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Din cauza inexistenței unor materiale cartografice ale Județului Muscel din perioada interbelică, am realizat această hartă în concordanță cu realitățile teritoriale de la acea vreme. Granițele județului, ale plășilor, drumurile... more
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      HistoryHistorical GeographyPlace Names (Cultural Geography)Toponimy
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      Alpine historyToponimyValsesia
В топонимии Воронежского края отразились основные этапы истории заселения и хозяйственного освоения региона. В статье рассматриваются разряды соответствующих топонимов.
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsрусский языклексикология
El estudio histórico de la toponimia de una zona consiste esencialmente en determinar la etimología de cada topónimo, es decir, señalar la raíz —o étimo— del que procede, junto con el significado original de dicha raíz, y aclarar las... more
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      ToponomasticsSpanish LinguisticsLinguisticsToponymy
Late roman road stations named praetoria and palatia survived in medieval and modern toponimy.
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      ToponomasticaItinerariaToponimyTransport Infrastructure
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      Roman HistoryHistoriographyRoman PotteryRoman Epigraphy
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaEuskeraTartessosPhoenician and Punic Studies
Resumen El artículo presenta un estudio toponímico, donde además de recopilar topónimos, traducirlos y localizarlos en un mapa, se analizan las explicaciones sobre los orígenes de cada uno y se compara el repertorio obtenido con otros de... more
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Rezumat Surprinzător sau nu, toponimia este un subiect central într-un proiect de tip landscape archaeology. Situaţia se datorează unor caracteristici ale acestei graniţe romane care, deocamdată, nu au putut fi explicate mulţumitor pe... more
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      Roman Frontiers (Archaeology)Toponimy
О переселении из Харьковской губернии в Саратовскую губернии и основании там населенных пунктов
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Gli agiotoponimi friulani San(t) Andrat e San Tomat e i veneti Santandrà, Sandrà, San Tomà conservano traccia della flessione nominale latina in -ās/āti- che integrava nel sistema tardo-latino elementi allotri, in particolare gli... more
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      Historical MorphologyRomance philologyOnomasticsToponomastics
With the help of morphologies connected to fossil beds of the Sesia river, of etymologies of toponyms and archival documents related to the Abbey of S. Stefano dellaCittadella, it is shown that a large part of the territory of Prarolo has... more
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      Local HistoryLand ReclamationToponimySesia river
GÉNÉALOGIES AUX DÉBUTS Établir les débuts généalogiques des familles nobles de Moldavie s’avère presque toujours une mission difficile et compliquée, à cause de certaines réalités spécifiques à l’histoire médiévale des Roumains. L’absence... more
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      Genealogy-Family HistoryToponimyRomanian Boyars
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    • Toponimy
ROMERO DORADO, Antonio: "El nombre de Rota: reflexiones personales", El Rincón malillo, nº 5, 2015, pp. 14-19.
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Në veprën e tij “Fonologjia historike e gjuhës shqipe” (Tiranë 1996) prof. Shaban Demiraj i kushton një kapitull të veçantë rotacizmit në gjuhën shqipe duke shtjelluar disa çështje themelore, si p. sh. periudhën kur është shfaqur ai dhe... more
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      Romanian LanguageAlbanian languageAlbanologyLinguistics, Albanology
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      Historical GeographyIndonesiaIdentity and heritage of Historical CitiesDutch overseas history
M. Stachowski and R. Woodhouse: The discussion of the origin of the Turkish city name İstanbul that began well over a century ago has divided scholars into two groups: those who accept the Greek phrase εἰς τὴν πόλιν (or similar) as the... more
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      Modern LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsLexicology
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
"This special issue of "Patrimonio Histórico" (Historical Heritage), the bulletin of the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute, brings together a series of contributions aimed at disseminating the concept of megalithic heritage among... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology of Religion
I) The sign NIM, used with a topographic value, is first attested without any doubt through Eanatum inscriptions (KUR NIMki), who ruled Lagaš around the third quarter of the 3rd millennium BC. It is proposed to consider as unsuitable... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsNear Eastern StudiesIranian Archaeology
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      SemioticsLanguagesHistoryPolitical Sociology
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      Anatolian HistoryTurkish HistoryToponymyTurks
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      HistoryContact LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsGalician Studies
The paper is an attempt to decipher the name of the brother of Mieszko I and place name where battle with german duke Hodon took place in 972, mentioned in Thietmar of Merseburg’s chronicle. They are only known from a single MLat.... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriography
Errori, strafalcioni, sfondoni, spropositi, granchi, cantonate, sfarfalloni, castronerie, papere e simili su Toro e sulla toponomastica torese. Oltre a Giambattista Masciotta, ne sono autori storici o dilettanti come Luigi Alberto Trotta,... more
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      ToponomasticsBulgarian LanguageToponomasticaToponimia
The article deals with the representations of „Muscovy“ and „Alba Russia“ on the 16th century maps and developments of these Renaissance choronyms in the 17 - 18th centuries, and „Muscovite“ toponymy on the lands of the Grand Duchy of... more
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      History of CartographyRenaissance CartographyHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthearly modern Russia (Muscovy)
The toponymy of Țara Hațegului. An historical-geographical approach. The study aims to analyse the toponymy of Țara Hațegului using the historical-geographical point of view. After considering the works elaborated by linguists, historians... more
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      Historical GeographyMedieval HistoryToponimy
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      HistoryCultural HistoryFolkloreCultural Heritage
Tokom aprila 2019. godine izvršeno je rekognosciranje dela juhorskog kraja, na prostoruod planine Juhor na istoku do Županjevačke reke na zapadu,u okviru kog je ekipa obišla lokalitete: Momčilov grad u Potočcu, Gradište u Pajkovcu,... more
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Los topónimos compuestos con núcleo verbal presentan rasgos propios debido a su extremada economía alusiva. Vienen a configurar un abreviadísimo relato, bien sea como constatación descriptiva o como advertencia. Intensamente dependientes... more
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Spending four months in the Parish of Killoran, Sligo County, close to the village of Coolaney, I’ve discovered a complex microcosm where the landscape is not only the background but also the main character of History, together with the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnographyStorytellingCultural Anthropology
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      Roman VillaeArchaeology of Roman HispaniaToponymyLate roman villas
In this study we will mostly focus on the coastal defence developed from Sintra during the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula, certainly intensified after the Viking attack of 844. However, special attention will be given to the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMaritime HistoryPortuguese Medieval History
CERCEMAGGIORE (CB), RE BOVE E ALTRE SCOPERTE... Sintesi di un lungo studio interamente dedicato al complesso di S. Maria a monte (o del monte) di Cercemaggiore (CB), con molto materiale storico, archivistico ed epigrafico prima... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchaeology of Southern ItalyConfraternities and Luoghi PiiArcheologia medievale
Resumen: La comparación de la toponimia tradicional recogida en el mapa Puertomingalvo-La Peñagolosa Aragonesa con la rotulación de los mapas correspondientes del IGN ha permitido identificar 'malas prácticas' onomásticas en parte de los... more
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      Catalan LanguageToponomasticsCartografía HistóricaValencian language
The Phoenician name of Cyprus was not known with certainty until now. From the beginning of the Iron Age to the Hellenistic period the island was divided into independent kingdoms, each kingdom named after its capital. For this reason,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical GeographyGreek History
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsPlace-NamesPlace Names (Cultural Geography)
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Expressing the types and appearances of physical geography’s natural elements geographical terms are key indicators in determining the meanings of toponymy (especially their type and appearance properties). Compilation of this kind of... more
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Toponimi atau nama-nama geografis atau di Indonesia dikenal pula dengan nama-nama rupabumi merupakan salah satu unsur dalam peta dasar sesuai yang tertuang dalam Pasal 12 huruf d Undang-undang No.4 Tahun 2011 mengenai Informasi Geospasial... more
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      GeographyBigBasis Data SpasialToponimia
The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of hydronyms of the Don region. The origin of the names of large rivers (more than 100 km long) of the Lipetsk, Tambov, Belgorod and Voronezh regions is considered. The names of the rivers... more
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Etimología del topónimu delas Batuecas; Etimologia do topónimo das Batocas; Etimología del topónimo de Las Batuecas; Etimology of Las Batuecas.
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      EtimologyExtremaduraPrerroman SpainToponimia
Very few people know that a possibility of reconstructing protolanguages or protoforms was probably first suggested as early as in the 16th century by Miechowita while discussing the origin of the name of Hungarians and that of Yugra.... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesHistoryHistorical Geography
Bu kitapta, ülke olarak beş yüz yılı aşkın süredir kültürel, siyasî ve iktisadî temas-larda bulunduğumuz Rusya'nın etnik yapısı göz önünde tutularak Rus kişi ve yer adla-rının tarihî ve millî-kültürel unsurları dilbilimsel açıdan... more
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      Russian StudiesToponimyYer Adlarıтопонимика
We do not have much information about Idil Bulgarians that we have seen in the Middle Taurus Mountains since the beginning of the Tenth century. The answer to the questions of which tribes came to this region (to the Taurus Mountains) and... more
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      OnomasticsEtnografíaHistorical toponomyToponimy
U ovome se radu obrađuje 935 toponima na području Trebinjske šume i Površi, područja jugozapadno od Trebinja. Bogatu je toponomastičku građu toga područja prikupio i 1903. objavio srpski etnolog Obren Đurić-Kozić, no tek se ovim radom ona... more
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      History of Bosnia and HerzegovinaToponimy
Dobrogean toponymy carries the traces of the history of this teritory. Thus, we find doublets of village names, we have the old name, usually of Turkish-Tatar origin, from the Ottoman Empire period, and besides this one, we also find the... more
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