El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua aymara en los colegios de la ciudad de El Alto se inicia con la aplicación de una Educación Intra e Intercultural Bilingüe planteada como una política lingüística de Estado para la... more
El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua aymara en los colegios de la ciudad de El Alto se inicia con la aplicación de una Educación Intra e Intercultural Bilingüe planteada como una política lingüística de Estado para la recuperación, mantenimiento y estandarización de los idiomas originarios. Muchos establecimientos educativos en la urbe alteña comenzaron a aplicar este proceso educativo de „manera informal‟ con resultados adversos y satisfactorios presentándose una variedad importante e interesante de actitudes lingüísticas hacia la lengua aymara. Es en ese sentido que en la urbe alteña, considerada el corazón de la cultura aymara, encontramos un paisaje lingüístico con una cantidad importante de nombres de zonas, avenidas, calles, carreteras, anuncios, letreros, edificios, nombres de ferias, centros culturales, restaurantes y señales viales, entre otros, escritos en aymara que identifican a la ciudad de El Alto como una metrópoli andina y que se consideran un valioso aporte lingüístico-educativo para la revalorización, mantenimiento y estandarización de dicha lengua que es una excelente contribución de la lingüística aplicada.
Un evento festivo e scientifico con il patrocinio del Comune di Genova Ponente insieme alla gente di Chio ! Due belle passeggiate con pranzo/cena fino alle prestazioni dei Ballestrieri del Mandraccio sarano conluse da un simposio con... more
Un evento festivo e scientifico con il patrocinio del Comune di Genova Ponente insieme alla gente di Chio !
Due belle passeggiate con pranzo/cena fino alle prestazioni dei Ballestrieri del Mandraccio sarano conluse da un simposio con personnalità in cui sarano valorizzate le presenze dei:
- fondatori del gemellagio Genova-Chio
- Genovesi dell'Oltremare
- Giustiniani a Chio
- Giustiniani a Genova ed a Voltri
Language testing is undergoing a paradigm shift. The prevalent psychometric models of language testing have been frequently reviewed and criticized for their limitations in providing enough information about the individuals " abilities.... more
Language testing is undergoing a paradigm shift. The prevalent psychometric models of language testing have been frequently reviewed and criticized for their limitations in providing enough information about the individuals " abilities. Progressive approaches, such as constructivism, which emphasize on the authentic assessment procedures; sociocultural approaches, which focus on the concepts like mediation and the zone of proximal development; and arguments for considering social dimensions, as well as fairness in language testing and assessments, have all paved the path for a promising paradigm shift. In order to focus on both the process and the product in language testing and assessment, some alternative assessment approaches have been suggested. Meanwhile, dynamic assessment (DA), an interactive testing-teaching model of psychological and psycho-educational assessment (Haywood & Lidz, 2007), has been rapidly evolving as an approach of interest as its theoretical foundations are promising for individual development through embedding instruction in the assessment procedures. The aim of this paper is to examine the available literature in order to understand why a shift in assessment procedures toward DA might be reasonable.
In Kurdistan of Iraq, the phenomena of code-switching (henceforth CS), the use of two more than two languages with the same conversation, happens most often between the two languages Arabic and Kurdish in the region of Kurdish inhabitant... more
In Kurdistan of Iraq, the phenomena of code-switching (henceforth CS), the use of two more than two languages with the same conversation, happens most often between the two languages Arabic and Kurdish in the region of Kurdish inhabitant area. The present paper provides a sociolinguistics analysis of the CS phenomenon between Arabic and Kurdish in the northern city of Iraq Duhok as it is employed by Kurds speakers from a functional perspective. Data of the present study were gathered by using audiorecording of participant`s conversation. The conversations of fifty-six bilinguals native speakers of the Kurdish language have been recorded and used for analyzing their speech for the purposes of this study. Realizing the implications of this study for future research and recognizing the effect of these results, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of the phenomenon of CS in general. Furthermore, this study provides a closer look at the functions of conversational CS that occurred...
زبان شناسان، برای در خطر بودن یک زبان، علائم و نشانه هائی را ذکر کرده اند که مهمترین آنها عبارتند از: 1- وقتی در یک جامعه زبانی، والدین از آموزش زبان مادری خود به فرزندان دست بردارند و به جای آن، زبان دیگری را به آنها آموزش دهند. 2- وقتی... more
زبان شناسان، برای در خطر بودن یک زبان، علائم و نشانه هائی را ذکر کرده اند که مهمترین آنها عبارتند از: 1- وقتی در یک جامعه زبانی، والدین از آموزش زبان مادری خود به فرزندان دست بردارند و به جای آن، زبان دیگری را به آنها آموزش دهند. 2- وقتی در یک جامعه زبانی، حوزه کاربرد یک زبان محدود شود و به جای استفاده از آن زبان در حوزه های مختلف مثل: مدرسه و دانشگاه، ادارات و محل کار، کوچه و بازار، مسائل مذهبی، سرگرمی ها و هنر، تنها در یک یا دو حوزه خصوصی و محدود مثل خانه و خانواده بکار رود. 3- وقتی که زبانی در اثر نفوذ زبان معتبر دیگری از نظر ساختاری به صورت گسترده دچار تغییر گردد. 4- وقتی در یک جامعه زبانی، سخنگویان آن در مورد ارزش و اعتبار زبان مادری خود نگرش مثبت نداشته باشند. در قسمت اوّل این کتابچه، به این سؤال پاسخ دادیم که: با توجه به این نشانه ها، آیا واقعاً زبان مازندرانی در خطر است؟
In Kurdistan of Iraq, the phenomena of code-switching (henceforth CS), the use of two more than two languages with the same conversation, happens most often between the two languages Arabic and Kurdish in the region of Kurdish inhabitant... more
In Kurdistan of Iraq, the phenomena of code-switching (henceforth CS), the use of two more than two languages with the same conversation, happens most often between the two languages Arabic and Kurdish in the region of Kurdish inhabitant area. The present paper provides a sociolinguistics analysis of the CS phenomenon between Arabic and Kurdish in the northern city of Iraq Duhok as it is employed by Kurds speakers from a functional perspective. Data of the present study were gathered by using audiorecording of participant`s conversation. The conversations of fifty-six bilinguals native speakers of the Kurdish language have been recorded and used for analyzing their speech for the purposes of this study. Realizing the implications of this study for future research and recognizing the effect of these results, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of the phenomenon of CS in general. Furthermore, this study provides a closer look at the functions of conversational CS that occurred between Arabic and Kurdish among Kurds bilingual speakers in specific.