School exclusions
Recent papers in School exclusions
One of the goals of Education for All (EFA) was to ensure that by 2015 children, specifically girls, vulnerable children and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to compulsory and free quality primary education and follow it... more
Exclusion from school is widely used as a disciplinary tool, but there is concern that it might be applied disproportionately to certain groups of students. Student, family, neighbourhood and school characteristics all relate individually... more
Each year 25,000 pupils in France, are summoned to attend disciplinary boards. More than two thirds of those disciplinary boards lead to permanent school expulsion. From interviews with expelled individuals, this paper sheds light on the... more
Apresento, com Antero Afonso, uma reflexão de enquadramento sobre a injustiça educativa e sobre o papel de uma educação misericordiosa, tendo como pano de fundo a dinâmica do Arco Maior, projeto socioeducativo dirigido aos jovens... more