the two... more
آتشکدهی آذرفرنبغ که براساس متون تاریخی به روحانیان زرتشتی تعلق دارد، در کنار نیایشگاههای آذرگشنسپ و آذربرزینمهر، بهعنوان یکی از سه آتشکدهی بزرگ دورهی ساسانی بهشمار میرود. شرقشناسان و باستانشناسانی که تاکنون در زمینهی سازههای... more
تاکنون و در رابطه با پیشنهادهای ارائهشده دربارۀ کارکرد برخی عناصر یافتشدۀ داخل نیایشگاههای ساسانی به یافتههای نواحی جنوب ایران توجه نشده و بیشتر براساس یافتههای غرب ایران نتیجهگیری شده است. تا به امروز در تعدادی از محوطههای ساسانی... more